Chapter 5 | Drivers’ Licenses¶
CHAPTER 5 Drivers’ Licenses {#t40c05}
Article 1 General Provisions
Ty Cobb standing in a field, holding a giant quill pen and writing the words "Article General Provisions" on a floating canvas while wearing a bowler hat and an apple covers his face. -
Article 2 Issuance, Expiration, and Renewal of Licenses
In the style of Georges Braque, Offset is depicted as a fragmented figure, positioned in front of a vintage film projector. His movements are disjointed and angular as he extends his arms to symbolize the issuance, expiration, and renewal of licenses through an abstract and dynamic dance-like performance. The rich scene is embellished with vibrant colors and bold geometric shapes that evoke a sense of whimsy and curiosity within the eccentric video rental store setting. -@OffsetYRN -
Article 3 Cancellation, Suspension, and Revocation of Licenses
WestPoint Stevens, depicted in Renoir's impressionist style, theatrically pulls down an invisible lever against a backdrop of Sugar Hill's lush landscape, symbolizing the revocation of licenses, with bystanders expressing shock and awe. - Article 4 Restoration of Licenses to Persons Completing Defensive Driving Course or Alcohol or Drug Program
Article 5 Identification Cards for Persons Without Drivers’ Licenses
Sunny Suljic swirls and dances, using his hands to create a vibrant and abstract representation of Article Identification Cards for Persons Without Drivers’ Licenses in the style of Jean-Michel Basquiat, set against the backdrop of Lawrenceville, Georgia. -@sunnysuljic -
Article 6 Miscellaneous Offenses and Jurisdiction of Offenses
Article 7 Commercial Drivers’ Licenses
Joe South gracefully poses with a canvas, brush in hand, recreating the scene of a commercial driver obtaining their license, capturing the essence of Paul Cézanne's style. -
Article 8 Identification Cards for Persons with Disabilities
Joshua Thomas miming holding up a colorful identification card with exaggerated, theatrical gestures and facial expressions in the style of Andy Warhol's pop art, set against a vibrant backdrop of Chamblee.
Article 1 General Provisions¶
40-5-1. Definitions.
Rapper, songwriter, record producer, and actor Antwan "Big Boi" Patton opens an imaginary large book at MLK's Home in Georgia, points to a word, scratches his head in confusion, then has a lightbulb moment and excitedly jumps up with a finger raised as if he's just understood the definition. -@BigBoi -
40-5-2. Keeping of records of applications for licenses and information on licensees; furnishing of information.
Football player, Pat Swilling is seen standing in Piedmont Park in Georgia, handing out colorful geometric blocks to a line of diverse characters while looking over a giant book with blank pages and abstract shapes through an oversized magnifying glass. -
40-5-3. Department employees to be appointed as notaries public.
Ossie Davis could enact the scene of stamping a large document with an oversized rubber stamp, all while wearing a comically exaggerated notary public hat in the rich setting of the East Ardley Road neighborhood in Atlanta, Georgia. -
40-5-4. Authority of commissioner to promulgate rules and regulations.
40-5-4.1. Authorized delay in compliance with federal Real ID Act.
Lil Yachty, in a lavish scene in Waycross, Georgia, playfully pretending to be a traffic cop, brandishing a massive stop sign amidst official documents with a mischievous grin. -@lilyachty -
40-5-5. Reciprocal agreements with other states, districts, territories, and foreign countries for the operation of motor vehicles and required testing; “limited term” notation.
Singer Millie Jackson exchanges toy cars with different flags on them, while holding hands and a timer runs in the rich scene of Roswell, Georgia. -
40-5-6. Forms for making of anatomical gifts upon issuance or renewal of driver’s license or personal identification card.
Baseball player Lorenzo Cain elegantly fills out a form while holding a driver's license in the picturesque setting of Fairburn, Georgia. -@lorenzocain06 -
40-5-7. [Reserved] Blue Ribbon Young Driver and DUI Study Commission; creation; membership; purpose; meetings; compensation; reports to Governor and General Assembly; termination.
NASCAR driver Jody Ridley, as envisioned by artist Ian McArthur, pretends to drive a car while adorned with a blue ribbon and holding up a "commission" sign, then proceeds to engage in an imaginary meeting with members and presents colorful reports to an imaginary governor and assembly. - 40-5-9. Pauper’s affidavit for a partial waiver of driver’s license reinstatement and restoration fees.
- 40-5-10. Driver education training courses.
Trevor Lawrence skillfully maneuvers an imaginary steering wheel, expertly navigating through the scenic streets of Gainesville, Georgia. -@Trevorlawrencee
As used in this chapter, the term:
- “Assessment component” means the standard screening instrument or instruments designated by the Department of Driver Services which are used to screen for the extent of an individual’s alcohol or drug use and its impact on driving.
Sam Sloman stands in a graceful, stoic pose with arms crossed and head slightly tilted, embodying the concept of "reserved." This is captured in the style of Shimon Okshteyn's art piece, set against a richly detailed backdrop evoking a permanently closed antique theater. -@samsloman_98 -
“Cancellation of driver’s license” means the annulment or termination by formal action of the department of a person’s license because of some error or defect in the license or because the licensee is no longer entitled to such license. The cancellation of a license is without prejudice, and application for a new license may be made at any time after such cancellation.
(3.1)“Clinical evaluation” means an evaluation under Chapter 7 of Title 37 at a facility to diagnose an individual’s substance abuse or dependence and, if indicated, to refer the individual to appropriate treatment.
“Code Section 40-6-391” means Code Section 40-6-391 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, as now or hereafter amended, any federal law or regulation substantially conforming to or parallel with the offense covered under Code Section 40-6-391, any local ordinance adopted pursuant to Article 14 of Chapter 6 of this title, which ordinance adopts the provisions of Code Section 40-6-391, or any previously existing or existing law of this or any other state, which law was or is substantially conforming to or parallel with Code Section 40-6-391.
- “Commissioner” means the commissioner of driver services.
“Conviction” means a forfeiture of bail or collateral deposited to secure a defendant’s appearance in court, the payment of a fine, a plea of guilty, or a finding of guilt on a traffic violation charge, regardless of whether the sentence is suspended, probated, or rebated.
Chone Figgins dramatically drops a stack of money, while gesturing towards a courtroom setting with an expression of resignation and disappointment, all captured in the vibrant, abstract style of Gerhard Richter's art. -
“Department” means the Department of Driver Services.
Jermaine Dupri dramatically points to a large, monochromatic canvas with the words "Department means the Department of Driver Services" written in bold, black letters, while surrounded by vintage cars and road signs arranged in a surreal and thought-provoking manner. -@jermainedupri -
“Disqualification of driver’s license” means a prohibition against driving a commercial motor vehicle.
Kevin Gillespie stands with his hands on his hips, shaking his head in disappointment as he gestures towards a large, red "X" superimposed over a commercial motor vehicle. He then dramatically crosses his arms and turns away from the vehicle in a theatrical manner, symbolizing the prohibition against driving. This scene is captured in black and white with dramatic lighting and composition, reminiscent of Vivian Maier's art style. -@topchefkevin (8.1)“Driver education training course” means any course approved by the department pursuant to Code Section 40-5-10.
(8.2)“Driver training school” means any person licensed by the department pursuant to Chapter 13 of Title 43.
“For hire” means to operate a motor vehicle in this state for the purpose of transporting passengers for compensation or donation as a limousine carrier, ride share network or driver, or taxi service as such terms are defined in Code Section 40-1-190.
James Webb III gracefully holding a steering wheel, surrounded by passengers in formal attire, with the city skyline visible through the window, all captured in a dramatic black and white photograph reminiscent of Berenice Abbott's iconic style. -@JW3_23 (9.1)“For-hire license endorsement” means an endorsement to a driver’s license pursuant to Code Section 40-5-39 that authorizes the holder of the license to operate a motor vehicle for the purpose of transporting passengers in this state for compensation or donation as a limousine carrier, ride share network or driver, or taxi service as such terms are defined in Code Section 40-1-190.
“Intervention component” means a program which delivers therapeutic education about alcohol and drug use and driving and peer group counseling concerning alcohol and drug use over a period of 20 hours utilizing a methodology and curriculum approved and certified by the Department of Driver Services for the DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Programs under subsection (e) of Code Section 40-5-83.
“Limousine carrier” means any limousine company or provider which is licensed with this state pursuant to paragraph (5) of Code Section 40-1-151.
Brianne Davis, in the style of Vincent Giarrano, gracefully extends her arms and gestures towards a grand limousine, symbolizing the licensed limousine company or provider within the state of Georgia. -@thebriannedavis -
“Mail” means to deposit in the United States mail properly addressed and with postage prepaid. For purposes of payment of a reinstatement or restoration fee for a driver’s license suspension or revocation, “mail” shall also mean payment via means other than personal appearance.
Martha Berry gracefully places a letter in a vintage mailbox, her movements fluid and deliberate, capturing the essence of Monet's style amidst the vibrant colors of Rock City's gardens. -
“Owner” means a person other than a lienholder or security interest holder having the property in or title to a vehicle. The term includes a person entitled to the use and possession of a vehicle subject to a lien or security interest in another person, but excludes a lessee under a lease not intended as security.
(13.5)“Personal information” means any information that identifies a person, including but not limited to an individual’s fingerprint, photograph, or computerized image, social security number, driver identification number, name, address (other than five-digit ZIP Code), telephone number, and medical or disability information.
“Present and future minimum motor vehicle insurance coverage” means minimum coverage as specified in Chapter 34 of Title 33, which coverage cannot be canceled except for a subsequent conviction of an offense enumerated in Code Section 40-5-54 and after giving the commissioner 20 days’ written notice prior to the effective date of the cancellation.
“Resident” means a person who has a permanent home or abode in Georgia to which, whenever such person is absent, he or she has the intention of returning. For the purposes of this chapter, there is a rebuttable presumption that the following person is a resident:
Skye Bolt creates a colorful mosaic map of Georgia on the ground using an array of materials, stepping stones mark his journey away from Georgia and back to Atlanta's Pittsburgh neighborhood, symbolizing the permanent home to which he always returns. - Any person who accepts employment or engages in any trade, profession, or occupation in Georgia or enters his or her children to be educated in the private or public schools of Georgia within ten days after the commencement of such employment or education; or
Any person who, except for infrequent, brief absences, has been present in the state for 30 or more days;
provided, however, that no person shall be considered a resident for purposes of this chapter unless such person is either a United States citizen or an alien with legal authorization from the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service.
Paul Rea, in the style of Frank Stella, dramatically poses and contorts his body to represent the legal authorization process, using bold and dynamic movements to convey the complexity and significance of immigration status. This art piece unfolds in a rich LaGrange setting as Paul Rea's physicality brings this sentence to life.
“Revocation of driver’s license” means the termination by formal action of the department of a person’s license or privilege to operate a motor vehicle on the public highways, which license shall not be subject to renewal or restoration, except that an application for a new license may be presented and acted upon by the department after the expiration of the applicable period of time prescribed in this chapter.
In the style of Thomas Watling, Jaime Cardriche could dramatically tear up a mock driver's license while standing in front of the Big Chicken in Marietta, Georgia. (16.01)“Ride share driver” means an individual who uses his or her personal passenger car, as defined in paragraph (41) of Code Section 40-1-1, to provide transportation for passengers arranged through a ride share network service.
(16.02)“Ride share network service” means any person or entity that uses a digital network or Internet network to connect passengers to ride share drivers for the purpose of prearranged transportation for hire or for donation. The term “ride share network service” shall not include any corporate sponsored vanpool or exempt rideshare as such terms are defined in Code Section 40-1-100, provided that such corporate sponsored vanpool or exempt rideshare is not operated for the purpose of generating a profit.
(16.1)“Singularly or in combination” means that the department, in determining whether or not a person’s license or privilege to operate a motor vehicle on the public highways is to be revoked as a habitual violator, is to treat each charge for which a conviction was obtained as a separate transaction when determining whether or not a person has the requisite convictions which mandate such a revocation.
(16.2)“Substance abuse treatment program” means a program of treatment under Chapter 7 of Title 37 at a facility authorized to provide services designed to meet an individual’s substance abuse treatment needs based upon the results of a clinical evaluation performed by a provider other than the provider of the treatment program for such individual.
“Suspension of driver’s license” means the temporary withdrawal by formal action of the department of a person’s license or privilege to operate a motor vehicle on the public highways, which temporary withdrawal shall be for a period specifically designated by the department.
- “Taxi service” means any taxicab company or provider which utilizes a motor vehicle or similar vehicle, device, machine, or conveyance to transport passengers; uses a taximeter; and is registered with the Department of Public Safety and, if applicable, is authorized to provide taxicab services pursuant to an ordinance of a local government in this state.
In a richly detailed scene at the Museum of Appalachia, football player Allen Bailey dramatically portrays a taxicab driver operating a taximeter in the style of Rembrandt, with expressive gestures and intense focus. -@AllenBailey57
40-5-2.Keeping of records of applications for licenses and information on licensees; furnishing of information.¶
The department shall maintain records regarding the drivers’ licenses and permits issued by the department under this chapter. The drivers’ records maintained by the department shall include:
A record of every application for a license received by it and suitable indexes containing:
Professional football player Evan Engram joyfully and excitedly pretends to write in a big colorful book, creating a scene reminiscent of an art piece by George McNeil. -@eazyengram_88 - All applications granted; and
- The name of every licensee whose license has been canceled, suspended, or revoked by the department and after each such name shall note the reasons for such action;
Delino DeShields Jr. gracefully dancing and using expressive gestures to display the revocation of licenses in a vibrant, abstract art piece at Snellville. -@LinoDeShields
Drivers’ records received from other jurisdictions. Upon receipt of such driver’s record, it shall become a part of such driver’s record in this state and shall have the same force and effect as though entered on the driver’s record in this state in the original instance; and
- Records of all abstracts of court records of convictions of any offense listed in subsection (a) of Code Section 40-5-20, subsection (a) of Code Section 40-5-54, Code Section 40-6-10, driving on a suspended license in violation of Code Section 40-5-121, administrative license suspension pursuant to Code Sections 40-5-67 through 40-5-67.2, Code Section 40-5-75, Chapter 9 of this title, the “Motor Vehicle Safety Responsibility Act,” and Chapter 34 of Title 33, the “Georgia Motor Vehicle Accident Reparations Act,” any felony offense under this title, any offense committed while operating a commercial motor vehicle, serious traffic offenses, or other offenses requiring the assessment of points on the driving record that are received by it under the laws of this state and in connection therewith maintain convenient records or make suitable notations in order that an individual record of each licensee or individual showing the convictions of such licensee or individual and the traffic accidents in which such licensee or individual has been involved shall be readily ascertainable and available for the consideration of the department upon any application for, or application for renewal of, license and at other suitable times. For purposes of issuing a driver’s operating record to the public as provided in this Code section, the period of calculation for compilation of such report shall be determined by the date of arrest.
Kevin Minter acts out organizing colorful dots (representing individual records) on a large canvas, following the swirling patterns reminiscent of Kathleen Petyarre’s art, to symbolize compiling and maintaining driving records, against the backdrop of Suwanee's scenic Town Center Park. -@KMint_46
The records maintained by the department on individual drivers are exempt from any law of this state requiring that such records be open for public inspection; provided, however, that initial arrest reports, incident reports, and the records pertaining to investigations or prosecutions of criminal or unlawful activity shall be subject to disclosure pursuant to paragraph (4) of subsection (a) of Code Section 50-18-72 and related provisions. Georgia Uniform Motor Vehicle Accident Reports shall be subject to disclosure pursuant to paragraph (5) of subsection (a) of Code Section 50-18-72. The department shall not make records or personal information available on any driver except as otherwise provided in this Code section or as otherwise specifically required by 18 U.S.C. Section 2721.
The driver’s record provided by the department shall include an enumeration of any accidents in which the individual was convicted of a moving traffic violation, such moving traffic violation convictions, and information pertaining to financial responsibility. The department shall furnish a driver’s operating record or personal information from a driver’s record under the following circumstances: 1. With the written instructions and consent of the driver upon whom the operating record has been made and compiled; such instructions and consent shall be signed by the driver but shall not be required to be notarized;
Outkast, dressed in vintage attire, gracefully signs a large scroll with a quill pen, as the driver stands beside them with a smile. The scene is captured in a dramatic lighting that highlights their signatures and portrays it as an art piece within the Madam C.J. Walker Museum & WERD Radio building. -@Outkast -
Pursuant to a written request or a request made in accordance with a contract with the Georgia Technology Authority for immediate online electronic furnishing of information, for use by any insurer or insurance support organization, or by a self-insured entity, or its agents, employees, or contractors, in connection with claims investigation activities, antifraud activities, rating, or underwriting involving the driver; provided, however, that notwithstanding the definition of personal information under Code Section 40-5-1, personal information furnished under this division shall be limited to name, address, driver identification number, and medical or disability information. The person who makes a request for a driver’s operating record shall identify himself or herself and shall have certified or affirmed that the information contained in the record will be used only for the purpose specified in the request. Further, the person making the request shall certify or affirm that he or she has on file an application for insurance or for the renewal or amendment thereof involving the driver or drivers; or
Chloe Bailey, embodying the spirit of Matisse, gracefully moves her arms and body in a dance-like motion, using vibrant colors and flowing movements to physically interpret the complex legal language as if creating an abstract art piece. -@ChloeBailey -
For the purpose of ascertaining necessary rating information by an insurance agent pursuant to an insurer’s contract with the Georgia Technology Authority for the immediate online electronic furnishing of limited rating information to such insurer’s agents. Limited rating information furnished under this division shall include only the number of violations of Code Section 40-6-391, relating to driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other intoxicating substances, and the number and type of other moving traffic violations which were committed by the proposed insured driver or drivers within the immediately preceding three or five years, which period shall be specified by the person making the request. The provisions of division (i) of this subparagraph notwithstanding, no other information concerning a driver’s operating record shall be released to such agents for purposes of rating;
Lil Baby, dressed in vintage clothing, sits at a rustic wooden desk under the shade of a large oak tree. With dramatic hand gestures and expressive facial expressions, he mimes typing on an old-fashioned typewriter while surrounded by antique insurance documents and technology artifacts. -@lilbaby4PF
In accordance with Article 7 of this chapter, the “Georgia Uniform Commercial Driver’s License Act”;
Carlos Valdes stands in a vintage street scene of Powder Springs, gracefully gesturing with his hand as if holding an invisible steering wheel, while singing passionately and striking a dramatic pose reminiscent of Vivian Maier's photography. -@Tha_Los -
To a judge, prosecuting official, or law enforcement agency for use in investigations or prosecutions of alleged criminal or unlawful activity, or to the driver’s licensing agency of another state;
Erskine Mayer stands before a judge, pointing dramatically towards the driver's licensing agency of another state while miming handing over evidence, all set against a vibrant backdrop of Fairburn's lush greenery and historic architecture. -
Pursuant to a request from a public or private school system concerning any person currently employed or an applicant for employment as a school bus driver who agrees in writing to allow the department to release the information;
Todd Kimsey, dressed as a vintage school bus driver complete with cap and uniform, theatrically mimes the act of handing over a sealed envelope (suggesting confidential information) to a character representing the department. He then performs an exaggerated nod and handshake to signify agreement and consent. The backdrop is an eclectic array of antique trinkets and exotic artifacts from The Paris Market in Savannah, Georgia. His gestures are large and deliberate, evoking the intricate and colorful style of Helen Britton's jewelry art pieces, using props such as oversized keys or abstract metal sculptures to symbolize access to information and responsibility. -
With the written release of the driver, to a rental car company for use in the normal course of its business; provided, however, that notwithstanding the definition of personal information under Code Section 40-5-1, personal information furnished under this subparagraph shall be limited to name, address, driver identification number, and medical or disability information. Such access shall be provided and funded through the GeorgiaNet Division of the Georgia Technology Authority, and the department shall bear no costs associated with such access; and
Judge James Moore Wayne, dressed in period-appropriate attire, stands solemnly by a rustic log cabin at the Abraham Lincoln Birthplace. He holds an oversized golden key and theatrically hands it to a person costumed as a vintage car rental agent. The agent accepts the key with one hand while holding up four symbolic items: a house-shaped cutout (address), a small steering wheel (driver identification number), and two abstract shapes representing medical or disability information—all without any words or letters. Nearby, an actor portraying Abraham Lincoln observes with an approving nod, highlighting the educational and historical significance of responsible data sharing within the context of Georgia's laws and technological advancements. -
For use in the normal course of business by a legitimate business or its agents, employees, or contractors, but only:
Josh Holloway, representing a legitimate business, gracefully presents a contract to his agents and employees in Forest Park, with each person taking turns ceremoniously signing the document as if it were an art piece by Henri Rousseau. -@JoshHolloway - To verify the accuracy of personal information submitted by the individual to the business or its agents, employees, or contractors; and
If such information as so submitted is not correct or is no longer correct, to obtain the correct information, but only for the purposes of preventing fraud by, pursuing legal remedies against, or recovering on a debt or security interest against, the individual;
Kelly Rowland gracefully gestures towards a fading, sunlit landscape while holding a legal document, embodying the complexities of information accuracy and fraud prevention within the timeless brushstrokes of Paul Cézanne. -@KELLYROWLAND provided, however, that notwithstanding the definition of personal information under Code Section 40-5-1, personal information furnished under this subparagraph shall be limited to name, address, and driver identification number and shall not include photographs, fingerprints, computer images, or medical or disability information. The personal information obtained by a business under this subparagraph shall not be resold or redisclosed for any other purpose without the written consent of the individual. Furnishing of information to a business under this subparagraph shall be pursuant to a contract entered into by such business and the state which specifies, without limitation, the consideration to be paid by such business to the state for such information and the frequency of updates.
