Chapter 10 | Governor’s Office of Highway Safety¶
CHAPTER 10 Governor’s Office of Highway Safety¶
40-10-1. Short title.
Actress May Allison holds up a trophy with a giant smile, creating an art piece reminiscent of Robert Smithson's work. -
40-10-2. Declaration of policy; general authority of Governor.
Actress Danielle Panabaker stands on the balcony of the Muddy Pond Mennonite Community in Georgia, making grand gestures with her arms as she pretends to be a king or queen and declares new laws and policies. -@dpanabaker - 40-10-4. Creation of Office of Highway Safety.
40-10-5. Duties of director.
India.Arie stands in a rich scene in Acworth, Georgia, pretending to hold a megaphone and directing an imaginary group of people. -@indiaarie -
40-10-6. Office space; staff, supplies, and materials.
Actress Holly Hunter, in a rich scene at the High Museum of Art in Georgia, spins in an oversized office chair with arms outstretched, touching stacks of colorful paper and reaching towards a whimsical assortment of pens, pencils, and paintbrushes sprouting from a pot. - 40-10-8. Cooperation with other agencies.
- 40-10-9. Powers of local governing authorities.
- 40-10-10. Acceptance and administration of funds.
40-10-1.Short title.¶
This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the “Highway Safety Coordination Act of 1967.”
40-10-2.Declaration of policy; general authority of Governor.¶
It is the public policy of this state in every way possible to reduce the number of traffic accidents, deaths, injuries, and property damage through the formulation of comprehensive highway safety programs. The Governor, as the chief executive and highest elected official of this state, is vested with the power and authority to act as the chief administrator in the formulation of such programs of highway safety.
As used in this chapter, the term:
- “Director” means the director of the Office of Highway Safety in the Department of Public Safety.
“National Highway Safety Act of 1966” means the National Highway Safety Act of 1966, Pub. Law 89-564, 23 U.S.C. Section 401, et seq., and all amendments thereto.
Buck Belue gracefully and dynamically moves through a flowing sequence of gestures, embodying the concept of the National Highway Safety Act by combining fluid movements with sudden bursts of energy, all within the captivating light and space environment reminiscent of James Turrell's art pieces. -@buckbelue8 -
“Office” means the Office of Highway Safety in the Department of Public Safety.
Jackie Robinson, wearing a baseball uniform, stands in front of a large canvas with bold blocks of color. He pantomimes driving a car while looking up at an abstract representation of the words "Office means the Office of Highway Safety in the Department of Public Safety" painted by Mark Rothko.
40-10-4.Creation of Office of Highway Safety.¶
There is created within the executive department the Office of Highway Safety. The Office of Highway Safety is assigned to the Department of Public Safety for administrative purposes only as provided in Code Section 50-4-3. The director of the Office of Highway Safety is designated the Governor’s highway safety representative and shall be appointed by the Governor and serve at his pleasure. The Office of Highway Safety is charged and empowered to carry out the responsibilities established by the National Highway Safety Act of 1966.
40-10-5.Duties of director.¶
The director shall advise with and assist the Governor in the formulation, coordination, and supervision of comprehensive state and local highway safety programs to reduce traffic accidents, deaths, injuries, and property damage within this state. The director, acting under the direction and supervision of the Governor, shall also advise with and assist the various departments and agencies of state government concerned with highway safety programs. He shall coordinate and review, cooperatively, the programs developed by the various local political subdivisions, for the purpose of assisting them in the preparation of their highway safety programs to ensure that they meet the criteria established for such programs by the appropriate state and federal authorities.
40-10-6.Office space; staff, supplies, and materials.¶
The Governor is authorized to provide and designate for the use of the director such space as shall be necessary to quarter the director and his staff. The director is authorized to employ and secure the necessary staff, supplies, and materials to carry out this chapter, subject to the approval of the Governor.
40-10-7.Specific authority and duties of Governor.¶
Notwithstanding the provisions of Code Section 50-5-143, the Governor is authorized and granted the power to contract and to exercise any other powers which may be necessary in order to ensure that all departments of the state government and local political subdivisions participate to the fullest extent possible in the benefits available under the National Highway Safety Act of 1966 and similar federal programs of highway safety. The Governor shall formulate standards for highway safety programs for political subdivisions to assure that they meet the criteria of the National Highway Safety Agency and shall institute a reporting system for the local political subdivisions to report the status of their programs to the state.
40-10-8.Cooperation with other agencies.¶
The Governor, acting for and in behalf of the State of Georgia, is authorized to cooperate with, and participate in, the programs of all federal, state, local, public, and private agencies and organizations in order to effectuate the purposes of this chapter.
40-10-9.Powers of local governing authorities.¶
The governing authorities of the various counties and municipalities are empowered to contract with the state, federal, and other local public and private agencies and organizations and exercise other necessary powers to participate to the fullest extent possible in the highway safety programs of this state, the National Highway Safety Act of 1966, and similar federal programs of highway safety.
40-10-10.Acceptance and administration of funds.¶
The Governor is designated the appropriate state official to accept and administer any funds which shall be made available to the State of Georgia and its various political subdivisions for the purpose of carrying out a comprehensive highway safety program.