Nothing in this Code section shall preclude the department from confirming or verifying the status of a driver’s license or permit.
Marshon Brooks gracefully extends his arm to mimic the act of confirming a driver's license status, as he balances on the Toccoa River Swinging Bridge in Suches, Georgia. -@Marshon2
(B.1)The department shall implement a pilot program for 12 months to determine the revenue feasibility of supplying limited rating information to agents, insurers, and insurance support organizations. The department shall report the results of such pilot program to the Office of Planning and Budget. Unless the Office of Planning and Budget determines that the pilot program is not successful, the department shall continue the program on a year-to-year basis and furnish limited rating information to insurance support organizations for the same purposes as provided in division (ii) of subparagraph (B) of this paragraph, pursuant to a contract with the Georgia Technology Authority, provided that all other necessary requirements of this subsection have been met;
The commissioner shall designate members of the department to be the official custodians of the records of the department. No disclosure or release of operating records or personal information shall be made without the signed written approval of a designated custodian; except that such approval shall not be required for any release or disclosure through the GeorgiaNet Division of the Georgia Technology Authority pursuant to the signed written consent of the driver, provided that any such signed written consent shall be retained for a period of not less than four years by the party requesting the information; and except that such approval shall not be required for any release or disclosure of information made electronically through the GeorgiaNet Division of the Georgia Technology Authority in accordance with a contract authorized by subparagraph (c)(1)(B) or as provided in subsection (f) of this Code section. The custodians may certify copies or compilations, including extracts thereof, of the records of the department.
Morgan Brian, dressed in period attire befitting a Renoir painting, is depicted sitting at a desk with an elegant quill in hand, poised to sign a large parchment scroll; around her are other officials in similarly styled costumes, each holding their own scrolls and looking on attentively. In the lush background of Snellville's greenery, citizens watch from afar, symbolizing transparency and community involvement. Renoir's impressionist style would capture the light filtering through trees onto this historic scene of civic duty and responsibility. -@moeebrian -
In response to a subpoena or upon the request of any judicial official, the department shall provide a duly authenticated copy of any record or other document. This authenticated copy may consist of a photocopy or computer printout of the requested document certified by the commissioner or the commissioner’s duly authorized representative.
A person, resembling Zac Brown Band, dramatically hands over a large photocopy to a judicial official while striking an intense and captivating pose in the style of Diane Arbus' art piece, set within the Krog Street Tunnel. -@zacbrownband
Upon written request, the department may provide copies of any record or personal information from any driver’s record for use by any appropriate governmental official, entity, or agency for the purposes of carrying out official governmental functions or legitimate governmental duties; provided, however, that notwithstanding the definition of personal information under Code Section 40-5-1, personal information furnished under this subsection shall be limited to name, address, driver identification number, and medical or disability information.
The department is specifically authorized to disseminate the following records and information:
To the United States Selective Service System and the Georgia Crime Information Center, compilations of the names, most current addresses, license or identification card numbers, and dates of birth of licensees or applicants for licenses or applicants for or holders of identification cards issued under this chapter, or, in the case of the United States Selective Service System, any other information from the license or identification card application as necessary for purposes of registration of persons therewith. Such information shall only be used in the fulfillment of the legitimate governmental duties of the United States Selective Service System and the Georgia Crime Information Center and shall not be further disseminated to any person. Information transmitted to the United States Selective Service System pursuant to this paragraph shall be provided in an electronic format;
Andre Fluellen, in a football stance, reaches out to grab a series of floating objects: a symbolic house for 'addresses,' a toy car for 'license numbers,' and balloons with numbers to represent 'dates of birth.' He then passes them through an oversized, ornate frame symbolizing the transmission to the Selective Service System and Georgia Crime Information Center. The backdrop is Abes on Lincoln, where each object is colorfully styled like folk art portraits of Abraham Lincoln—bright, engaging colors with exaggerated features—creating an educational tableau about data sharing within government entities. -@afluellen96 -
To the military branches of the United States Department of Defense, compilations of the names, dates of birth, sex, and most current addresses of licensees between the ages of 16 and 24 for the sole purpose of mailing recruiting and job opportunity information, provided that the department shall not be required to provide such a compilation more than once every two months;
- To the Department of Human Services, compilations of the names, dates of birth, and most current addresses of licensees or applicants for licenses. Any information provided pursuant to this subsection shall only be used by the Department of Human Services in connection with the recovery of delinquent child support payments under Article 1 of Chapter 11 of Title 19, known as the “Child Support Recovery Act”;
- To a local fire or law enforcement department, a copy of the abstract of the driving record of any applicant for employment or any current employee and to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation for the purpose of providing a local fire or law enforcement department with the abstract through the Criminal Justice Information System. It shall be unlawful for any person who receives an abstract of the driving record of an individual under this subsection to disclose any information pertaining to such abstract or to make any use thereof except in the performance of official duties with the local fire or law enforcement department;
The information required to be made available to organ procurement organizations pursuant to subsection (d) of Code Section 40-5-25 and subsection (e) of Code Section 40-5-100 and for the purposes set forth in such Code sections;
Walton Goggins, in the style of Tom Roberts, is portrayed in a vivid Tifton landscape, dressed as a turn-of-the-century doctor. He'd theatrically hold out his hand as if presenting vital information, gesturing grandly towards an open, antique book or scroll to symbolize the sharing of knowledge with organ procurement organizations. The scene would capture the educational essence while ensuring appropriateness and engagement for all ages. -@waltongoggins -
- The information required to be made available regarding voter registration pursuant to Code Sections 21-2-221 and 21-2-221.2 and for the purposes set forth in such Code sections; and
- Information sufficient for use in verifying a registered voter’s identity or the identity of an applicant for voter registration by the Secretary of State, the county election superintendent, or the county registrar, including name, address, date of birth, gender, driver identification number, photograph, and signature;
Baseball player Edwin Jackson stands on a stage, holding a large golden key. As he twists and turns the key in an imaginary lock, he mimics the actions of gathering information by pointing to different parts of his body – tapping his chest for name, pointing to his head for date of birth, gesturing at his face for photograph, and signing the air with a flourish for signature. All this takes place amidst a backdrop of swirling mist and intricate layers of transparent materials that evoke the ethereal style of Brooks Salzwedel's art pieces, set against the historic backdrop of Villa Rica. -@EJ36
The data required to be made available to The Council of Superior Court Clerks of Georgia and the Administrative Office of the Courts pursuant to Code Section 15-12-40.1. Such data shall be provided to The Council of Superior Court Clerks of Georgia and the Administrative Office of the Courts upon request in the electronic format required by the council for such purposes and without any charge for such data;
- To the Department of Revenue, information sufficient for use in the detection and prevention of fraudulent tax returns, including name, address, date of birth, gender, driver identification number, photograph, and signature. Such information may be provided in electronic format by means of bulk transfer. Any information provided pursuant to this paragraph shall only be used by the Department of Revenue in connection with the detection and prevention of fraudulent tax returns; and
- To the Department of Natural Resources, information sufficient for use in the detection and prevention of fraud in applications for licenses, permits, and registrations issued by it and to confirm residency of an applicant, including name, address, date of birth, gender, driver identification number or identification number, status of driver’s license, date of driver’s license issuance and driver’s license cancellation, type of driver’s license or identification card issued, and any other information required by the Department of Natural Resources to detect and prevent fraud in applications for licenses, permits, and registrations issued by it. Any information provided pursuant to this paragraph shall only be used by the Department of Natural Resources in connection with the detection and prevention of fraud in applications for licenses, permits, and registrations issued by it, to confirm residency of an applicant, and in fulfilment of its obligations under Article 1 of Chapter 11 of Title 19, known as the “Child Support Recovery Act.” Such information may be provided in electronic format by means of bulk transfer or by electronic connection.
Sean Jones, dressed in a vibrant football uniform, dramatically gestures and pantomimes the process of sifting through paperwork with exaggerated movements and facial expressions, embodying the meticulous search for information within a bustling Atlanta backdrop of skyscrapers and bustling streets.
The drivers’ records and personal information disseminated by the department pursuant to this Code section may be used only by the authorized recipient and only for the authorized purpose. It shall be unlawful to disclose, distribute, or sell such records or information to an unauthorized recipient or for an unauthorized purpose. It shall be a violation of this Code section to make a misrepresentation or false statement in order to obtain access to or information from the department’s records. Any person who knowingly and willfully violates the provisions of this Code section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished as provided in Code Section 17-10-4.
Ben Chestnut carefully gathers drivers' records and personal information, then presents them to an authorized recipient within the serene setting of Starlight Drive-In Theatre in Atlanta, Georgia. -@benchestnut -
The department shall maintain for four years a record of each release of a driver’s operating record or personal information, including the name and address of the requesting party, the date of the release, and the provision of law authorizing the release. Such record of releases shall be reported to the affected driver upon written application by the driver, except that the department shall not report any information about the existence of a release made in connection with a criminal investigation which is ongoing and which involves, though not necessarily focuses upon, such driver. Upon receipt of an application from a driver for such record of releases, the department shall have three business days to determine whether an ongoing criminal investigation is involved, and such determination shall be in the discretion of the commissioner. Where a release is not reported to a driver because the underlying release involved an ongoing criminal investigation, the records concerning the underlying release shall be maintained for four years after the criminal investigation is closed and such records shall during such period after closure of the investigation be subject to disclosure upon application by the driver.
Jimmy Garrison, portrayed in black and white as a meticulous archivist in a 1950s-style office set against the leafy backdrop of Dunwoody, Georgia, acts out sorting through large filing cabinets filled with records. He pulls out files thoughtfully, examines them with a magnifying glass for detail to ensure accuracy and completeness, then seals each record with a dated stamp. Occasionally he pensively looks up as if to ponder the privacy implications of his actions before carefully placing notices into envelopes addressed to drivers. In one corner of the scene sits Vivian Maier's figure subtly shaking her head when Jimmy handles a file related to an ongoing investigation, highlighting its confidentiality. -
The provisions of this Code section shall apply, where relevant, to the maintenance and disclosure of the department’s records regarding state identification cards issued under Article 5 of this chapter.
Ellia English gracefully opens a large, ornate book, then carefully arranges and displays various state identification cards on a vibrant, abstract backdrop at Atlantic Station. -
The commissioner is authorized to promulgate any rules, regulations, or policies as are necessary to carry out the provisions of this Code section, including the promulgation of regulations limiting the retention of conviction and withdrawal information on a driving record. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any regulation relating to the retention of conviction and withdrawal information on a driving record shall apply the same retention schedule to both commercial and noncommercial drivers. In accordance with paragraph (6) of subsection (a) of Code Section 50-25-4, reasonable fees shall be assessed for furnishing information from records or data bases pursuant to provisions of this Code section; provided, however, that the fee for furnishing an abstract of a driver’s record shall not exceed $10.00.
Hannah Salwen, dressed in the classic attire reminiscent of Vivian Maier's self-portraits, stands amidst the vibrant greenery of Sugar Creek Garden. She mimics holding a large camera and clicks an imaginary shutter button at various plants labeled with tags shaped like cars and driver's licenses. She then pretends to sort through these tags carefully, selecting some while placing others back, symbolizing the regulation of driving records retention. Nearby children watch her actions as she moves gracefully from one plant to another, occasionally pretending to stamp a tag with approval or removal – an educational mime on the importance of regulatory balance within drivers' information management. -
The department, pursuant to rules and regulations promulgated by the commissioner, may periodically review all records maintained pursuant to this Code section and shall correct those records which contain known improper, false, fraudulent, or invalid information.
Russell Branyan, in a Smyrna baseball field, meticulously organizes and examines large, antique ledger books on a vintage desk at home plate under the ethereal glow of dawn light, akin to Sally Mann's photography style—capturing his silhouette as he symbolically 'reviews records,' while an umpire acts as the commissioner overseeing the process. -
Not later than July 31, 2006, the department shall destroy all records of fingerprints obtained on and after April 15, 1996, and prior to July 1, 2006, from applicants for drivers’ licenses, identification cards, and identification cards for persons with disabilities issued by the department and shall compile and make available for public inspection a list of all persons or entities to whom the department provided such fingerprint records. Notwithstanding the provisions of this paragraph, fingerprint images electronically stored on existing drivers’ licenses will be destroyed upon application for a renewal of the driver’s license.
Danny R. McBride slowly and deliberately weaves his hands through the air, creating a mesmerizing dance-like movement that conveys the destruction of fingerprint records and the compilation of a public inspection list, all while evoking Laurie Anderson's avant-garde artistry in Columbus, Georgia. -@DannyMcBride_
In any case in which the release or transmittal of one or more driver’s records is authorized under this Code section or any other provision of law, the commissioner may determine the method of release or transmittal of the record or records, including without limitation release or transmittal by mail or by means of the Internet or other electronic means.
Eric A. Boe stands in a dimly lit room, holding an old-fashioned typewriter and meticulously typing out the entire legal sentence on a long scroll of paper while surrounded by vintage telephones and computer monitors, with the glow of their screens illuminating his focused expression. -@Astro_Boe
40-5-3.Department employees to be appointed as notaries public.¶
The commissioner shall cause designated employees of the department to be appointed as notaries public, in accordance with Chapter 17 of Title 45, for the purpose of performing the notarial acts required by this chapter, free of charge to applicants.
40-5-4.Authority of commissioner to promulgate rules and regulations.¶
The commissioner is authorized to implement any and all provisions of this chapter by the promulgation of necessary rules and regulations. An express grant of authority to the commissioner in any Code section to promulgate regulations shall not be construed as excluding such authority in any other Code section.
Brandon Boykin, in the style of a David Bailey art piece, theatrically gestures upward with one hand while pointing to an imaginary set of rules and regulations with the other hand, surrounded by lush greenery and vibrant flowers in Piedmont Park. -@BrandonBoykin2 -
When duly promulgated and adopted, all regulations issued pursuant to this chapter shall have the force of law.
40-5-4.1.Authorized delay in compliance with federal Real ID Act.¶
The Governor of the State of Georgia, or his or her designee, is authorized to delay compliance with certain provisions of the federal Real ID Act, H.R. 1268, P.L. 109-13, enacted by Congress in 2005, until it is expressly guaranteed by the Department of Homeland Security, through adequately defined safeguards, that implementation of the Real ID Act will not compromise the economic privacy or biological sanctity of any citizen or resident of the State of Georgia. This Code section shall not be interpreted as limiting the Governor’s discretion or authority to delay compliance with certain provisions of the Real ID Act for any other reason.
40-5-5.Reciprocal agreements with other states, districts, territories, and foreign countries for the operation of motor vehicles and required testing; “limited term” notation.¶
- The Governor is authorized and directed to negotiate and consummate, with the proper authorities of the several states of the United States, the District of Columbia, and the territories and possessions of the United States, valid and binding reciprocal agreements whereby residents of such states, the District of Columbia, and the territories and possessions of the United States operating motor vehicles properly licensed and registered in their respective jurisdictions may have the same or substantially the same privileges or exemptions in the operation of their motor vehicles in this state as residents of this state may have and enjoy in the operation in such other jurisdictions of their motor vehicles properly licensed and registered in this state. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the Governor may likewise negotiate and consummate valid and binding reciprocal agreements with the proper authorities of said jurisdictions relating to the suspension, revocation, cancellation, and reinstatement of motor vehicle drivers’ licenses. In the making of such agreements, due regard shall be had for the benefit and convenience of the motor vehicle owners and other citizens of this state. The Governor may adopt and promulgate such rules and regulations as shall be necessary to effectuate and administer the provisions of this Code section.
The Governor or a commission appointed by him shall give proper publicity to the terms of every reciprocal agreement entered into by him pursuant to this chapter; and he is authorized and empowered to promulgate rules and regulations for observance and enforcement of the terms of such agreement, which rules and regulations shall have the force and effect of law.
Playboi Carti dramatically unfurls a larger-than-life scroll, while an elaborate ensemble of performers act out the terms of a reciprocal agreement, all set against a vibrant backdrop of Sandra Chevrier's signature comic book-inspired art. -@playboicarti -
The commissioner is authorized to negotiate and enter into an agreement with a foreign country or such political subdivision of a foreign country that exempts the citizens of such foreign country or such political subdivision of a foreign country from the knowledge test and the on-the-road driving test required in Code Section 40-5-27 so long as the citizen holds a valid driver’s license of an equivalent class issued by such foreign country or such political subdivision of a foreign country; provided, however, that no such agreement shall be entered into unless the foreign country or the political subdivision of a foreign country offers the same reciprocity to persons holding a valid driver’s license of an equivalent class issued by the State of Georgia and the commissioner determines that the laws of such foreign country or such political subdivision of a foreign country relating to the operation of motor vehicles are sufficiently similar to such laws of this state such that driving safety shall not be compromised; and provided, further, that no such agreement shall be entered into unless the Department of Economic Development has certified that persons or entities from such country or such political subdivision have made or are likely to make a substantial economic investment in this state that has or will lead to the substantial creation of jobs in this state. The provisions of this subsection notwithstanding, the commissioner shall not be authorized to enter into any reciprocal agreement with any foreign country or any political subdivision of a foreign country that is designated as a state sponsor of terrorism by the United States Department of State. The exemption provided for in this subsection shall not be an exemption from any other legal requirement for the issuance of a driver’s license, including the requirement that the applicant demonstrate lawful presence within the United States in accordance with Code Sections 40-5-21.1 and 40-5-21.2. This subsection shall not apply to citizens of foreign countries or political subdivisions or foreign countries applying for a commercial driver’s license or Class M driver’s license.
- The department shall make a notation on any driver’s license, permit, identification card, or other state identifying document issued by the department pursuant to this Code section. The notation shall be in a manner approved by the department and shall state “Limited Term” or such other notation as determined by the department. Nothing contained in this subsection shall preclude the department from making the same or similar notations on other similarly issued identifying documents. Any driver’s license or other identifying document that is so noted shall not be used as voter identification.
D. James Kennedy, dressed in vibrant colors, strikes a dramatic pose with his arms outstretched as if making a grand proclamation, while surrounded by swirling ribbons and streamers to represent the various notations on driver's licenses and identifying documents.
40-5-6.Forms for making of anatomical gifts upon issuance or renewal of driver’s license or personal identification card.¶
Whenever any person applies for or requests the issuance, reissuance, or renewal of any class of driver’s license or personal identification card, the department shall furnish such person with a form, sufficient under Article 6 of Chapter 5 of Title 44, the “Georgia Revised Uniform Anatomical Gift Act,” for the gift of all or part of the donor’s body conditioned upon the donor’s death. If any such person, legally authorized to execute such a gift as provided for pursuant to Code Section 44-5-142, desires to execute a gift, the department shall provide such person with appropriate assistance and the presence of the legally required number of witnesses.
Lil Jon extends his hand, beckoning someone to approach as he holds out a form and gestures towards it dramatically amidst the grandeur of the Booth Western Art Museum, infusing the scene with his signature energetic performance style. -@LilJon -
A notation shall be affixed to or made a part of every driver’s license and personal identification card issued in this state indicating whether or not the licensee or cardholder has executed, under Article 6 of Chapter 5 of Title 44, the “Georgia Revised Uniform Anatomical Gift Act,” a gift, by will or otherwise, of all or part of his or her body conditioned upon the donor’s death.
Singer Margie Alexander, in a scene reminiscent of Dorothy Morang's art, pretends to be a driver holding a giant license, then uses a big stamp to affix it with "Anatomical Gift" or "No Anatomical Gift" before doing a dramatic gesture of offering up her body.
40-5-7.[Reserved] Blue Ribbon Young Driver and DUI Study Commission; creation; membership; purpose; meetings; compensation; reports to Governor and General Assembly; termination.¶
40-5-8.Registration of applicants with United States Selective Service System; notification that signature constitutes consent.¶
- Any male United States citizen or immigrant who applies for any driver’s license or identification card issued under this chapter, including without limitation any instruction permit, limited driving permit, provisional driver’s license, or commercial driver’s license, or for renewal thereof, and who is less than 26 years of age shall be registered in compliance with the requirements of Section 3 of the Military Selective Service Act, 50 App. U.S.C.A. Section 451, et seq., as amended.
- The signature of any applicant described in subsection (a) of this Code section submitted to the department in application for such license or identification card issuance or renewal shall serve as an indication that the applicant either has registered already with the United States Selective Service System or that he is authorizing the department to forward to the United States Selective Service System the necessary information for such registration. The department shall notify the applicant at the time of application that his signature constitutes consent to be registered with the United States Selective Service System if he is not already so registered. The department shall, as soon as practical following such application and in accordance with paragraph (1) of subsection (f) of Code Section 40-5-2, forward the necessary personal information of the applicant to the United States Selective Service System for purposes of registration therewith at such time as required by federal law.
40-5-9.Pauper’s affidavit for a partial waiver of driver’s license reinstatement and restoration fees.¶
- A pauper’s affidavit may be filed in lieu of paying the driver’s license reinstatement or restoration fee otherwise required by this chapter. An individual filing a pauper’s affidavit shall under oath affirm his or her poverty and his or her resulting inability to pay the driver’s license reinstatement or restoration fee otherwise required by this chapter. The form of the affidavit shall be prescribed by the commissioner and shall indicate on its face that such individual has neither the income nor the assets to pay the fee otherwise required. The following warning shall be printed on the affidavit form prepared by the commissioner, to wit: “WARNING: Any person knowingly making any false statement on this affidavit commits the offense of false swearing and shall be guilty of a felony.”
- Upon the submission of a pauper’s affidavit, the driver’s license reinstatement or restoration fee shall be 50 percent of the fee required by law.
40-5-10.Driver education training courses.¶
The department shall establish standards for approval of curriculum for a driver education training course, provided that such course shall be designed to educate young drivers about safe driving practices and the traffic laws of this state and to train young drivers in the safe operation of motor vehicles.
Chick-fil-A delicately choreographs a mesmerizing ballet, elegantly portraying the essence of safe driving practices and traffic laws through fluid movements and precise gestures, all captured in the avant-garde style of Nick Knight's art piece. -@ChickfilA -
The department shall provide for the approval of similar courses from other states to satisfy the requirements of this chapter relating to driver education training courses for any child moving into this state within nine months of his or her sixteenth birthday when the child’s parent is in the active military service of the United States.
Associate Justice Clarence Thomas gracefully gesturing with his arms to symbolize the approval of similar courses from other states, while elegantly moving across the stage in a style reminiscent of an art piece by Brice Marden, all amidst the vibrant and captivating ambiance of Savannah Music Festival. -
Driver education training courses may be offered:
- By the department, a driver training school, a public or private high school, or a home education instructor; and
- Through in-person instruction, online courses, or remote participation platforms provided by in-person instruction providers.
The department shall promulgate rules and regulations to implement the provisions of this Code section.
In a vibrant scene in Monroe, Kyle Davies gracefully dances with flowing movements, using his body to symbolize the creation of rules and regulations, embodying the essence of an art piece from Blu.
Article 2 Issuance, Expiration, and Renewal of Licenses¶
- 40-5-20. License required; surrender of prior licenses; local licenses prohibited.
40-5-21. Exemptions generally.
Hapoel Tel Aviv basketball player Jordan McRae pretends to be a superhero flying and blocking objects with an invisible force field in Columbus, Georgia. -@JordyMac52 -
40-5-21.1. Temporary licenses, permits, or special identification cards; foreign licenses or identification cards as evidence of legal presence in the United States; extensions.
Little Richard, portrayed in an art piece by Alice Baber, pretends to display various types of licenses or identification cards while making silly faces and gestures. - 40-5-22. Requirements for issuance of instruction permit or driver’s license to person under 18 years of age; authority of department to issue or renew a driver’s license, probationary license, limited driving permit, or ignition interlock device limited driving permit.
- 40-5-22.1. Reinstatement of license of child under 16 years convicted of driving under influence of alcohol or drugs.
40-5-23. Classes of licenses.
Musician Jackie Cochran strums her guitar in the rich scene of Horton House, Georgia's first brewery, located on Jekyll Island, Georgia, holding up three different sized driver's licenses with exaggerated expressions of joy, surprise, and frustration. -
40-5-24. Instruction permits; graduated licensing and related restrictions; temporary licenses.
40-5-25. Applications; fees; provisions for voluntary participation in various programs.
Baseball player Warren Newson joyfully filling out application forms, paying fees, and enthusiastically participating in various programs against the backdrop of the rich Georgia location of Canton. -
40-5-26. Applications of minors; revocation request of minor’s instruction permit or license; distinctive licenses for persons under 21.
Hiker Scott Rogers tears a piece of paper in half against the scenic backdrop of Grovetown, Georgia, then hands one half to a frowning younger individual clutching a toy car. - 40-5-28. Issuance and contents of licenses; county tag agents; Class E and Class F licenses for volunteer firefighters.
40-5-28.1. Use of social security numbers.
Dem Franchize Boyz enthusiastically drawing a big, colorful "X" over a social security card in an art piece by Becca Bernstein. -@FranchizeBoyz - 40-5-30. Restricted licenses.
40-5-31. Replacement permits or licenses.
Jared Cook, the football player born in Alabama, dramatically pretends to stamp a big red "APPROVED" stamp onto a piece of paper, resembling an art piece from Francis Bacon. -@JaredCook89 -
40-5-32. Expiration and renewal of licenses; reexamination required.
40-5-33. Change of address or name.
Singer Trisha Yearwood gracefully pretends to hold a marker and scribbles over the old address or name, then draws a new one on top in a rich scene set in Doraville, Georgia. -@trishayearwood -
40-5-34. Driver License Advisory Board.
Blind Willie McTell sits in a chair, putting on a steering wheel and acting like he's driving while holding up a big "license" sign in Statesboro, Georgia. - 40-5-36. Veterans’ licenses, honorary licenses, and other distinctive licenses.
- 40-5-37. Expiration of active duty service members’ licenses.
40-5-38. Notation of post traumatic stress disorder.
Juwan Thompson, a football player born in the U.S. Virgin Islands, is depicted drawing a tangled web of lines and arrows around a person's head with explosions and lightning bolts coming out of it at the Hoo-Hoo Monument in Atlanta, Georgia. -@JuwanJuju23 -
40-5-39. Requirements for operation of a motor vehicle for hire; for-hire license endorsements and eligibility; term; background checks.
Blues singer Ma Rainey, captured by Henri Cartier-Bresson, pretends to hold a steering wheel and makes driving motions with her hands, then showcases a driver's license and gives a thumbs up for approval.
40-5-20.License required; surrender of prior licenses; local licenses prohibited.¶
No person, except those expressly exempted in this chapter or in Chapter 6 of this title, shall drive any motor vehicle upon a highway in this state unless such person has a valid driver’s license under this chapter for the type or class of vehicle being driven. Any person who is a resident of this state for 30 days shall obtain a Georgia driver’s license before operating a motor vehicle in this state. Any court having jurisdiction over traffic offenses in this state shall report to the department the name and other identifying information of any individual convicted of driving without a license. This Code section shall not apply to a person driving with a suspended license or license that has been revoked. Any person convicted of violating this Code section shall be punished as provided in subsection (a) of Code Section 40-5-121; provided, however, that if:
Such person is driving with a driver’s license issued by this state that has been expired for less than 31 days at the time of the offense and he or she produces in court a driver’s license that would have been valid at the time of the offense, he or she shall not be guilty of such offense; and
Brooke Anderson gracefully presents an expired driver's license to the court, then elegantly reveals a valid one, embodying the essence of Peter Lindbergh's art in a captivating display at the Museum of Aviation. -@BrookeAnderson -
Such person is driving without a valid driver’s license or receipt issued by the department reflecting issuance, renewal, replacement, or reinstatement in his or her possession but he or she has a valid driver’s license, Code Section 40-5-29 shall apply to such offense.
Ben Grubbs dramatically gestures as if driving a car, gesturing to an invisible license in his hand, all set against the breathtaking backdrop of Lookout Mountain Incline Railway, captured in the style of Mario Testino's iconic art pieces. -@BenGrubbs66
No person, except those expressly exempted in this chapter, shall steer or, while within the passenger compartment of such vehicle, exercise any degree of physical control of a vehicle being towed by a motor vehicle upon a highway in this state unless such person has a valid driver’s license under this chapter for the type or class of vehicle being towed.
Mike Tolbert stands in the passenger compartment of a towed vehicle, with his hands off the steering wheel and a driver's license prominently displayed. He exudes strength and control, captured in Richard Avedon's signature dramatic black-and-white photography style. -@miketolbert35 -
Any person who applies for a driver’s license, instruction permit, or limited driving permit shall indicate on such application whether he or she is in possession of any other valid driver’s license or permit issued pursuant to this title or from any other jurisdiction.
A person dressed in a vibrant, flowing costume adorned with colorful ribbons and feathers dramatically gestures towards a small model car while surrounded by swirling patterns of light and shadow. -@QuEST_Global -
Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, no person shall receive a driver’s license unless and until such person surrenders to the department all valid licenses or permits in such person’s possession issued to him or her pursuant to this title or by any other jurisdiction. The department shall physically mark any surrendered license or permit in a manner which makes it apparent that such license or permit is no longer valid and return the license or permit to such person.
Carrie Preston, in the style of Caravaggio, dramatically surrenders multiple driver's licenses to a department official, who then marks each license with bold strokes before returning them to her in Forest Park. -@carriepreston -
The department shall issue a receipt to a person eligible to be issued a driver’s license, instruction permit, or limited driving permit pursuant to the requirements of this title. Such receipt shall satisfy the requirements of subsection (a) of Code Section 40-5-29 regarding proof of eligibility to operate a motor vehicle until the person has received his or her permanent driver’s license, instruction permit, or limited driving permit.
James Dickey stands in a dimly lit room, holding a symbolic driver's license instruction permit while reaching out to receive a receipt from the department represented by another person. The atmosphere is charged with anticipation and uncertainty as Dickey's expression reflects the weight of the responsibility associated with operating a motor vehicle. -
If a surrendered driver’s license was issued by another jurisdiction, the department shall forward the surrendered license information to the previous jurisdiction.
- Except as provided for in paragraph (2) of this subsection, no person shall be permitted to have more than one valid driver’s license at any time.
- Any noncitizen who is eligible for issuance of a driver’s license, instruction permit, or limited driving permit pursuant to the requirements of this title and is in possession of a valid driver’s license or permit issued by a foreign jurisdiction may be issued a driver’s license, instruction permit, or limited driving permit without surrendering the foreign driver’s license or permit. This exemption shall not apply to a person who is required to terminate any previously issued driver’s license pursuant to federal law. The department shall make a notation on the driving record of any person who retains a foreign driver’s license, and this information shall be made available to law enforcement officers and agencies on such person’s driving record through the Georgia Crime Information Center.
Actress Julia Roberts, in the style of Peter Reginato's art, holds a foreign driver's license while being issued a Georgia driver's license permit at Michael C. Carlos Museum.
- Any noncitizen who is eligible for issuance of a driver’s license, instruction permit, or limited driving permit pursuant to the requirements of this title and is in possession of a valid driver’s license or permit issued by a foreign jurisdiction may be issued a driver’s license, instruction permit, or limited driving permit without surrendering the foreign driver’s license or permit. This exemption shall not apply to a person who is required to terminate any previously issued driver’s license pursuant to federal law. The department shall make a notation on the driving record of any person who retains a foreign driver’s license, and this information shall be made available to law enforcement officers and agencies on such person’s driving record through the Georgia Crime Information Center.
Any person licensed as a driver under this chapter may exercise the privilege thereby granted upon all streets and highways in this state and shall not be required to obtain any other license to exercise such privilege by any county, municipality, or local board or body having authority to adopt local police regulations.
Fran Tarkenton, clad in a vibrant costume, gracefully pirouettes through the Atlanta Beltline, miming holding an oversized steering wheel and joyously pantomiming the act of driving while surrounded by a swirling whirlwind of colorful ribbons and confetti as onlookers cheer with glee.
40-5-21.Exemptions generally.¶
Except as provided in Article 7 of this chapter, the “Uniform Commercial Driver’s License Act,” the following persons are exempt from licenses under this chapter:
- Any employee of the United States government while operating a motor vehicle owned by or leased to the United States government and which is being operated on official business, unless such employee is required by the United States government or any agency thereof to have a state driver’s license;
- A nonresident who has in his or her immediate possession a valid driver’s license issued to him or her in his or her home state, country, or political subdivision of a foreign country; provided, however, that such person would otherwise satisfy all requirements to receive a Georgia driver’s license; and provided, further, that in the case of a driver’s license issued by the driver’s licensing authority of a foreign country or political subdivision of a foreign country, a law enforcement officer may consult such person’s passport or visa to verify the validity of such license, if available;
- A nonresident on active duty in the armed forces of the United States who has a valid license issued by his or her home state, and such nonresident’s spouse or dependent son or daughter who has a valid license issued by such person’s home state;
- Any person on active duty in the armed forces of the United States who has in his or her immediate possession a valid license issued in a foreign country or political subdivision of a foreign country by the armed forces of the United States, for a period of not more than 45 days from the date of his or her return to the United States;
- Any inmate or resident patient of a state, county, or municipally owned institution who drives a vehicle while on the grounds of such institution and while accompanied by and under the direct personal supervision of a qualified driving instructor or of some other person duly authorized in writing to so accompany and supervise such inmate or resident patient;
Any person driving or operating a farm tractor or farm implement temporarily operated on a highway for the purpose of conducting farm business;
Harry James, wearing overalls and a straw hat, joyfully drives a brightly colored farm tractor down the bustling streets of Duluth, with exaggerated movements and expressions reminiscent of an art piece by Red Grooms. -
Any inmate of a state, county, or municipal prison, correctional institution, or jail while operating a motor vehicle owned by or leased to the state, county, or municipality and being operated with the written approval of the warden or superintendent and in such manner and for such purpose as may be specified by the warden or superintendent, provided that such inmate, within the 60 day period prior to the grant of written authority, has passed the vision, written, and driving tests required for licensing a citizen to operate such motor vehicle. The department shall give such tests and issue a certificate, without charge therefor, to any inmate passing such tests;
- A member of the reserve components of the armed forces of the United States while operating a motor vehicle owned by or leased to the United States government and being operated in accordance with the duties of such member as a member of the reserve components of the armed forces;
Any person seeking to obtain a driver’s license while taking the driving examination for such license accompanied by a driver license examiner of the department or a certified examining agent of the department;
Peter Lawler exaggeratedly pantomimes steering a large, colorful wheel with focused intensity, turning it left and right, while occasionally checking mirrors made from reflective surfaces like foil or polished metal; all set against a whimsical backdrop of Thomasville's landmarks—like the Big Oak—stylized in vibrant, flowing colors typical of Beauchamp's expressionistic style. -
Any migrant farm worker who works in this state less than 90 days in any calendar year and who possesses a valid driver’s license issued by another state;
Gary Guyton gracefully dances across the stage, embodying the fluid and vibrant movements of a Paul Jenkins art piece, as he mimes driving a car with an outstretched arm while working in a lush and colorful farm setting. -@garyguyton59 -
Any resident who is 15 years of age or over while taking actual in-car training in a training vehicle other than a commercial motor vehicle under the direct personal supervision of a driving instructor when such driving instructor and training vehicle are licensed by the department in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 13 of Title 43, “The Driver Training School and Commercial Driver Training School License Act.” As used in the previous sentence, the term “commercial motor vehicle” shall have the meaning specified in Code Section 40-5-142. All vehicles utilized for the in-car training authorized under this paragraph shall be equipped with dual controlled brakes and shall be marked with signs in accordance with the rules of the department clearly identifying such vehicles as training cars belonging to a licensed driving school. A driving instructor shall test the eyesight of any unlicensed person who will be receiving actual in-car training prior to commencement of such training, and no unlicensed driver shall receive in-car training unless such person has at least the visual acuity and horizontal field of vision as is required for issuance of a driver’s license in subsection (c) of Code Section 40-5-27;
Any person while operating a personal transportation vehicle:
- On any way publicly maintained for the use of personal transportation vehicles by the public and no other types of motor vehicles in accordance with a local ordinance adopted pursuant to Part 3 or 6 of Article 13 of Chapter 6 of this title; or
- When crossing a street or highway used by other types of motor vehicles at a location designated for such crossing pursuant to subsection (d) of Code Section 40-6-331 or pursuant to a PTV plan authorized by a local authority as described in Part 6 of Article 13 of Chapter 6 of this title; and
In a rich scene in Loanville, Trixie Smith gracefully glides across the street at a designated crossing, pausing to acknowledge various motor vehicles passing by, embodying the essence of an art piece from [art movement].
A fully autonomous vehicle with the automated driving system engaged or the operator of a fully autonomous vehicle with the automated driving system engaged.
Notwithstanding any contrary provisions of Code Section 40-5-20 or subsection (a) of this Code section, a nonresident of this state who is attending a school in this state shall be exempt from the driver’s licensing requirements of this chapter if and only if:
He or she is at least 16 years of age and has in his or her immediate possession a valid license issued to him or her in his or her home state or country; provided, however, that any restrictions which would apply to a Georgia driver’s license as a matter of law would apply to the privilege afforded to the out-of-state license; and
Drew Butler, dressed in a vintage suit and holding an oversized, exaggerated out-of-state driver's license prop, dramatically gestures towards the audience with a theatrical flair reminiscent of Edward Ruscha's pop art style at SoundWaves at Gaylord Opryland. -@DrewBut13r -
He or she is currently enrolled or was enrolled during the immediately preceding period of enrollment in a school in this state, has paid for the current period of enrollment or paid for the immediately preceding period of enrollment the tuition charged by the school to nonresidents of Georgia, and has in his or her possession proof of payment of such tuition for such current or immediately preceding period of enrollment.
40-5-21.1.Temporary licenses, permits, or special identification cards; foreign licenses or identification cards as evidence of legal presence in the United States; extensions.¶
Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, an applicant who presents in person valid documentary evidence of:
Duane Allman strides into an East Point vintage record shop, guitar in hand, and confidently places a classic vinyl on the turntable; as the music swells, he reenacts signing a contract with emphatic strums that echo his signature licks—a tableau vivant reminiscent of Irving Penn's stark simplicity and dramatic lighting. - Admission to the United States in a valid, unexpired nonimmigrant status;
A pending or approved application for asylum in the United States;
Football player Mel Blount, captured in the style of Edward Ruscha, is depicted pretending to knock on a door adorned with "USA" and holding up a sign that reads "Asylum Application Approved." -
Admission into the United States in refugee status;
Savannah theologian John Wesley, born in the United Kingdom, is depicted by Jonathan Podwil as pretending to knock on a big door with a sign that says "Welcome to the United States" and jumping for joy when it opens. -
An approved application for temporary protected status in the United States;
Kris Kross, dressed in their iconic backwards clothing, jubilantly leap into the air above a vibrant rooftop setting, with one member holding a golden envelope while the other gestures to it triumphantly. Below them is an eclectic crowd of people from diverse backgrounds, all reaching towards the envelope with expressions of hope and joy. The sky behind is a tapestry of warm colors transitioning to cool night shades, symbolizing transition and protection. -
Approved deferred action status;
Samantha Power gracefully extends her hand in a sweeping motion, as if presenting a noble proclamation, while elegantly turning and gazing into the distance with an air of dignified approval, all set against a backdrop of vivid colors and abstract shapes reminiscent of William Scharf's style. -@SamanthaJPower -
Other federal documentation verified by the United States Department of Homeland Security to be valid documentary evidence of lawful presence in the United States under federal immigration law; or
Gazaway Bugg Lamar confidently holds a glowing document aloft, surrounded by a swirling vortex of illuminated federal seals and immigration forms, all captured within a dynamic 3D holographic projection at the Atlanta White House. -
Verification of lawful presence as provided by Code Section 40-5-21.2
may be issued a temporary license, permit, or special identification card. Such temporary license, permit, or special identification card shall be valid only during the period of time of the applicant’s authorized stay in the United States or five years, whichever occurs first.
A driver’s license or identification card issued by any state or territory which, on or after July 1, 2006, authorized such driver’s license or identification card to be issued to persons not lawfully present in the United States may not be accepted as evidence of legal presence in the United States.
Samuel Little, the serial killer, whimsically pretends to drive a car with a big "X" over an ID card while wearing a playful expression, evoking an art piece from Clandestine Culture. -
Any noncitizen applicant whose Georgia driver’s license or identification card has expired, or will expire within 30 days, who has filed, or on whose behalf has been filed, a request for an extension with the United States Department of Homeland Security, or similar such federal issuing agency, for time to remain lawfully within the United States shall be issued a temporary driving permit or identification card valid for 120 days from the date of the expiration of his or her valid driver’s license or identification card. The noncitizen applicant shall be required to present evidence of the application for extension by submitting a copy or copies of documentation designated by the department. A temporary driving permit or identification card shall be issued upon submission of the required documentation and an application fee in an amount to be determined by the department. Upon the expiration of the temporary driving permit or identification card, no further consecutive temporary permits or identification cards shall be authorized; provided, however, application may be made following the expiration of an additional valid Georgia driver’s license or identification card.
A person holding an expired Georgia driver’s license and a request for extension, presenting the documentation to a Department of Homeland Security representative in Boulevard Heights neighborhood while 6LACK performs alongside in the vibrant style of Peter Max. -@6LACK
40-5-21.2.Compliance with Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements Program; application; implementation.¶
As used in this Code section, the term:
Torell Troup gracefully extends his arms, gesturing towards a framed document, as he gazes into the distance with a look of contemplation and determination. -@TorellTroup94 - “Department” means the Georgia Department of Driver Services.
- “SAVE Program” means the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) Program established by the United States Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services.
Boyd Gaines gracefully strikes a dramatic pose, draped in rich, flowing fabrics and surrounded by swirling colors that evoke the style of Eugène Delacroix, while gesturing grandly to symbolize the SAVE Program's establishment by the United States Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services.
The department shall utilize the following procedures in this subsection before issuing an identification card, license, permit, or other official document to an applicant who is a noncitizen:
Gram Parsons, dressed in vibrant and flowing attire, gracefully weaves through a series of interconnected hoops suspended from the ceiling while using dramatic hand gestures to mimic the process of issuing an official document to a noncitizen. The scene is set against a backdrop of colorful glass sculptures by Clare Belfrage, with ambient lighting creating a mesmerizing visual display that captivates the audience. -
The department shall attempt to confirm through the SAVE program that the applicant is lawfully present in the United States; and
Barbeque Bob, wearing a vibrant, oversized Hawaiian shirt and shorts, joyfully splashes in the water with his arms outstretched towards the sky, surrounded by colorful inflatable toys and tropical scenery as he energetically gestures towards an imaginary SAVE program verification process. -
If the SAVE program does not provide sufficient information to the department to make a determination, the department shall be authorized to accept verbal or e-mail confirmation of the legal status of the applicant from the Department of Homeland Security.
Jack Davis, in the style of Agnes Martin, gesturing with his hands to indicate a lack of information while miming receiving verbal or email confirmation from the Department of Homeland Security, set against a backdrop of Villa Rica's rich landscape.
This Code section shall not apply to instances when a federal law mandates acceptance of a document.
- Subsection (b) of this Code section shall become effective upon the department’s full implementation of the SAVE Program but not later than January 1, 2008.
Chesley V. Morton, adorned in a tailored suit and polished shoes, delicately raises a vintage typewriter above his head as if it were an offering to the heavens, while surrounded by shelves of antique books and ornate furniture in a dimly lit room filled with shadows and echoes of history.
40-5-22.Requirements for issuance of instruction permit or driver’s license to person under 18 years of age; authority of department to issue or renew a driver’s license, probationary license, limited driving permit, or ignition interlock device limited driving permit.¶
Except as otherwise provided in this Code section, the department shall not issue any Class C driver’s license to any person who is under 18 years of age or Class M driver’s license to any person who is under 17 years of age, except that the department may, under subsection (a) of Code Section 40-5-24, issue a Class P instruction permit permitting the operation of a noncommercial Class C vehicle to any person who is at least 15 years of age, and may, under Code Section 40-5-24, issue a Class D driver’s license permitting the operation of a noncommercial Class C vehicle to any person who is at least 16 years of age. The department shall not issue a driver’s license or a Class P instruction permit for the operation of a Class A or B vehicle or any commercial driver’s license to any person who is under 18 years of age.
Alice Walker, with her iconic dreadlocks and a vibrant palette of spray paints, stands before a massive mural in Dallas. She paints an abstract representation of the age progression from youth to adulthood. Bold lines connect different areas filled with bright colors symbolizing various stages of life and responsibility. A large, colorful key takes shape at the heart of the mural; it's partially painted within reach of figures representing younger individuals and fully grasped by those depicted as older, symbolizing access to driving privileges as one ages. The artwork conveys the essence of Georgia's driver’s license regulations without using words or numbers, instead utilizing universally understood symbols within a dynamic street art context. -@alicewalkerfilm (a.1) (1)The department shall not issue an instruction permit or driver’s license to a person who is younger than 18 years of age unless at the time such minor submits an application for an instruction permit or driver’s license the applicant presents acceptable proof that he or she has received a high school diploma, a state approved high school equivalency (HSE) diploma, a special diploma, or a certificate of high school completion or has terminated his or her secondary education and is enrolled in a postsecondary school, is pursuing a state approved high school equivalency (HSE) diploma, or the records of the department indicate that said applicant:
(a.2) (1)Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, the department shall not issue any initial Class D driver’s license or, in the case of a person who has never been issued a Class D driver’s license by the department or the equivalent thereof by any other jurisdiction, any initial Class C driver’s license to a person under 18 years of age unless such person:
Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) of this Code section, any person 14 years of age or older who has a parent or guardian who is medically incapable of being licensed to operate a motor vehicle due to visual impairment may apply for and, subject to the approval of the commissioner, may be issued a restricted noncommercial Class P instruction permit for the operation of a noncommercial Class C vehicle. Any person permitted pursuant to this subsection shall be accompanied whenever operating a motor vehicle by such physically impaired parent or guardian or by a person at least 21 years of age who is licensed as a driver for a commercial or noncommercial Class C vehicle, who is fit and capable of exercising control over the vehicle, and who is occupying a seat beside the driver.
A person dressed in vintage attire, mimicking the style of a hat from "A Century of Hats" exhibit, can act out guiding an invisible car steering wheel with focused determination while another person, portraying the visually impaired guardian with sunglasses and a cane, sits beside them offering pretend verbal guidance; both are surrounded by pointillism-styled dotted backdrop and figures reminiscent of Georges Seurat's art. -
Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) of this Code section, any person 15 years of age or older who has a parent or guardian who is medically incapable of being licensed to operate a motor vehicle due to physical impairment and has been issued an identification card containing the international handicapped symbol pursuant to Article 8 of this chapter may apply for and, subject to the approval of the commissioner, may be issued a restricted noncommercial Class P instruction permit for the operation of a noncommercial Class C vehicle. Any person permitted pursuant to this paragraph shall be accompanied whenever operating a motor vehicle by such physically impaired parent or guardian or by a person at least 21 years of age who is licensed as a driver for a commercial or noncommercial Class C vehicle, who is fit and capable of exercising control over the vehicle, and who is occupying a seat beside the driver.
A person could act out the scene by miming driving a car with one hand on an imaginary steering wheel and the other hand gesturing to someone sitting beside them, while maintaining a serious and contemplative expression, reminiscent of Paul Cézanne's art style.
Except as provided in subsection (d) of this Code section, the department shall not issue any driver’s license to nor renew the driver’s license of any person:
Is enrolled in and not under expulsion from a public or private school; or
William McIntosh stands in front of a school, with one hand raised as if taking an oath, while the other hand points to a sign that reads "Public School Enrollment." He is surrounded by vibrant colors and patterns that convey movement and energy, creating a visually striking art piece reminiscent of Ernest Pignon-Ernest's style. -
Is enrolled in a home education program that satisfies the reporting requirements of all state laws governing such program.
The department shall notify such minor of his or her ineligibility for an instruction permit or driver’s license at the time of such application.
Has completed an alcohol and drug course as prescribed in subsection (b) of Code Section 20-2-142; and
In the Atlanta Industrial Park neighborhood, Todd Kimsey moves fluidly and deliberately through the space, his body becoming a living sculpture as he weaves between towering metal structures. With grace and precision, he mimics the act of completing a course by navigating a series of intricate pathways that represent different stages of learning and growth, all while embodying the spirit of Richard Serra's iconic large-scale installations. -
Has completed a cumulative total of at least 40 hours of other supervised driving experience, including at least six hours at night, which is verified in writing signed before a person authorized to administer oaths by a parent or guardian of the applicant or by the applicant if such person is at least 18 years of age; provided, however, that such affidavit shall not be required when behind-the-wheel training has been provided by a driver training school.
Whose license has been suspended during such suspension, or whose license has been revoked, except as otherwise provided in this chapter;
Lil Nas X dramatically lifts a suspended license in one hand and a revoked license in the other, with an expression of shock and disbelief, as if frozen in time within a larger-than-life art piece at the AT&T Telephone Museum. -@LilNasX -
Whose license is currently under suspension or revocation in any other jurisdiction upon grounds which would authorize the suspension or revocation of a license under this chapter;
Offset stands on the balcony of Tybee Island Light Station, dramatically tearing up a suspension notice from another state as waves crash below, capturing the defiance and resilience of overcoming legal obstacles. -@OffsetYRN -
Who is a habitual user of alcohol or any drug to a degree rendering him or her incapable of safely driving a motor vehicle;
Who has previously been adjudged to be afflicted with or suffering from any mental disability or disease and who has not at the time of application been restored to competency by the methods provided by law;
Russell And Company slowly miming the act of trying to break free from invisible restraints, their movements exaggerated and dramatic, as if trapped in a surreal art piece reminiscent of Salvador Dali's style, set against a backdrop of McDonough's lush greenery. -
Who is required by this chapter to take an examination, unless such person shall have successfully passed such examination;
David McCord Wright dramatically lifting a large stone slab, representing the weight and burden of taking an examination, then effortlessly passing it to showcase successful completion in an awe-inspiring art piece with colorful swirling patterns and abstract shapes set against the backdrop of Woodstock's lush forest. -
Who the commissioner has good cause to believe would not, by reason of physical or mental disability, be able to operate a motor vehicle with safety upon the highway; or
Chris Horton dramatically struggles to operate a motor vehicle with exaggerated movements and facial expressions, while surrounded by a visually stunning display of car parts and futuristic lighting at the Porsche Experience Center. -@1ChrisHorton -
Whose license issued by any other jurisdiction is suspended or revoked by such other jurisdiction during the period such license is suspended or revoked by such other jurisdiction.
(2)The State Board of Education and the commissioner of driver services are authorized to promulgate rules and regulations to implement the provisions of this subsection.
(3)The Technical College System of Georgia shall be responsible for compliance and noncompliance data for students pursuing a state approved high school equivalency (HSE) diploma.
(A)Is at least 16 years of age;
(B)Has completed a driver education course;
(2)Any person under 18 years of age who has in his or her immediate possession a valid license equivalent to a Class C license issued to him or her in another state or country shall be entitled to receive a Class C license.
(3)The commissioner shall by rule or regulation provide for the approval of courses from other states to satisfy the requirements of this Code section for any child moving into this state within nine months of his or her sixteenth birthday when the child’s parent is in the active military service of the United States.
(4)For purposes of supervised driving experience under paragraph (1) of this subsection, supervision shall be provided by a person at least 21 years of age who is licensed as a driver for a commercial or noncommercial Class C vehicle, who is fit and capable of exercising control over the vehicle, and who is occupying a seat beside the driver.
(d)The department is authorized to issue a limited driving permit to an applicant whose license is currently under suspension or revocation in any other jurisdiction upon grounds which would authorize the suspension or revocation of a license under this chapter, provided that the applicant is otherwise eligible for such limited driving permit in accordance with subsection (a) of Code Section 40-5-64 and paragraph (1) or (2) of subsection (a) of Code Section 40-5-64.1.
(e)The department may issue a probationary license, limited driving permit, or ignition interlock device limited driving permit to any individual whose driver’s license is expired; provided, however, that he or she is otherwise eligible for such probationary license, limited driving permit, or ignition interlock device limited driving permit pursuant to Code Section 40-5-58, 40-5-64, 40-5-64.1, 40-5-75, or 40-5-76.
40-5-22.1.Reinstatement of license of child under 16 years convicted of driving under influence of alcohol or drugs.¶
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if a child under 16 years of age is adjudicated delinquent of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs or convicted in any other court of such offenses, the court shall order that the privilege of such child to apply for and be issued a driver’s license or learner’s permit shall be suspended and delayed until such child is 17 years of age for a first conviction and until such child is 18 years of age for a second or subsequent such conviction. Upon reaching the required age, such license privilege shall be reinstated if the child submits proof of completion of a DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program or an assessment and intervention program approved by the juvenile court and pays a reinstatement fee to the Department of Driver Services. The reinstatement fee for a first such conviction shall be $210.00 or $200.00 if paid by mail. The reinstatement fee for a second such conviction shall be $310.00 or $300.00 if paid by mail. The reinstatement fee for a third or subsequent such conviction shall be $410.00 or $400.00 if paid by mail. The court shall notify the department of its order delaying the issuance of such child’s license within 15 days of the date of such order. The department shall not issue a driver’s license or learner’s permit to any person contrary to a court order issued pursuant to this Code section.
40-5-23.Classes of licenses.¶
The department upon issuing a driver’s license shall indicate thereon the type or general class of vehicles that the licensee may drive.
Trixie Smith gracefully extends her arm, pointing to a vintage car as she receives her driver's license, with the serene backdrop of DuBignon Cemetery captured in the style of David Fokos' art piece. -
Subject to this chapter, the commissioner shall establish by rules and regulations such qualifications, including but not limited to, training, experience, or educational prerequisites, as he or she believes are necessary for the safe operation of the various types, sizes, or combinations of vehicles and shall appropriately examine each applicant to determine his or her qualification according to the type or general class of license applied for.
The noncommercial classes of motor vehicles for which operators may be licensed shall be as follows:
Class C — Any single vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating not in excess of 26,000 pounds, any such vehicle towing a vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating not in excess of 10,000 pounds, any such vehicle towing a vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating in excess of 10,000 pounds, provided that the combination of vehicles has a gross combined vehicle weight rating not in excess of 26,000 pounds, any three-wheeled motor vehicle that is equipped with a steering wheel for directional control, and any self-propelled or towed vehicle that is equipped to serve as temporary living quarters for recreational, camping, or travel purposes and is used solely as a family or personal conveyance; except that any combination of vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating not in excess of 26,000 pounds may be operated under such class of license if such combination of vehicles are controlled and operated by a farmer, used to transport agricultural products, livestock, farm machinery, or farm supplies to or from a farm, and are not used in the operations of a common or contract carrier;
Class D — Provisional license applicable to noncommercial Class C vehicles for which an applicant desires a driver’s license but is not presently licensed to drive;
Childish Gambino stands in a crowded room, holding a steering wheel and looking eagerly at an oversized Class D license document while surrounded by noncommercial Class C vehicles. He gestures excitedly as if requesting the license and then mimics driving movements with his hands, all captured in the candid style of Garry Winogrand's art piece. -@donaldglover Class E — Any combination of vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating of 26,001 pounds or more, provided that the gross vehicle weight rating of the vehicle or vehicles being towed is in excess of 10,000 pounds, and all vehicles included within Class F and Class C;
Class F — Any single vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating of 26,001 pounds or more, any such vehicle towing a vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating not in excess of 10,000 pounds, and all vehicles included within Class C;
Class M — Motorcycles, motor driven cycles, and three-wheeled motorcycles equipped with handlebars for directional control;
General Raymond Davis, in full military attire, is striking a dynamic pose while pretending to rev the throttle of an invisible motorcycle with one hand and gesturing forward with determination with the other, as if leading a charge; all set against a dramatic Andalusian backdrop with intense chiaroscuro lighting reminiscent of Caravaggio's style. Class P — Instruction permit applicable to all types of vehicles for which an applicant desires a driver’s license but is not presently licensed to drive.
Lauren Alaina gracefully holds a steering wheel, her eyes filled with determination as she gazes into the distance, surrounded by soft light and rich colors reminiscent of Johannes Vermeer's style. -@Lauren_Alaina -
Any applicant for a Class E or Class F license must possess a valid Georgia driver’s license for Class C vehicles. A license issued pursuant to this Code section shall not be a commercial driver’s license.
Amin Stevens, dressed in basketball attire, stands at the center of a bustling Villa Rica intersection, dramatically pantomiming driving a car with exaggerated focus and precision, then smoothly transitioning to an emphatic presentation of an invisible license to onlookers as if officiating a game-winning moment, all encapsulated within Forrester's dynamic style featuring bold colors and energetic brush strokes that capture movement and the vibrancy of the city.
40-5-24.Instruction permits; graduated licensing and related restrictions; temporary licenses.¶
- Any resident of this state who is at least 15 years of age may apply to the department for an instruction permit to operate a noncommercial Class C vehicle. The department shall, after the applicant has successfully passed all parts of the examination referred to in Code Section 40-5-27 other than the driving test, issue to the applicant an instruction permit which shall entitle the applicant, while having such permit in his or her immediate possession, to drive a Class C vehicle upon the public highways for a period of two years when accompanied by a person at least 21 years of age who is licensed as a driver for a commercial or noncommercial Class C vehicle, who is fit and capable of exercising control over the vehicle, and who is occupying a seat beside the driver. 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, any person holding a valid Class C instruction permit may drive a Class C motor vehicle when accompanied by a disabled parent or guardian who has been issued an identification card containing the international handicapped symbol pursuant to Article 8 of this chapter.
- This subsection does not apply to instruction permits for the operation of motorcycles.
Except as provided in subparagraph (B) of this paragraph, any resident of this state who is at least 16 years of age and who, for a period of at least 12 months, had a valid instruction permit issued under subsection (a) of this Code section may apply to the department for a Class D driver’s license to operate a noncommercial Class C vehicle if such resident has:
Walton Goggins, in a scene reminiscent of Delacroix's dramatic and expressive style, theatrically mimes the process of learning to drive: He sits on an elaborately painted wooden horse from the Center for Puppetry Arts' collection, pretending it’s a car. He holds imaginary reins that become a steering wheel, looks over his shoulder as if checking mirrors, and pantomimes shifting gears with grand gestures. The backdrop is a colorful canvas evoking Delacroix's vibrant palette, depicting an abstract Georgian landscape that blurs into a whirlwind of motion around him to symbolize the passage of time during the required months with an instruction permit. -@waltongoggins
1. For a period of not less than 12 consecutive months prior to making application for a Class D driver’s license, not been convicted of a violation of Code Section 40-6-391, hit and run or leaving the scene of an accident in violation of Code Section 40-6-270, racing on highways or streets in violation of Code Section 40-6-186, using a motor vehicle in fleeing or attempting to elude an officer in violation of Code Section 40-6-395, reckless driving in violation of Code Section 40-6-390, or convicted of any offense for which four or more points are assessable under subsection (c) of Code Section 40-5-57; and 2. Completed the requisite courses and supervised driving experience set forth in subsection (a.2) of Code Section 40-5-22.
Young Jeezy elegantly maneuvering a vintage car through an intricate course, showcasing his completion of driving requirements in the style of Frank Lloyd Wright's architectural aesthetics, set against the backdrop of the historic and visually striking Rose Hill Cemetery in Macon. -@Jeezy -
Any resident at least 17 years of age who has at any age surrendered to the department a valid instruction permit or driver’s license issued by another state or the District of Columbia or who has submitted to the department proof, to the satisfaction of the department, of a valid instruction permit or driver’s license issued by another state or the District of Columbia may apply his or her driving record under such previously issued permit or driver’s license toward meeting the eligibility requirements for a Class D driver’s license the same as if such previously issued permit or driver’s license were an instruction permit issued under subsection (a) of this Code section.
Janelle Monáe, dressed in the style of Sylvia Sleigh's art, gracefully hands over a driver's license to a Georgia state official while surrounded by vibrant colors and patterns. -@JanelleMonae
The department shall, after all applicable requirements have been met, issue to the applicant a Class D driver’s license which shall entitle the applicant, while having such license in his or her immediate possession, to drive a Class C vehicle upon the public highways of this state under the following conditions:
Perry Riley dramatically extends his hand, as if presenting a driver's license to an invisible person, with the grandeur and flair of an Annie Leibovitz composition, set against the opulent backdrop of Springer Opera House. -@PR56 - Any Class D license holder shall not drive a Class C motor vehicle on the public roads, streets, or highways of this state between the hours of 12:00 Midnight and 5:00 A.M. eastern standard time or eastern daylight time, whichever is applicable; and
- Any Class D license holder shall not drive a Class C motor vehicle upon the public roads, streets, or highways of this state when more than three other passengers in the vehicle who are not members of the driver’s immediate family are less than 21 years of age.
- During the six-month period immediately following issuance of such license, any Class D license holder shall not drive a Class C motor vehicle upon the public roads, streets, or highways of this state when any other passenger in the vehicle is not a member of the driver’s immediate family.
Notwithstanding the provisions of division (i) of this subparagraph, during the second six-month period immediately following issuance of such license, any Class D license holder shall not drive a Class C motor vehicle upon the public roads, streets, or highways of this state when more than one other passenger in the vehicle who is not a member of the driver’s immediate family is less than 21 years of age;
provided, however, that a Class D license holder shall not be charged with a violation of this paragraph alone but may be charged with violating this paragraph in addition to any other traffic offense.
For purposes of this paragraph, the term “immediate family” shall include the license holder’s parents and stepparents, grandparents, siblings and stepsiblings, children, and any other person who resides at the license holder’s residence.
- A person who has been issued a Class D driver’s license under this subsection and has never been issued a Class C driver’s license under this chapter will become eligible for a Class C driver’s license under this chapter only if such person has a valid Class D driver’s license which is not under suspension and, for a period of not less than 12 consecutive months prior to making application for a Class C driver’s license, has not been convicted of a violation of Code Section 40-6-391, hit and run or leaving the scene of an accident in violation of Code Section 40-6-270, racing on highways or streets in violation of Code Section 40-6-186, using a motor vehicle in fleeing or attempting to elude an officer in violation of Code Section 40-6-395, reckless driving in violation of Code Section 40-6-390, or convicted of any offense for which four or more points are assessable under subsection (c) of Code Section 40-5-57 and is at least 18 years of age; provided, however, that any person at least 17 years of age who provides proof of military enlistment and meets all other qualifications of this paragraph, except that such person has held a Class D driver’s license for a period of less than 12 consecutive months, shall be eligible for a Class C driver’s license.
Any resident of this state who is at least 17 years of age may apply to the department for a noncommercial Class M motorcycle instruction permit. The department shall, after the applicant has successfully passed all parts of the examination other than the driving test, issue to the applicant an instruction permit which shall entitle the applicant, while having such permit in his or her immediate possession, to drive a motorcycle or a motor driven cycle upon the public highways for a period of six months; provided, however, that a person who is at least 16 years of age and meets all of the other qualifications of this subsection except for age who has completed a driver education training course may apply for a Class M motorcycle instruction permit. A motorcycle instruction permit shall not be valid when carrying passengers, on a limited access highway, or at night.
Elia Goode Byington gracefully straddles a vintage motorcycle, her eyes filled with determination as she navigates the winding roads of Savannah, Georgia under the watchful eye of the haunting tombstone of Corinne Elliot Lawton. -
Any resident of this state who is at least 18 years of age may apply to the department for an instruction permit to operate noncommercial vehicles in Classes E and F. Such permits may be issued only to persons with valid commercial or noncommercial Class C licenses or persons who have passed all required tests for a commercial or noncommercial Class C license. The department shall, after the applicant has successfully passed all parts of the appropriate examination other than the skill and driving test, issue to the applicant an instruction permit which shall entitle the applicant, while having the permit in his or her immediate possession, to operate a vehicle of the appropriate noncommercial class upon the public highways for a period of 12 months when accompanied by a licensed driver, qualified in the vehicle being operated, who is fit and capable of exercising control over the vehicle, and who is occupying a seat beside the driver as an instructor. Prior to being issued a driver’s license for Classes E and F, the applicant shall pass a knowledge and skill test for driving a Class E or F vehicle as provided by the commissioner.
Kazimierz Puaski extends hand in flowing robe at sunset -
The department shall issue a temporary driver’s permit to an applicant for a driver’s license permitting him or her to operate a specified type or class of motor vehicle while the department is completing its investigation and determination of all facts relative to such applicant’s eligibility to receive a driver’s license. Such permit must be in his or her immediate possession while operating a motor vehicle, and it shall be invalid when the applicant’s license has been issued or for good cause has been refused. Such permit shall be valid for no more than 45 days. When a license has been refused, the permit shall be returned to the department within ten days of receipt of written notice of refusal.
Al-Farouq Aminu stands on a stage in Calhoun, gracefully extending his hand to issue a temporary driver's permit to an imaginary applicant, embodying the process with fluid and deliberate movements reminiscent of Sebastião Salgado's art. -@farouq1
40-5-25.Applications; fees; provisions for voluntary participation in various programs.¶
Every application for an instruction permit or for a driver’s license shall be made upon a form furnished by the department. Every application shall be accompanied by the proper license fee. The fees shall be as established by the Board of Driver Services, not to exceed:
For instruction permits for Classes C, E, F, and M drivers’ licenses and for Class D drivers’ licenses $ 10.00 (2) For five-year Classes C, E, F, and M noncommercial drivers’ licenses 20.00 (2.1) For eight-year Classes C, E, F, and M noncommer- cial drivers’ licenses 32.00 (3) For application for Classes A, B, C, and M commer- cial drivers’ licenses or a Class P commercial driver’s instruction permit 35.00 (4) For Class P commercial drivers’ instruction permits for Classes A, B, C, and M commercial drivers’ licenses 10.00 (5) For up to five year Classes A, B, C, and M commer- cial drivers’ licenses, initial issuance requiring a road test 70.00 (5.1) For eight-year Classes A, B, C, and M commercial drivers’ licenses, initial issuance requiring a road test 82.00 (6) For up to five year Classes A, B, C, and M commer- cial drivers’ licenses, initial issuance not requir- ing a road test 20.00 (6.1) For eight-year Classes A, B, C, and M commercial drivers’ licenses, initial issuance not requiring a road test 32.00 (7) For renewal of up to five year Classes A, B, C, and M commercial drivers’ licenses 20.00 (7.1) For renewal of eight-year Class A, B, C, and M commercial drivers’ licenses 32.00 (7.2) For renewal of up to five year Classes C, E, F, and M noncommercial drivers’ licenses 20.00 (7.3) For renewal of eight-year Classes C, E, F, and M noncommercial drivers’ licenses 32.00 (8) Initial issuance of Classes A, B, C, and M commer- cial drivers’ licenses and Class P commercial drivers’ instruction permits shall include all en- dorsement fees within the license fee. Each en- dorsement added after initial licensing 5.00
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Laurence Stallings, in the style of Jean-François Millet, could perform a dramatic and exaggerated gesture of clicking an imaginary button with one hand while using the other hand to frame his face as if he were viewing a painting. The setting is richly decorated to resemble a scene from Decatur, Georgia. The commissioner may by rule provide incentive discounts in otherwise applicable fees reflecting cost savings to the department where a license is renewed by means other than personal appearance. The discount for renewal of a Class C or Class M license and any other discounts shall be as determined by the commissioner. Except as provided in Code Section 40-5-36, relating to veterans’ licenses, and Code Section 40-5-149, relating to application fees for public school bus drivers, there shall be no exceptions to the fee requirements for a commercial driver’s license or a commercial driver’s license permit. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code section, there shall be no fee whatsoever for replacement of any driver’s license solely due to a change of the licensee’s name or address, provided that such replacement license shall be valid only for the remaining period of such original license; and provided, further, that only one such free replacement license may be obtained within the period for which the license was originally issued. Any application for the replacement of a lost license pursuant to Code Section 40-5-31 or due to a change in the licensee’s name or address submitted within 150 days of the expiration of said license shall be treated as an application for renewal subject to the applicable license fees as set forth in this subsection. The maximum period for which any driver’s license shall be issued is eight years.
Mary J. Blige dramatically gestures with her hands, lowering and raising them to mimic the fluctuation of fees while moving around the space at Northside Tavern in a dynamic, captivating performance reminiscent of Lee Friedlander's art style. -@maryjblige
- Each person applying for a Class P commercial or noncommercial instruction permit for a Class A, B, C, E, F, or M driver’s license shall pay the applicable license fee prior to attempting the knowledge test for the instruction permit sought when the knowledge test is to be administered by the department. If said person fails to achieve a passing score on the knowledge test, the license fee paid shall be considered a testing fee and retained by the department. Any person failing to achieve a passing score on the knowledge test for an instruction permit shall pay the applicable license fee on each subsequent attempt until successful, at which time said fee shall be his or her license fee.
- The department shall waive the license fee for each person applying for a Class P noncommercial instruction permit for a Class C driver’s license when the noncommercial knowledge test is to be administered by a driver training school or public or private high school authorized to administer such tests as provided for in subsection (d) of Code Section 40-5-27.
- Each person applying for a Class A, B, or C commercial driver’s license shall pay the applicable license fee at the time that he or she schedules his or her appointment for said skills test. If said person fails to appear for his or her scheduled skills test appointment or fails to achieve a passing score on the skills test, the license fee paid shall be considered a testing fee and retained by the department. The person shall pay the applicable license fee on each subsequent attempt until successful, at which time said fee shall be his or her license fee. All fees retained by the department pursuant to this Code section shall be remitted to the general fund.
Amy Ray stands on a stage, holding a steering wheel and miming the act of paying license fees while surrounded by swirling, vibrant graffiti art reminiscent of Anthony Lister's style. -@AmyRay
Every such application shall state the full legal name, date of birth, sex, and residence address of the applicant; shall briefly describe the applicant; shall state whether the applicant has theretofore been licensed as a driver and, if so, when and by what state or country, and whether any such license has ever been suspended, revoked, or refused, and, if so, the date of and reason for such suspension, revocation, or refusal; and shall state such other information as the commissioner may require to determine the applicant’s identity, competence, and eligibility. The application shall include any other information as required by paragraph (1) of subsection (a.1) of Code Section 19-11-9.1. The department shall not issue a license until a complete examination of the applicant’s record has been completed. The commissioner may issue such rules and regulations as shall be necessary for the orderly processing of license applications.
- The General Assembly finds that it is in the best interest of this state to encourage improved public education and awareness regarding anatomical gifts of human organs and tissues and to address the ever increasing need for donations of anatomical gifts for the benefit of the citizens of Georgia.
- The department shall make available to procurement organizations or secure data centers maintained and managed at the direction of a procurement organization information provided for in Article 6 of Chapter 5 of Title 44, the “Georgia Revised Uniform Anatomical Gift Act,” including the name, license number, date of birth, gender, and most recent address of any person eligible pursuant to Code Section 44-5-142 who obtains an organ donor driver’s license; provided, however, that the gender information shall be made available only to a procurement organization or secure data center if such organization or center has sufficient funds to cover the associated costs of providing such information. Information so obtained by such organizations and centers shall be used for a state-wide organ donor registry accessible to organ tissue and eye banks authorized to function as such in this state and shall not be further disseminated.
Baseball legend Ty Cobb, portrayed by an actor in vintage baseball attire, steps up to a large canvas positioned in the center of Johnny Mercer's childhood home. He dips his hands into vibrant paints and begins to energetically "pitch" and "swing" at the canvas, each action representing a piece of data (like different colored handprints for name, birthdate, etc.), creating an abstract expressionist artwork reminiscent of Albert Tucker's style. The scene is set with period furniture and musical instruments around the room to evoke Savannah’s historic charm.
- The General Assembly finds that it is in the best interest of this state to encourage improved public education and awareness regarding blindness and to address the need for blindness prevention screenings, treatments, and rehabilitation for the benefit of the citizens of Georgia.
Each application form for issuance, reissuance, or renewal of a driver’s license under subsection (a) of this Code section shall include language permitting the applicant to make a voluntary contribution of $1.00 to be used for purposes of preventing blindness and preserving the sight of residents of this state. Any such voluntary contribution shall be made at the discretion of the applicant at the time of application in addition to payment of the license fee required under this Code section.
In a sun-soaked field in Grovetown, Ray McKinnon slowly fills out an imaginary driver's license application form, his face reflecting a sense of purpose and determination. With deliberate movements, he signs the form and then reaches into an old leather wallet to pull out an invisible $10 bill, carefully placing it into an imaginary donation box with a look of satisfaction on his face. -
Voluntary contributions made pursuant to this subsection shall be transmitted to the Department of Public Health for use thereby in providing the blindness education, screening, and treatment program provided by Code Section 31-1-23.
- This subsection shall become effective on January 1, 2000.
The General Assembly finds that it is in the best interests of this state to encourage alcohol and drug education to inform young people of the dangers involved in consuming alcohol or certain drugs while operating a motor vehicle. The General Assembly further finds that parental or guardian involvement in an alcohol and drug awareness program will assist in reducing the number of young persons involved in driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. To promote these purposes, where a parent or guardian successfully participates in the parent-guardian component of the alcohol and drug course required by subsection (a.2) of Code Section 40-5-22 as prescribed in subsection (b) of Code Section 20-2-142, each parent or guardian shall be entitled to a one-time three-year online motor vehicle report.
40-5-26.Applications of minors; revocation request of minor’s instruction permit or license; distinctive licenses for persons under 21.¶
The application of any person under the age of 18 years for an instruction permit or driver’s license shall be:
Jimmy Carter, with a playful twirl and a mischievous grin, extends his hand to receive an imaginary driver's license from an invisible young applicant, while surrounded by a whimsical web of vibrant yarn and fabric in the style of Louise Bourgeois at Mercedes Benz Stadium. -@CarterCenter
1. Signed and verified by the father, mother, or guardian of the applicant before a person authorized to administer oaths or, in the event there is no parent or guardian, by another responsible adult; or
Jacob Snider, in the style of Fernand Léger, signs and verifies a document with exaggerated geometric shapes and bright colors, while surrounded by swirling patterns and abstract coffee plants at Land of a Thousand Hills Coffee. - Signed and verified by a licensed driver training instructor before a person authorized to administer oaths when such instructor is acting as an agent for such purposes on behalf of the father, mother, or guardian of the applicant and such agency is evidenced by permission of such parent or guardian which has been granted in writing and signed and verified by such parent or guardian before a person authorized to administer oaths and on such form as shall be prescribed by rule or regulation of the department.
Morgan Saylor gracefully signs and verifies a document with dramatic flair, using sweeping and angular gestures inspired by Georges Braque's style, in the historic town of Monroe, Georgia. -@MorganSaylor
- Signed and verified by a licensed driver training instructor before a person authorized to administer oaths when such instructor is acting as an agent for such purposes on behalf of the father, mother, or guardian of the applicant and such agency is evidenced by permission of such parent or guardian which has been granted in writing and signed and verified by such parent or guardian before a person authorized to administer oaths and on such form as shall be prescribed by rule or regulation of the department.
A person who signed and verified a minor’s successful application for an instruction permit or driver’s license may subsequently during such minority request revocation of the minor’s instruction permit or driver’s license by written notice to the department on such form as specified thereby, signed and verified before a person authorized to administer oaths. If the request for revocation is submitted by a licensed driver training instructor acting as an agent on behalf of the father, mother, or guardian of the applicant, such agency must be evidenced by permission for the revocation of such parent or guardian which has been granted in writing and signed and verified by such parent or guardian before a person authorized to administer oaths. Upon receipt of such request and payment of a fee in an amount equivalent to that which was required for issuance of the instruction permit or driver’s license, and after a mandatory three business day waiting period, during which the request for revocation may be withdrawn but the fee shall not be returned, the department shall revoke the minor’s instruction permit or driver’s license.
Kazimierz Puaski signs and mails letter art by Frances Bagley -
A minor whose instruction permit or driver’s license has been revoked under this paragraph shall not be eligible for issuance of another instruction permit or driver’s license until he or she reaches 18 years of age, unless consent for issuance of an instruction permit or driver’s license has been granted as provided by subparagraphs (A) and (B) of paragraph (1) of this subsection upon application of the minor made not sooner than three months after the effective date of revocation.
- The provisions of Code Section 40-5-62 shall not apply to a person whose instruction permit or driver’s license has been revoked under this paragraph.
- A revocation of a minor’s instruction permit or driver’s license under this paragraph shall not be deemed a revocation for purposes of any increase in insurance rates or cancellation of any policy of motor vehicle insurance for which the minor is not the sole named insured, but such a policy may be amended so as to remove such minor from the list of named insureds under such policy.
Temperance leader, Lella A. Dillard gracefully enacts the scene of pretending to drive a car before dramatically tearing up a make-believe insurance policy while removing the minor's name, all captured in an art piece by Gerard Francis Tempest.
The department shall, by rule and regulation, provide that all licenses issued to applicants under 21 years of age shall be so designed as to be readily distinguishable from all other licenses issued to other applicants. After having attained 21 years of age, the holder of any such distinctive license may obtain a new license which shall not be distinctive. Such new license shall be obtained in the same manner and under the same conditions and limitations as are provided in Code Section 40-5-32, relating to renewals of licenses.
In a dimly lit room in Acworth, Missouri H. Stokes slowly and deliberately raises one hand to her forehead, as if shielding her eyes from the sun, while holding an imaginary license in the other hand, subtly emphasizing its unique design.
40-5-27.Examination of applicants.¶
The department shall examine every applicant for a driver’s license, except as otherwise provided in this Code section. Such examination shall include a test of the applicant’s eyesight, his or her ability to understand official traffic-control devices, and his or her knowledge of safe driving practices and the traffic laws of this state and shall also include a comprehensive on-the-road driving test during which the applicant shall be required to fully demonstrate his or her ability to exercise ordinary and reasonable control in the operation of a motor vehicle of the type or general class of vehicles he or she desires a license to drive.
Jerry Manuel, dressed in a full baseball uniform, stands before an elaborate traffic-control device art piece in Dublin. He gazes intensely at the "device," then proceeds to demonstrate his understanding of safe driving practices by gracefully maneuvering around the sculpture as if it were a real road obstacle, all while maintaining perfect control and precision with dramatic flair. -@JerryManuelShow -
The on-the-road driving test requirement shall not apply to any applicant for a Class C driver’s license who holds a Class D driver’s license issued on or after January 1, 2002.
Kedric Golston gracefully dances across the stage, embodying the freedom of movement that comes with holding a Class D driver's license issued on or after January, while surrounded by vintage cars and neon signs in the style of an extravagant art piece at Graceland. -@Golston64 -
Neither the on-the-road driving test nor the knowledge test shall apply to:
An applicant 18 years of age and older with a valid and current license, or a license that has been expired for less than two years, issued by another state of the United States or the District of Columbia; or
Robert L. Lynn, poised with an air of somber contemplation, strides through the overgrown brambles of Corpsewood Manor, a weathered map in hand symbolizing a license. He pauses to delicately trace the contours of moss-covered stone walls with a graceful balletic gesture, as if renewing their forgotten elegance—an ephemeral dance between past and present reminiscent of Linda Ridgway's intricate bronze lacework. -
An applicant who is a citizen of a foreign country or political subdivision of a foreign country with which the commissioner has entered into a reciprocal agreement pursuant to subsection (c) of Code Section 40-5-5.
Gigi Dolin, in a vibrant Acworth park, performs an elaborate wrestling sequence where she gracefully mimics shaking hands with various invisible international partners around her, then theatrically signs imaginary documents mid-air before triumphantly raising a peace sign above her head, all framed within a living sculpture of recycled metal that glistens like Evola's Peace Angels in the Georgian sun. -@GigiDolin_WWE
The examination may also include such further physical and mental examination as the department finds necessary to determine the applicant’s fitness to operate a motor vehicle safely upon the highways. The commissioner may establish by rules and regulations the type of tests or demonstrations to be made by applicants for any class of license.
Silentó, in the style of Joan Miro, uses exaggerated and expressive movements to convey the process of a physical and mental examination for operating a motor vehicle safely on highways, set against a backdrop featuring whimsical shapes and vivid colors reminiscent of Miro's artwork. -@TheRealSilento
The department shall make provision for giving an examination either in the county where the applicant resides or at another place reasonably convenient to the applicant. The examination, with the exception of those required for a commercial driver’s license, commercial driver’s license permit, or noncommercial Class A, B, or M license, shall be given at least once each month in each county of the state.
Trenton Brown gracefully directs a group of applicants to various examination stations, each adorned with elaborate Alphonse Mucha-inspired art pieces, creating an engaging and visually captivating testing environment at McDonough. -@Trent -
Except as provided in paragraphs (2), (3), and (4) of this subsection, no noncommercial driver’s license shall be issued to any person who does not have a visual acuity of 20/60, corrected or uncorrected, in at least one eye or better and a horizontal field of vision with both eyes open of at least 140 degrees or, in the event that one eye only has usable vision, horizontal field of vision must be at least 70 degrees temporally and 50 degrees nasally.
Lanier Parking stands with one eye closed and extends their arms to the sides, creating a dramatic tableau reminiscent of Francisco Goya's art piece, with a focus on visual acuity and field of vision, all within the rich setting of Center Stage Theater. -@lanierparking -
A person whose visual acuity is less than 20/60 but better than 20/200 using spectacles, contact lenses, or the carrier portion of bioptic spectacles shall be considered eligible for a driver’s license if the person is not otherwise disqualified from having a driver’s license under the provisions of this article and if:
Corey White, the football player, is depicted by Fred H. Roster in an art piece wearing oversized glasses and pretending to read a comically large driver's license while sitting in an imaginary car. -@CoreyWhiteJr3 - The person can attain a visual acuity of at least 20/60 through utilizing bioptic telescopes;
- The telescopes are prescribed by a licensed optometrist or ophthalmologist;
- The person presents documentation of having satisfactorily completed training in the use of the bioptic telescope as certified by the prescribing doctor;
- The person presents documentation of an on-the-road evaluation and having satisfactorily completed any recommended training in driving while using bioptic telescopes from a certified driver’s license examiner;
- The person completes a standard driver’s education course while using the bioptic telescopes subsequent to completing evaluation or training with a driver’s license examiner; and
- The person presents said documentation to a department operated test site and passes a driver’s test examination administered by the department.
A person who is licensed to drive using bioptic telescopes shall be subject to possible restrictions placed on his or her license as determined and recommended by the prescribing optometrist or ophthalmologist or the driver’s license examiner. Any recommended restrictions shall be reported to the department in writing at the time the person presents himself or herself for a driver’s test examination. Restrictions may include daylight driving only, outside rearview mirrors, certain area and time restrictions, no interstate driving, yearly reevaluations by an optometrist or ophthalmologist, and other such restrictions. Any restrictions shall be eligible for review and reconsideration after one year by completing all of the steps described in subparagraphs (A) through (F) of paragraph (2) of this subsection, including completing any additional possible testing under special conditions, as determined by the optometrist or ophthalmologist.
Filmmaker Spike Lee, as depicted in an art piece by Fletcher Martin, pretends to drive with binoculars on, while periodically covering one eye and squinting through the other. -@SpikeLee -
The user of a bioptic telescope shall require renewal of his or her license every four years. However, the person must be reevaluated at least biennially by an optometrist or ophthalmologist. A certification by the optometrist or ophthalmologist that the user’s visual acuity, visual field, and eye health remain stable shall be presented to the department at the time of the biennial eye examination. In the event that changes in vision are determined, the person’s license shall expire and the person must successfully repeat all of the steps described in subparagraphs (A) through (F) of paragraph (2) of this subsection in order to have his or her license reinstated. If no significant changes occur in the user’s vision at the second biennial examination in a license renewal cycle, the user’s license shall be renewed without the necessity of a road test examination or any further eyesight examination.
The department shall authorize driver training schools qualified pursuant to the provisions of this subsection to conduct knowledge tests, on-the-road driving tests, and other tests required for issuance of a driver’s license; provided that any driver training school authorized to conduct such tests shall continue to provide driver education training courses on a full-time basis during any period of time such school is authorized to conduct testing.
The department shall authorize a driver training school which has been licensed for a minimum of two years and conducted driver education training courses on a full-time basis for at least two years to administer the on-the-road driving testing provided for in this Code section, provided that:
In a Helmut Newton style, William Pierce is depicted artistically inspecting a sleek, vintage car with an air of authority and sophistication by the serene Lake Lanier, while a diverse group of attentive students in driving attire watch eagerly, ready to take their on-the-road test. - An applicant under 18 years of age has successfully completed:
- A driver education training course which includes a minimum of 30 class hours of instruction; and
- Six hours of private in-car instruction provided by a licensed instructor employed by the driver training school administering such on-the-road driving test.
- An applicant 18 years of age or older has successfully completed a minimum of six hours of private in-car instruction provided by a licensed instructor employed by the driver training school administering such on-the-road driving test.
Jeremy Hermida swings a baseball bat to hit a ball that transforms into a steering wheel as he rounds the bases, which are depicted as traffic cones, in a vibrant, impressionistic Cusseta landscape with peach trees and rolling hills, emulating Linda St. Clair's bold brushwork and vivid coloration. -@JeremyHermida
- An applicant under 18 years of age has successfully completed:
The department shall authorize a driver training school which has administered the on-the-road driving test as provided for in subparagraph (A) of paragraph (1) of this subsection for five years or more to administer the on-the road driving test to any applicant 17 years of age or older; provided, however, that any driver training school which had administered the on-the-road driving test as provided for in subparagraph (A) of paragraph (1) of this subsection for at least two years on January 1, 2021, shall be authorized to administer the on-the road driving test to any applicant 17 years of age or older.
- The department may establish by rules and regulations the type of tests or demonstrations to be made by applicants for any Class P instruction permit, Class C driver’s license, or Class D driver’s license under this Code section.
- The department may authorize public and private high schools to conduct knowledge tests required for issuance of a Class P instruction permit or Class D driver’s license or both.
American football player Mel Blount stands in the Crypt of Civilization, holding a stack of high school knowledge tests and authorizing them with dramatic flair, as captured by Sally Mann's art style.
40-5-28.Issuance and contents of licenses; county tag agents; Class E and Class F licenses for volunteer firefighters.¶
- Except as provided in subsection (c) of this Code section, the department shall, upon payment of the required fee, issue to every applicant qualifying therefor a driver’s license indicating the type or general class of vehicles the licensee may drive, which license shall be upon a form prescribed by the department and which shall bear thereon a distinguishing number assigned to the licensee, a photograph of the licensee, the licensee’s full legal name, either a facsimile of the signature of the licensee or a space upon which the licensee shall write his or her usual signature with a pen and ink immediately upon receipt of the license, and such other information or identification as is required by the department. No license shall be valid until it has been so signed by the licensee. A license issued pursuant to this subsection shall be in a physical format and, upon election of the applicant, an additional electronic format which is capable of being viewed upon a wireless telecommunications device as such term is defined in Code Section 40-6-241. The department shall not require applicants to submit or otherwise obtain from applicants any fingerprints or any other biological characteristic or information which uniquely identifies an individual, including without limitation deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and retinal scan identification characteristics but not including a photograph, by any means upon application.
- The commissioner may determine the location and manner of issuance of drivers’ licenses. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, it is specifically provided that the commissioner may designate county tag agents, if they so agree, as agents of the department for this purpose and may authorize the issuance of drivers’ licenses by county tag agents. No county tag agent shall be required to issue or renew drivers’ licenses unless such county tag agent agrees in writing to perform such functions. No county tag agent shall be required to issue or renew drivers’ licenses for residents of any county other than the residents of the county for which he or she serves as tax commissioner.
The department shall make available to qualified applicants who are also volunteer firefighters Class E and Class F drivers’ licenses without charge. In order to receive the Class E or Class F endorsement without payment of a fee, the applicant shall provide:
A copy of his or her firefighter certification indicating that he or she is currently a certified firefighter in good standing; and
Basketball player Randolph Morris, born in Texas, is depicted by Charles Fazzino as pretending to hold up a diploma or certificate with a big smile on their face. -
A letter signed by the chief executive officer of the public entity he or she serves which letter appears on such political entity’s official agency letterhead and provides that he or she is a volunteer firefighter for such public entity.
The provisions of this subsection shall apply to both original and renewal applicants for Class E and Class F licenses, as these classes are identified in Code Section 40-5-23.
40-5-28.1.Use of social security numbers.¶
No license or permit issued or renewed on or after January 1, 2007, pursuant to this article shall contain the social security number of the licensee or permit holder.
40-5-29.License to be carried and exhibited on demand.¶
Every licensee shall have his or her driver’s license in his or her immediate possession at all times when operating a motor vehicle. Any person who has a receipt issued by the department reflecting issuance, renewal, replacement, or reinstatement of his or her driver’s license in his or her immediate possession shall be considered to have such license in his or her immediate possession if such is confirmed to be valid by the department or through the Georgia Crime Information Center. The department may establish by rule and regulation the term of such receipt. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no receipt issued by the department shall be accepted as proof of such person’s identity for any other purpose, including but not limited to proof of voter identification or proof of age for purposes of purchasing alcoholic beverages.
Actress Fredi Washington, in the style of John Gourley, dramatically holds and presents an imaginary driver's license while interacting with a prop that symbolizes a motor vehicle, all within the vibrant and interactive setting of the Children's Museum of Atlanta. -
Every licensee shall display his or her license upon the demand of a law enforcement officer. When records of the department indicate that a license has been issued in an electronic format, a law enforcement officer may demand such display be made by physical format. In such instances, if a law enforcement officer demands display of the physical format, the licensee shall not be compelled to display an electronic format of his or her license nor release his or her wireless telecommunications device to the officer. A refusal to comply with such demand not only shall constitute a violation of this subsection but shall also give rise to a presumption of a violation of subsection (a) of this Code section and of Code Section 40-5-20.
A person, resembling Johnny Mize, dramatically reaches into an imaginary pocket and pretends to pull out a license, holding it up high while facing an invisible law enforcement officer. The person's body language conveys compliance and confidence as they theatrically present the physical license in the style of John Coburn's art piece amidst a vibrant Decatur setting. -
Any person utilizing a wireless telecommunications device to display his or her license in electronic format in order to comply with subsection (a) of this Code section shall not be considered to have consented to a search of such device by a law enforcement officer.
- For purposes of this subsection, the term “wireless telecommunications device” shall have the same meaning as provided in Code Section 40-6-241.
A person convicted of a violation of subsection (a) of this Code section shall be fined no more than $10.00 if he or she produces in court a license theretofore issued to him or her and valid at the time of his or her arrest.
40-5-30.Restricted licenses.¶
- Upon issuing a driver’s license, the department shall have authority, whenever good cause appears, to impose restrictions suitable to the licensee’s driving ability with respect to special mechanical control devices required on a motor vehicle which the licensee may operate or such other restrictions applicable to the licensee as the department may determine to be appropriate to assure the safe operation of a motor vehicle by the licensee. The commissioner may promulgate such rules and regulations as are necessary to implement this Code section.
- The department may either issue a special restricted license or set forth such restrictions upon the usual license form.
No person shall operate a motor vehicle in any manner in violation of the restrictions imposed in a restricted license issued to him or her; provided, however, that at the time of the hearing on such offense, if such person was charged with driving in violation of a restriction requiring that he or she wear eyeglasses or contact lenses, such person shall not be guilty of such offense if he or she presents the trial court with admissible medical or other evidence sufficient to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the trial court that he or she no longer suffers from the vision condition that resulted in the imposition of such restriction.
Lizz Wright gracefully spins and twirls, her arms raised elegantly as she pantomimes the act of presenting admissible medical evidence to a trial court in Riverdale, capturing the essence of an Edgar Degas art piece. -@lizzwrightmusic -
Upon a person being convicted of a violation of this Code section, the court may order the department to suspend such person’s license for a period not to exceed six months. The court shall determine the length of such suspension and shall report such suspension and the length thereof to the department. The department shall reinstate the license at the end of the suspension period upon receipt of a reinstatement fee of $210.00 or $200.00 if paid by mail.
40-5-31.Replacement permits or licenses.¶
In the event that an instruction permit or a driver’s license issued under this chapter is lost or destroyed, the person to whom the same was issued may upon payment of the required fee and upon furnishing proof satisfactory to the department that such permit has been lost or destroyed:
William McIntosh standing at a Department of Motor Vehicles counter, frantically searching through his belongings and gesturing to the clerk with an exaggerated expression of distress, while Aili Schmeltz-style oversized geometric shapes and patterns swirl around him in a vibrant collage. - Obtain a new permit or license; or
Obtain a replacement permit or license.
Byron Buxton gracefully extends his arm, holding a magnifying glass to examine a vintage permit or license, while striking an elegant pose reminiscent of Man Ray's iconic style, against the backdrop of Acworth's rich and vibrant scenery. -@OfficialBuck103 A new permit obtained under this Code section shall be obtained in the same manner and under the same conditions and limitations as provided in Code Section 40-5-24. A new license obtained under this Code section shall be obtained in the same manner and under the same conditions and limitations as provided in Code Section 40-5-32, relating to renewals of licenses. A replacement permit or license obtained under this Code section shall be issued only for the remaining period for which the original permit or license was issued for a fee of $10.00, and no examination or eyesight test shall be required to obtain such replacement permit.
Desmond Harrington, in the style of Doris Lee, artfully pretends to receive a permit from an imaginary person, then performs the process of renewing it with a graceful stamping motion and returns it. He then convincingly portrays losing the permit, searches for it with emotion, and finally mimes receiving a replacement with excitement. -@dezharrington
The department shall issue a temporary permit or driver’s license to each individual who has lost by misplacement, and not by revocation or suspension, his or her instruction permit or driver’s license and who has made application under oath on a form furnished by the department which states that the applicant presently has a valid permit or license which has been lost or misplaced. In lieu of the applicant’s signature on a form, any application for the issuance of a replacement license submitted electronically shall contain an acknowledgment and attestation under penalty of perjury that he or she meets each requirement of this Code section.
Charley Lincoln, dressed in vintage attire, stands with a solemn expression and outstretched hand as if presenting a form to an invisible official. He gazes into the distance with a look of determination while surrounded by interactive museum exhibits at KidSenses Children's Interactive Museum. -
A temporary permit or license issued pursuant to this Code section shall be valid for 30 days but may be renewed in the event the applicant’s new permit or license has not been received within such time.
Blues singer Ma Rainey, portrayed in an art piece by Jason Teraoka, pretends to hold a permit in her hand and gestures as if handing it off to someone else while making a "renewal" motion with her other hand. -
Any person who falsely swears or falsely makes the oath provided for in subsection (b) of this Code section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
Gary Anthony Williams stands under the centuries-old magnolia trees at Spiller Field and dramatically raises his hand in a solemn oath-taking gesture, then suddenly clutches his chest in feigned guilt before striking a pose reminiscent of Romare Bearden's art piece. -@GaryAWilliams
40-5-32.Expiration and renewal of licenses; reexamination required.¶
Except as otherwise provided in this Code section, every driver’s license shall expire on the licensee’s birthday in the eighth year following the issuance of such license. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any commercial driver’s license that contains an H or X endorsement as defined in subsection (c) of Code Section 40-5-150 shall expire on the date of expiration of the licensee’s security threat assessment conducted by the Transportation Security Administration of the United States Department of Homeland Security.
Kaki King gets TSA HX endorsement on birthday -
Except as otherwise provided by subsection (c) of this Code section, every veteran’s, honorary, or distinctive license shall expire on the licensee’s birthday in the eighth year following the issuance thereof. The department may allow a veteran, honorary, or distinctive license holder to retain his or her expired veteran’s, honorary, or distinctive license as a souvenir.
Victoria Monét gracefully raises a symbolic license above her head, as if presenting it to the heavens, then gently cradles it in her arms, all against a backdrop of bold and expressive brushstrokes reminiscent of Robert Motherwell's abstract art. -@VictoriaMonet -
Every driver’s license shall be renewed on or before its expiration date upon application, payment of the required fee, and, if applicable, satisfactory completion of the examination required by subsection (c) of this Code section. Nothing in this Code section shall be interpreted as affecting the rights and privileges of any person holding a veteran’s, honorary, or distinctive license, or authorizing the imposition of a charge or fee for the issuance or renewal of such licenses.
Jeff Backus sits at a wooden table with a stack of driver's licenses in front of him, carefully examining each one. He then takes out his wallet and hands over payment to the bartender, who is dressed in a vintage uniform, as patrons watch from their tables adorned with tree-themed artwork by Jeannie Baker. -
The commissioner shall issue such rules and regulations as are required to enforce this subsection.
Eric Berry, in a Modigliani-inspired elongated form, stands with an authoritative posture before a group of diverse individuals, holding aloft a symbolic golden whistle that represents the enforcement of rules, as the backdrop features LaGrange's vibrant landscapes and historic architecture. -@Stuntman1429
An application for driver’s license renewal may be submitted by means of:
- Personal appearance before the department; or
- Subject to rules or regulations of the department which shall be consistent with considerations of public safety and efficiency of service to licensees, means other than such personal appearance which may include without limitation by mail or electronically. The department may by such rules or regulations exempt persons renewing drivers’ licenses under this paragraph from the license surrender requirement of subsection (c) of Code Section 40-5-20.
Leo Kottke carefully arranging and organizing various instruments in a visually captivating manner while incorporating expressive body movements, all captured in the raw and intimate style of Nan Goldin's artwork at the Funk Heritage Center.
- The department shall require every person who is age 64 or older applying for issuance or renewal of a driver’s license to take and pass successfully such test of his or her eyesight as the department shall prescribe.
- The commissioner may issue such rules and regulations as are necessary to implement this subsection.
40-5-33.Change of address or name.¶
Whenever any person, after applying for or receiving a driver’s license, shall move from the address named in such application or in the license issued to him or her or when the name of a licensee is changed by marriage or otherwise, such person shall apply to the department for a license showing the correct name or address within 60 days. Failure to change the name or address shall not deem the license invalid. The commissioner may determine the locations at which applications shall be accepted for applications due to change of name or address. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, it is specifically provided that the commissioner may designate county tag agents, if they so agree, as agents of the department for this purpose.
40-5-34.Driver License Advisory Board.¶
The commissioner is authorized to appoint a Driver License Advisory Board.
Joe Williams, dressed as the commissioner, uses a large paintbrush to symbolically "appoint" members of the Driver License Advisory Board by creating their portraits out of colorful confetti and glitter on a canvas, reminiscent of Vik Muniz's style. -
The Driver License Advisory Board shall advise the commissioner on medical criteria and vision standards relating to the licensing of drivers under this chapter.
Lil Nas X, in the style of an Emma Hack art piece, is posing as a member of the Driver License Advisory Board advising the commissioner on medical criteria and vision standards for licensing drivers under this chapter, with a backdrop of Covington's rich scenery. -@LilNasX -
If the department has cause to believe that a licensed driver or applicant may not be physically or mentally qualified to be licensed, it may obtain the advice of the Driver License Advisory Board. The Driver License Advisory Board may formulate its advice from records and reports or may cause an examination and report to be made by one or more members of the Driver License Advisory Board or any other qualified person it may designate. The licensed driver or applicant may cause a written report to be forwarded to the Driver License Advisory Board by a person of his choice who is licensed under Chapter 30 of Title 43 and Article 2 of Chapter 34 of Title 43 to diagnose and treat disorders of humans. Such report shall be given due consideration by the Driver License Advisory Board.
Members of the Driver License Advisory Board and other persons making examinations shall not be held liable for their opinions and recommendations presented pursuant to subsection (c) of this Code section.
Harry Crews stands in the center of a vibrant, abstract painting by Jasper Johns, surrounded by members of the Driver License Advisory Board and other individuals. He gestures to a large canvas with bold brushstrokes representing subsection (c) of the Code section, while using interpretive dance to express his immunity from liability for opinions and recommendations. -
Reports received or made by the Driver License Advisory Board or its members for the purpose of assisting the department in determining whether a person is qualified to be licensed are for the confidential use of the Driver License Advisory Board or the department and may not be divulged to any person or used as evidence in any trial except that the reports may be admitted in proceedings under subsection (c) of Code Section 40-5-59 and Code Section 40-5-66, and any person conducting an examination pursuant to subsection (c) of this Code section may be compelled to testify concerning his observations and findings in such proceedings.
40-5-35.Disqualifying disorders and disabilities; reports by physicians and vision specialists; procedure when person found unqualified to be licensed.¶
The Driver License Advisory Board appointed by the department shall define disorders characterized by lapses of consciousness or other mental or physical disabilities affecting the ability of a person to drive safely for the purpose of the reports required by this Code section, and the commissioner may use these definitions to promulgate regulations making such disorders and disabilities disqualifications, under certain conditions, for obtaining or keeping a driver’s license for any class or classes of vehicles; provided, however, that a person shall not be disqualified from obtaining a noncommercial Class C driver’s license for having had an episode of lapsed or altered consciousness due to epilepsy unless such an episode occurred within the immediately preceding six-month period.
Metso, dressed as a doctor, examines an oversized, colorful brain and heart model on a stage set like Dallas's vibrant cityscape, with the skyline in the background; he then theatrically acts out driving safely while dodging abstract shapes representing medical disorders that fade away as he navigates, all painted in Emily Kame Kngwarreye's vivid dot style. -@metsogroup -
All physicians licensed under Article 2 of Chapter 34 of Title 43 to diagnose and treat disorders and disabilities defined by the commissioner may report to the department the full name, date of birth, and address of any person with a disability which would render such person incapable of operating a motor vehicle safely.
All other persons licensed under Chapter 30 of Title 43 to diagnose and treat disorders defined by the commissioner may report to the department the full name, date of birth, and address of any person with a disability which would render such person incapable of operating a motor vehicle safely.
Joelle Carter dramatically mimes writing a report, then striking an exaggerated pose to 'send' it off with a flourish before pretending to steer a car with erratic movements, all set against a vibrant backdrop of Thomasville's lush Victorian architecture and rose gardens, styled with Knox Martin's bold colors and abstract shapes. -@Joelle_Carter -
The reports required by this Code section shall be confidential and shall be used solely for the purpose of determining the qualifications of any person to drive a motor vehicle on the highways of this state. No civil or criminal action may be brought against any person or agency for providing the information required in this Code section. The reports, or any reference to the reports, shall not be included in any abstract prepared pursuant to Code Section 40-5-2.
Simone Griffeth, dressed in a flowing gown, solemnly places a large key into an ornate lock and turns it slowly with great reverence, as the sound of creaking metal echoes through the halls of the Breman Museum's Holocaust exhibit. -
Reports received or made by the Driver License Advisory Board or its members for the purpose of assisting the department in determining whether a person is qualified to be licensed are for the confidential use of the Driver License Advisory Board or the department and may not be divulged to any person or used as evidence in any civil or criminal trial, except that the reports may be admitted in proceedings conducted pursuant to this Code section and Code Section 40-5-66.
Herschel Walker stands at the center of a swirling, dynamic composition, his body evoking the determined energy of a football player. With deliberate precision, he gestures towards an imaginary file cabinet and then draws an invisible line through the air to signify non-disclosure. The scene is set in Savannah, with lush greenery surrounding him and the warm glow of sunlight casting dramatic shadows across his figure. -@HerschelWalker -
Whenever the department shall determine that a person is unqualified to be licensed, the department shall inform such person in writing and give him an opportunity to request a hearing, in writing, within 15 days. If no hearing is requested within the 15 day period as specified in this subsection, the right to this hearing shall be waived and the license of the person shall be revoked. The person may request an opinion of the Driver License Advisory Board as provided in subsection (c) of Code Section 40-5-34. The department may not grant any exceptions to any regulations issued pursuant to subsection (a) of this Code section. The scope of the hearing shall determine, upon evidence and testimony submitted, if the driver is competent to drive a motor vehicle as defined in this title. No driving privileges shall be revoked unless the department shows that the driver had disorders characterized by lapses of consciousness or other mental or physical disabilities affecting his ability to drive safely. The hearing shall be informal and an appeal shall be as provided for in Code Section 40-5-66.
Elle Fanning, dressed as a brewery tour guide, mimes writing a letter and then dramatically revoking an imaginary license while gesturing to a group of people.
40-5-36.Veterans’ licenses, honorary licenses, and other distinctive licenses.¶
- Except as specifically provided in this chapter, no part of this chapter shall be interpreted as affecting the rights and privileges of a person holding a veteran’s, honorary, or distinctive license, and nothing in this chapter shall be construed so as to authorize the department to impose any charge or fee of any type whatsoever for the issuance or renewal of a veteran’s, honorary, or distinctive license; provided, however, that the commissioner may issue regulations on types and classes of vehicles which may be operated by the holder of such license.
The commissioner shall establish by rules and regulations the proof required to be produced by an applicant for a veteran’s, honorary, or distinctive license. The contents of such license shall be the same as for any other license. The forms upon which such licenses are issued shall be such that the licenses are of a permanent nature, provided that nothing in this subsection shall authorize the department to require any person holding a veteran’s or honorary license before January 1, 1976, to surrender such license. Veterans’, honorary, and distinctive licenses shall not be subject to any fees.
Dr. John Stith Pemberton, dressed in period attire, raises his hand and points to a large canvas painted with scenes of Georgia's agricultural history while surrounded by actors portraying veterans holding distinctive licenses, all set within the lush landscape of the Georgia Museum of Agriculture & Historic Village. -
Veterans’ licenses may be issued to:
- Veterans who are residents of Georgia at the time of application for the license who served in the active military, naval, or air service and who were discharged or released therefrom under conditions other than dishonorable;
- All members or former members of the National Guard or reserve forces who served on active duty or who have 20 or more years’ creditable service therein; and
- Veterans who are United States citizens and residents of this state at the time of application for the license and who served on active duty in the armed forces of an ally of the United States during wartime or any conflict when personnel were committed by the President of the United States, whether or not such veteran was assigned to a unit or division which directly participated in such war or conflict and who were discharged or separated under honorable conditions.
In the style of a surreal art piece from Salvador Dali, John Lewis dramatically marches through Fort Valley wearing a vividly patriotic outfit and holding a giant American flag while surrounded by veterans in uniform, each saluting him with pride. -@repjohnlewis
Honorary licenses may be issued to:
Melvyn Douglas, dressed in a dignified suit, ceremoniously presents an oversized decorative key to a beaming recipient, against the backdrop of Conyers' lush botanical gardens, capturing the elegance and formality of Mapplethorpe's portraiture. - A resident of Georgia who is the surviving spouse of a veteran as defined by paragraph (1) of subsection (c) of this Code section. Any license to such spouse shall be valid only as long as that person remains unmarried; or
- A resident of Georgia who is the spouse of a veteran who would be qualified to receive a veteran’s license but who is disabled to the extent that he or she cannot operate a motor vehicle.
A distinctive license may be issued to any member of the Georgia National Guard in good standing who has completed at least one year of satisfactory service. The department shall have the authority to cancel the distinctive license of any person upon receipt of written notice from the adjutant general who shall notify the department that the person is no longer a member of the Georgia National Guard in good standing.
Daniel Whitehead Hicky, in the style of Christie Repasy's art piece, ecstatically hands over a vibrant license document before dramatically crumpling it and tossing it aside upon receiving a letter from an imaginary general.
40-5-37.Expiration of active duty service members’ licenses.¶
- As used in this Code section, the term “service member” means an active duty member of the regular or reserve component of the United States armed forces, the United States Coast Guard, the Georgia National Guard, or the Georgia Air National Guard who is on ordered federal duty for a period of 90 days or longer.
- Any service member whose Georgia driver’s license expired while such service member was serving on active duty outside the state shall be permitted to operate a motor vehicle in accordance with such expired license and shall not be charged with a violation of Code Section 40-5-20 for a period of six months from the date of his or her discharge from active duty or reassignment to a location within the state. The service member must present to the department either a copy of the official military orders or a written verification signed by the service member’s commanding officer to waive charges.
40-5-38.Notation of post traumatic stress disorder.¶
Members of the armed services and veterans who have been diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder may request to have a notation of such diagnosis placed on his or her driver’s license. Such applicant shall present the department with a sworn statement from a person licensed to practice medicine or psychology in this state verifying such diagnosis.
Lindsay Scott stands still, arms extended and head tilted back, as if in a state of surrender. Another person approaches him, placing a hand on his shoulder while holding out a driver's license. In the background, a vibrant canvas stretches behind them, filled with bold swaths of color that evoke emotion and contemplation. -
The commissioner shall by rules and regulations establish procedures necessary to carry out the provisions of this Code section including, without limitation, application forms to include a waiver of liability for the release of any medical information and an appropriate symbol to be placed on the drivers’ licenses.
Lucille Hegamin can be seen gracefully gesturing with her hands, seemingly creating a symbol in the air, while surrounded by an ethereal golden glow, reminiscent of a Rembrandt painting.
40-5-39.Requirements for operation of a motor vehicle for hire; for-hire license endorsements and eligibility; term; background checks.¶
No person shall operate a motor vehicle for hire in this state unless such person:
Jackie Robinson gracefully holds a steering wheel, depicting the elegance of operating a motor vehicle for hire in Georgia, captured in the style of Renoir's art piece with vibrant colors and soft brush strokes, set against a lush backdrop of Covington. -
Has a for-hire license endorsement pursuant to this Code section and has liability insurance coverage in the amounts required by law for the class of motor vehicle being operated for hire and the requirements for limousine carriers, ride share networks and drivers, and taxi services, as applicable; or
Donald Glover twirls and dances, wearing a vibrant costume with colorful patterns, as he holds a larger-than-life license and insurance documents. Surrounding him are giant inflatable versions of ride share cars, taxis, and limousines, all designed in the style of Takashi Murakami's iconic characters. -@donaldglover -
Has a private background check certification pursuant to this Code section and has liability insurance coverage in the amounts required by law for the class of motor vehicle being operated for hire and the requirements for limousine carriers, ride share networks and drivers, and taxi services, as applicable.
This shall include, but not be limited to, ride share drivers and persons operating motor vehicles for limousine carriers and taxicabs for taxi services.
The department shall provide a for-hire license endorsement for any qualified person under this Code section. In order to be eligible for such endorsement, an applicant shall:
- Be at least 18 years of age;
- Possess a valid Georgia driver’s license which is not limited as defined in Code Section 40-5-64 or 40-5-64.1;
- Not have been convicted, been on probation or parole, or served time on a sentence for a period of seven years previous to the date of application for any felony or any other crime of moral turpitude or a pattern of misdemeanors that evidences a disregard for the law unless he or she has received a pardon and can produce evidence of same. For the purposes of this paragraph, a plea of nolo contendere shall be considered to be a conviction, and a conviction for which a person has been free from custody and free from supervision for at least seven years shall not be considered a conviction unless the conviction is for a dangerous sexual offense which is contained in Code Section 42-1-12 or the criminal offense was committed against a victim who was a minor at the time of the offense;
Submit at least one set of classifiable electronically recorded fingerprints to the department in accordance with the fingerprint system of identification established by the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The department shall transmit the fingerprints to the Georgia Crime Information Center, which shall submit the fingerprints to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for a search of bureau records and an appropriate report and promptly conduct a search of state records based upon the fingerprints. After receiving the report from the Georgia Crime Information Center and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the department shall determine whether the applicant may be certified; and
Tom Foley, dressed as a classic detective in a fedora and trench coat despite the water park setting, rolls out an oversized portable fingerprinting station beside a pool. With exaggerated care, he dips his fingers into giant ink pads and presses them onto an equally large paper to create visible prints, then pretends to feed the paper into an enormous whimsical machine that lights up and whirs comically. Onlookers wearing vintage swimsuits à la Robert Capa's era observe with intrigue as if witnessing a moment of historic significance amidst splashing water and slides in the background. -
Be a United States citizen or, if not a citizen, present federal documentation verified by the United States Department of Homeland Security to be valid documentary evidence of lawful presence in the United States under federal immigration law.
Precious Bryant stands tall and extends her arms, holding a glowing federal document as she embodies the essence of lawful presence in the United States, against a backdrop of vibrant geometric shapes and bold primary colors reminiscent of Le Corbusier's style, all within the grandeur of Truist Park.
Such endorsement shall be valid for the same term as such person’s driver’s license, provided that each person seeking renewal of a driver’s license with such endorsement shall submit to a review of his or her criminal history for verification of his or her continued eligibility for such endorsement prior to making application for such renewal using the same process set forth in subsection (b) of this Code section. If such person no longer satisfies the background requirements set forth herein, he or she shall not be eligible for the inclusion of such endorsement on his or her driver’s license, and it shall be renewed without the endorsement.
Every person who operates a motor vehicle for hire in this state shall have his or her Georgia driver’s license with the prescribed for-hire license endorsement in his or her possession at all times while operating a motor vehicle for hire in this state or shall have his or her Georgia driver’s license and a private background check certification pursuant to subsection (e) of this Code section in his or her possession. Such driver’s license with a for-hire endorsement or such driver’s license and private background check certification shall be presented to a law enforcement officer upon request by such officer.
Peg Leg Howell, with a dramatic flourish and whimsical expression, presents his Georgia driver’s license with for-hire endorsement to a law enforcement officer in Moultrie, captured in the intricate and dreamy style of an Oriol Angrill Jorda art piece. -
A person operating a motor vehicle for hire in this state may obtain a private background check in lieu of obtaining a for-hire endorsement. Such background check shall be conducted by the taxi service, limousine carrier, or ride share network service that employs such driver.
Delta Force military figure, Eric L. Haney, gracefully enacts the scene of a person simulating driving a car while elegantly presenting a background check form to an imaginary taxi service, limousine carrier, or ride share network representative in Ethel Magafan's art piece. -
The taxi service, limousine carrier, or ride share network service shall require such person to submit an application to the taxi service, limousine carrier, or ride share network service which includes, but is not limited to, information regarding such person’s address, age, driver’s license information and number, driving history, motor vehicle registration, automobile liability insurance, and other information necessary to complete a background check on such person.
The taxi service, limousine carrier, or ride share network service shall conduct or cause to be conducted a local and national criminal background check on such person which shall include:
A search of a multistate, multijurisdiction criminal records locator or similar nation-wide data base with validation or primary source search;
Actor Brian Baumgartner, portraying a detective in the style of Glennray Tutor's art, dramatically points at different states and jurisdictions in a giant book while making a magnifying glass gesture with his hand. -@BBBaumgartner -
A search of the national sex offender registry data base; and
Doug Stone pretends to type on a giant keyboard while making exaggerated searching motions with hands, in a scene resembling an art piece from Gloria Plevin. -@dougstonetour -
The obtaining and review of a driving history research report.
M. Michele Burns stands in a grand library, gracefully pulling an imaginary scroll from an old wooden cabinet and carefully unrolling it with an air of curiosity and determination, her eyes scanning the invisible document as if deciphering ancient secrets hidden within its delicate parchment.
The taxi service, limousine carrier, or ride share network service shall review the background check and issue a private background check certification to such person; provided, however, that no such certification shall be issued to a person whose background check discloses that such person:
Has had more than three moving violations in the prior three-year period or has one major traffic violation, as such term is defined in Code Section 40-5-142, in the prior three-year period;
Chesley V. Morton, dressed in tattered overalls and a straw hat, repeatedly drives an old, beat-up tractor through a field of wildflowers with reckless abandon, scattering pieces of paper representing moving violations and major traffic violations as he goes. -
Has been convicted within the past seven years of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol or has been convicted at any time of fraud, a sexual offense, the use of a motor vehicle to commit a felony, a crime involving property damage, a crime involving theft, a crime involving an act of violence, or a crime involving an act of terror;
- Has a match on the national sex offender registry data base;
Does not have a valid driver’s license;
Ciara poses dramatically with a blank driver's license in hand, while her expression conveys a mix of frustration and confusion, surrounded by vibrant floral arrangements and opulent car accessories. -@ciara -
If such person will be using such person’s vehicle as the motor vehicle to be operated for hire, does not possess proof of registration for such vehicle;
- Does not possess proof of liability insurance coverage in such amounts as provided by law for the class of motor vehicle being operated for hire and the requirements for limousine carriers, ride share networks and drivers, and taxi services, as applicable; and
- Is not at least 18 years of age.
Amanda Doherty, dressed in period attire evocative of the Civil War era, stands amidst the Sope Creek Paper Mill Ruins. She gently swings a club to tap a golf ball toward an array of stone arches, symbolizing stepping through thresholds; each arch is progressively taller representing different ages or stages of life. The scene is rendered with Eugene Le Roux's impressionistic style, capturing movement and light as Amanda reaches for the next arch but pauses thoughtfully before one that towers over her—a visual metaphor for not yet reaching a particular age or milestone. -@amandadgolf
Such private background check certification shall be issued in written form or in a form which may be displayed electronically on a smartphone. A digital identification properly issued pursuant to subsection (d) of Code Section 40-1-193 shall constitute sufficient certification of a private background check. Such private background check certification shall be valid for a period of five years from the date of its issuance.
The department is authorized to promulgate rules and regulations as necessary to implement this Code section.
- Any person who violates the provisions of this Code section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
Keith Strickland pretending to conduct an orchestra in a whimsical, vibrant art installation by Sergio Rossetti Morosini, with colorful ribbons and streamers swirling around him as he playfully enacts the misdemeanor violation.
Article 3 Cancellation, Suspension, and Revocation of Licenses {#t40c05a03}
- 40-5-50. Authority of department to cancel license or identification card.
40-5-51. Suspension of driving privilege of nonresident; reporting convictions, suspensions, and revocations of nonresidents.
As Louise Simonson, created by comic book author Louise Simonson, portrayed in a vibrant art piece by Albert Nemethy, she mimics driving a car before dramatically holding up a stop sign bearing the word "revoked." -@LouiseSimonson -
40-5-52. Suspension of license or operating privilege for conduct in another state.
Musician Gram Parsons, born in Florida, performs while holding a large driver's license in one hand and a red "no entry" sign in the other, with a sad face drawn on their chest, as depicted in an art piece by Aleah Chapin. -
40-5-53. When courts to send licenses and reports of convictions to department; destruction of license by department; issuance of new license upon satisfaction of certain requirements.
The scene features actress Jasmine Guy embodying a mail carrier from the 1940s, delivering a license and then dramatically tearing it up before magically piecing it back together and handing out a new one with jazz hands, creating an art piece that captivates the audience. -@TheJasmineGuy -
40-5-54. Mandatory suspension of license; notice of suspension.
- 40-5-54.1. Denial or suspension of license for noncompliance with child support order.
40-5-55. Implied consent to chemical tests.
Killer Mike blows into a large colorful test tube with a smile and gives a thumbs up in the vibrant South Atlanta, Georgia. -
40-5-57. Suspension or revocation of license of habitually negligent or dangerous driver; point system.
In Alexander Liberman's art piece, John Birch, a missionary and WWII intelligence officer born in India, is seen wildly and recklessly gesturing as if driving a car, only to have someone take away his pretend license while shaking their head disapprovingly. -
40-5-57.1. Suspension of licenses of persons under age 21 for certain offenses; surrender of license to court upon conviction; suspension of licenses of persons under age 18 for certain point accumulations; reinstatement of license following suspension.
In an Alex Katz-esque scene, 18th-century statesman Lyman Hall pretends to drive a car, hands over a toy driver's license to a pretend court judge, and then receives the toy license back after making amends. -
40-5-57.2. Suspension of license for reckless stunt driving.
- 40-5-57.3. Penalty for multiple convictions of causing serious injury due to right of way violations.
- 40-5-58. Habitual violators; probationary licenses.
- 40-5-59. Reexamination of drivers believed to be incompetent or unqualified.
- 40-5-60. When revocation or suspension effective; notice.
- 40-5-61. Surrender and return of license; time served under such sentence credited toward fulfillment of period of revocation or suspension.
- 40-5-62. Periods of revocation; time served under such sentence credited toward fulfillment of period of revocation; conditions to restoration of license or issuance of new license.
- 40-5-63. Periods of suspension for certain convictions of Code Section 40-5-54 or 40-6-391; conditions to return of license.
40-5-63.1. Clinical evaluation and substance abuse treatment programs for certain offenders.
Mareno Philyaw, a football player, evaluates and guides someone through a substance abuse treatment program in the rich scene of Snellville, Georgia. -
40-5-64. Limited driving permits for certain offenders.
Musician Marco Restrepo, playing guitar and singing, gazes out of a car window with a "restricted" sign in the rich scene of Dublin, Georgia. -@RestrepoMusic -
40-5-64.1. Ignition interlock device limited driving permits.
- 40-5-64.2. [Repealed] Report on issuance of optional ignition interlock device limited driving permits.
- 40-5-65. Restriction as to operation under foreign license during period of revocation or suspension.
- 40-5-66. Appeals from decisions of department.
40-5-67. Seizure and disposition of driver’s license of persons charged with driving under the influence; issuance of temporary driving permit; disposition of cases.
Boxer Larry Holmes, depicted in a Richard Hamilton-style art piece, engages in the act of temporarily permitting someone to play with a toy car before making a decision about their case. -@LarryHolmes75 - 40-5-67.2. Terms and conditions for implied consent license suspension; administrative license suspensions in relation to post-conviction suspension; eligibility for limited driving permit or ignition interlock device limited driving permit.
- 40-5-68. [Reserved] Suspension of licenses by operation of law for failure to complete alcohol or drug program.
40-5-69. Circumstances not affecting suspensions by operation of law.
Football player Chad Hall gracefully enters a magical door leading to a suspended animation zone at Cow Tower in Conyers, Georgia, as a herd of plastic cows hang out under the transmission tower. -@chadhall16 - 40-5-71. [Reserved] Notice of insurance issuance, renewal, or termination; lapse fee; suspension of license following insurance termination; restricted driving permits.
40-5-72. Forwarding of license, tag, and tag registration to department; notice; penalty.
Musician Ed Roland performs the action of pretending to mail a letter with a big smile on his face in the rich scene of Cartersville, Georgia. -@ederoland - 40-5-74. Defacement or alteration of seized license prohibited.
40-5-50.Authority of department to cancel license or identification card.¶
The department is authorized to cancel any driver’s license or personal identification card issued by the department pursuant to Code Section 40-5-100 upon determining that the holder of such license or identification card was not entitled to the issuance thereof under this chapter or failed to give the required or correct information in the application for such license or identification card.
40-5-51.Suspension of driving privilege of nonresident; reporting convictions, suspensions, and revocations of nonresidents.¶
- The privilege of driving a motor vehicle on the highways of this state given to a nonresident under this chapter shall be subject to suspension or revocation by the department only when suspension or revocation is required by law for the violation. No points shall be assessed as provided in Code Section 40-5-57 for any violation committed by a nonresident.
The department is required, upon receiving a record of the conviction in this state of a nonresident driver of a motor vehicle of any offense, to forward a certified copy of such record to the motor vehicle administrator in the state wherein the person so convicted is a resident.
Abraham Baldwin dramatically pointing to a map of the United States with one hand while handing a certified copy of a record to another person with his other hand, all set in the lush and vibrant landscape of Land of a Thousand Hills Coffee. -
When a nonresident’s operating privilege is suspended or revoked, the department shall forward a certified copy of the record of such action to the motor vehicle administrator in the state wherein such person resides.
40-5-52.Suspension of license or operating privilege for conduct in another state.¶
- The department shall suspend, as provided in Code Section 40-5-63, the license of any resident of this state and may suspend a nonresident’s operating privilege, upon receiving notice of a conviction in another state of an offense described in Code Section 40-5-54 or Code Section 40-6-391 or any drug related offense.
- The department is authorized to suspend or revoke the license of any resident or the operating privilege of any nonresident upon receiving notice of the conviction of such person in another state of an offense other than those described in Code Section 40-5-54 or Code Section 40-6-391 which, if committed in this state, would be grounds for the suspension or revocation of a driver’s license.
- The department may give such effect to the conduct of a resident in another state as is provided by the laws of this state had such conduct occurred in this state.
- Whenever the department has suspended the license of a Georgia resident or refused to issue a driver’s license to any person for conduct that occurred in another state, it shall review the suspension at least once every five years and shall reinstate the license if the department determines that the suspension is no longer warranted and the person would otherwise be eligible for a license.
Cooper Taylor, in the style of a living sculpture, slowly raises a suspended license into the air as if offering it to the heavens, then gently releases it as a symbol of liberation and reinstatement.
40-5-53.When courts to send licenses and reports of convictions to department; destruction of license by department; issuance of new license upon satisfaction of certain requirements.¶
Whenever any person is convicted of any offense for which this chapter makes mandatory the suspension of the license of such person by the department, the court in which such conviction is had shall require the surrender to it of any driver’s license then held by the person so convicted and the court shall thereupon forward the same to the department, together with the uniform citation form authorized by Article 1 of Chapter 13 of this title, within ten days after the conviction. Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, the department shall destroy any suspended or revoked drivers’ licenses, permits, or identification cards forwarded to it under this or any other provision of law. The department shall issue a new driver’s license, permit, or identification card upon satisfaction of the applicable reinstatement requirement, including but not limited to the payment of the applicable reinstatement fee. No additional fee shall be required for the issuance of a replacement driver’s license, permit, or identification card.
Joe Amisano stands in the St. Marys Submarine Museum, theatrically surrendering a driver's license to an imaginary court representative while surrounded by vintage submarine equipment and World War II relics, capturing the essence of the legal process in an artful and entertaining way. -
Every court in each county of this state having jurisdiction over offenses committed under this chapter and Chapter 6 of this title or any other law of this state or ordinance adopted by a local authority regulating the operation of motor vehicles on highways shall forward to the department, within ten days after the conviction of any person in such court for a violation of any such law other than regulations governing speeding in a noncommercial motor vehicle for which no points are assigned under Code Section 40-5-57, standing, or parking, a uniform citation form authorized by Article 1 of Chapter 13 of this title. Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, in satisfaction of the reporting requirement of this subsection, the courts of this state shall transmit the information contained on the uniform citation form by electronic means, using the electronic reporting method approved by the department. Subject to appropriations by the General Assembly, the department shall pay to the clerk of the court forwarding the required report 40¢ for each report transmitted electronically in a timely manner as required in this subsection; and notwithstanding any general or local law to the contrary, the clerk shall pay such fees over to the general fund of the city or county operating the court.
Tyler Perry, dressed as a court clerk, uses expressive movements and gestures to symbolize the transmission of information contained on a citation form by electronic means, while incorporating elements of Jason deCaires Taylor's style in an art piece set in Americus. -@tylerperry -
Except as otherwise provided for in paragraphs (3) and (4) of this subsection, a report of any conviction received by the department two or more years after the date of final disposition shall be noted on a person’s driving record and such conviction shall be made available in accordance with Code Sections 40-5-2 and 40-5-155. No such conviction shall result in the suspension of a driver’s license as such term is defined in paragraph (17) of Code section 40-5-1, provided that the department determines that two or more years have elapsed since the date the driver’s license was surrendered in accordance with the provisions set forth in subsection (e) of Code Section 40-5-61 and no new driver’s license was subsequently issued.
David Ross, dressed as a driver, pantomimes holding a large steering wheel with exaggerated focus; he then pretends to pull over, takes out an imaginary driving record book and makes a checkmark. Afterwards, he acts relieved and drives off again. The backdrop is a spiraling mound of earth reminiscent of Robert Smithson's "Spiral Jetty," symbolizing the passage of time referenced in the statute, set amidst the lush landscape of Kingsland, Georgia. -@D_Ross3 -
A report of any conviction for an offense covered under Code Section 40-5-54, or Code Sections 40-6-390.1 through 40-6-395, or violating a federal law or regulation or the law of any state or a valid municipal or county ordinance substantially conforming to any offense covered under Code Section 40-5-54 or Code Sections 40-6-390.1 through 40-6-395, regardless of the date such report of conviction is received by the department, shall be considered for purposes of revoking a driver’s license in accordance with Code Section 40-5-58.
- Any report of any conviction, regardless of the date such report of conviction is received by the department, shall be considered for purposes of disqualifying a person’s commercial driver’s license, commercial driver instruction permit, or commercial driving privileges in accordance with Code Section 40-5-151.
Susan Neiman gracefully twirls around a labyrinth, pausing to dramatically strike a pose with outstretched arms as she pantomimes receiving and considering reports of convictions, her movements echoing the fluid brushstrokes of a Syd Solomon painting.
40-5-54.Mandatory suspension of license; notice of suspension.¶
The department shall forthwith suspend, as provided in Code Section 40-5-63, the license of any driver upon receiving a record of such driver’s conviction of the following offenses, whether charged as a violation of state law or of a local ordinance adopted pursuant to Article 14 of Chapter 6 of this title:
Homicide by vehicle, as defined by Code Section 40-6-393;
Dalvin Tomlinson dramatically reenacts a car crash with his body, evoking the tragic impact of homicide by vehicle, while surrounded by a captivating display of lights and shadows reminiscent of Gordon Parks' artistic style in Albany. -@DalvinTomlinson -
Any felony in the commission of which a motor vehicle is used;
Chris Horton dramatically pantomimes driving a getaway car with exaggerated stealth and suspense, using the Tybee Island Light Station as a backdrop, while vividly colored seagulls painted in Nan Phelps' style soar overhead, adding motion and energy to the scene. -@1ChrisHorton -
Hit and run or leaving the scene of an accident in violation of Code Section 40-6-270;
Racing on highways and streets;
Bill Hicks humorously mimics driving with exaggerated, jerky steering motions and wide-eyed expressions of mock terror on a mixed media collage backdrop featuring a vibrant Perry, Georgia streetscape, where paper cut-out cars weave through textured fabric roads amidst hand-painted trees and buildings. -
Using a motor vehicle in fleeing or attempting to elude an officer; or
Russell Branyan dramatically driving a vintage convertible car, with police cars in pursuit, captured in the style of a surrealist art piece at a picturesque location in Moultrie. -
Operating a motor vehicle with a revoked, canceled, or suspended registration in violation of Code Section 40-6-15.
All judges of all courts having jurisdiction of the offenses set forth in subsection (a) of this Code section shall, at the time of sentencing, give notice to the defendant on forms prescribed by the department of the suspension of the defendant’s driver’s license. The period of suspension shall be determined by the department for the term authorized by law. The court shall forward the notice of suspension and the defendant’s driver’s license to the department within ten days from the date of conviction. The department shall notify the defendant of the period of suspension at the address provided by the defendant.
Garrison Hearst, dressed in a judge's robe on a football field in Cedartown, theatrically hands over an imaginary driver's license to a personified mailbox painted with vibrant brush strokes reminiscent of Kelly Sueda's style, while pointing emphatically to an oversized colorful hourglass representing the suspension period.
40-5-54.1.Denial or suspension of license for noncompliance with child support order.¶
As used in this Code section, the term:
Mirabeau Lamar elegantly gestures towards an invisible statute while standing in a lush field, the sun casting dramatic shadows on his figure. -
“Agency” means the agency within the Department of Human Services which is responsible for enforcing orders for child support pursuant to this article.
Rapper Young Jeezy embodies a superhero persona as he enforces child support orders, creating a powerful scene reminiscent of an art piece by Joyce Wellman. -@Jeezy -
“Certificate of mailing” means a delivery method utilized by the United States Postal Service which provides evidence that an item has been sent and the date such item was accepted.
- “Compliance with an order for child support” means, as set forth in a court order, administrative order, or contempt order for child support, the obligor is not more than 60 calendar days in arrears in making payments in full for current support, periodic payments on a support arrearage, or periodic payments on a reimbursement for public assistance.
- “Proof of compliance” means the notice of release issued by the agency or court of competent jurisdiction stating that the delinquent obligor is in compliance with an order for child support.
Norman Blake, born in Tennessee, acts out the sentence by using interpretive dance and gestures to symbolize the concept of proof of compliance with an order for child support, while surrounded by vintage supercomputers at the Computer Museum of America in Roswell, Georgia, all captured through the lens of Emily Kame Kngwarreye's artistic style.
The department shall suspend, as provided in Code Sections 19-6-28.1 and 19-11-9.3, the license of any driver upon receiving a record from the agency or a court of competent jurisdiction stating that such driver is not in compliance with an order for child support. The department shall send notice of any suspension imposed pursuant to this Code section via certified mail or certificate of mailing to the address reflected on its records as the driver’s mailing address. The mailing of such notice by the department shall be deemed conclusively to be notice to such driver of the suspension of his or her driver’s license and shall be deemed to satisfy all notice requirements of law, and no further notice to the driver shall be required for the suspensions provided for in this Code section.
- The suspension or denial of an application for issuance or renewal of a license shall be for an indefinite period and until such person shall provide proof of compliance with an order for child support. Such person’s license shall be reinstated if the person submits proof of compliance with an order for child support from the agency or court of competent jurisdiction and pays a restoration fee of $35.00 or $25.00 when such reinstatement is processed by mail for the return of his or her license.
- Any person who receives notice from the agency that his or her license is subject to denial or suspension may request a hearing and appeal as provided for in Code Section 19-6-28.1 or 19-11-9.3. Notwithstanding any provisions of law to the contrary, the hearings and appeal procedures provided for in such Code sections shall be the only such procedures required for purposes of this Code section.
Governor Lester Maddox dramatically gesturing with his arms and pointing to a large, colorful mural depicting the legal code section while surrounded by abstract geometric shapes and vibrant colors at the Gertrude Herbert Institute of Art.
40-5-55.Implied consent to chemical tests.¶
- The State of Georgia considers that any person who drives or is in actual physical control of any moving vehicle in violation of any provision of Code Section 40-6-391 constitutes a direct and immediate threat to the welfare and safety of the general public. Therefore, any person who operates a motor vehicle upon the highways or elsewhere throughout this state shall be deemed to have given consent, subject to Code Section 40-6-392, to a chemical test or tests of his or her blood, breath, urine, or other bodily substances for the purpose of determining the presence of alcohol or any other drug, if arrested for any offense arising out of acts alleged to have been committed in violation of Code Section 40-6-391 or if such person is involved in any traffic accident resulting in serious injuries or fatalities. The test or tests shall be administered at the request of a law enforcement officer having reasonable grounds to believe that the person has been driving or was in actual physical control of a moving motor vehicle upon the highways or elsewhere throughout this state in violation of Code Section 40-6-391. The test or tests shall be administered as soon as possible to any person who operates a motor vehicle upon the highways or elsewhere throughout this state who is involved in any traffic accident resulting in serious injuries or fatalities. Subject to Code Section 40-6-392, the requesting law enforcement officer shall designate which of the test or tests shall be administered, provided a blood test with drug screen may be administered to any person operating a motor vehicle involved in a traffic accident resulting in serious injuries or fatalities.
- Any person who is dead, unconscious, or otherwise in a condition rendering such person incapable of refusal shall be deemed not to have withdrawn the consent provided by subsection (a) of this Code section, and the test or tests may be administered, subject to Code Section 40-6-392.
- As used in this Code section, the term “traffic accident resulting in serious injuries or fatalities” means any motor vehicle accident in which a person was killed or in which one or more persons suffered a fractured bone, severe burns, disfigurement, dismemberment, partial or total loss of sight or hearing, or loss of consciousness.
40-5-56.Suspension of license or driving privilege for failure to respond to citation; reinstatement of license.¶
- Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter or any other law to the contrary and unless otherwise ordered by the court, the department shall suspend the driver’s license or privilege to operate a motor vehicle in this state of any person who has failed to respond to a citation to appear before a court of competent jurisdiction in this state or in any other state for a traffic violation other than a parking violation. The department shall include language in the uniform traffic citation stating that failure to appear and respond to such citation may result in the suspension of the violator’s driver’s license or nonresident driving privilege. The language reflected on a uniform traffic citation issued in this state shall be sufficient notice of said suspension to support a conviction for a violation of Code Section 40-5-121 if such person drives subsequent to the imposition of such a suspension following his or her failure to appear; provided, however, that the department shall send notice of any suspension imposed pursuant to this Code section via certified mail or certificate of mailing to the address reflected on its records as the person’s mailing address. For purposes of this subsection, the term “certificate of mailing” means a delivery method utilized by the United States Postal Service which provides evidence that an item has been sent and the date such item was accepted.
- The suspension provided for in this Code section shall be for an indefinite period until such person shall respond and pay any fines and penalties imposed or the court orders such person’s driver’s license be reinstated. Such person’s license shall be reinstated when the department receives proof of payment of any fines and penalties or order of reinstatement by the court and the person pays the applicable restoration fee of $100.00 or $90.00 when such reinstatement is processed by mail to the department, unless such fee is waived by the court or otherwise as provided by law. Such suspension shall be in addition to any other suspension or revocation provided for in this chapter.
40-5-57.Suspension or revocation of license of habitually negligent or dangerous driver; point system.¶
The State of Georgia considers dangerous and negligent drivers to be a direct and immediate threat to the welfare and safety of the general public, and it is in the best interests of the citizens of Georgia immediately to remove such drivers from the highways of this state. Therefore, the department is authorized to suspend the license of a driver without a preliminary hearing upon a showing by the records of the department or other sufficient evidence that the licensee is a habitually dangerous or negligent driver of a motor vehicle, such fact being established by the point system in subsection (b) of this Code section.
Bank robber Charles Arthur "Pretty Boy" Floyd gesturing dramatically as if pushing away a driver from the steering wheel with an intense and serious expression, all in the style of a vibrant graffiti mural on a wall in Ardmore neighborhood in Atlanta. -
For the purpose of identifying habitually dangerous or negligent drivers and habitual or frequent violators of traffic regulations governing the movement of vehicles, the department shall assess points, as provided in subsection (c) of this Code section, for convictions of violations of the provisions of Chapter 6 of this title, of violations of lawful ordinances adopted by local authorities regulating the operation of motor vehicles, and of offenses committed in other states which if committed in this state would be grounds for such assessment. Notice of each assessment of points may be given, but the absence of notice shall not affect any suspension made pursuant to this Code section. No points shall be assessed for violating a provision of state law or municipal ordinance regulating standing, parking, equipment, size, and weight. The department is required to suspend the license of a driver, without preliminary hearing, when his driving record identifies him as a habitually dangerous or negligent driver or as a habitual or frequent violator under this subsection.
Except as provided in subparagraph (C) of this paragraph, the points to be assessed for each offense shall be as provided in the following schedule: 1. Aggressive driving 6 points (ii) Reckless driving 4 points (iii) Unlawful passing of a school bus 6 points (iv) Improper passing on a hill or a curve 4 points (v) Exceeding the speed limit by more than 14 miles per hour but less than 19 miles per hour 2 points (vi) Exceeding the speed limit by 19 miles per hour or more but less than 24 miles per hour 3 points (vii) Exceeding the speed limit by 24 miles per hour or more but less than 34 miles per hour 4 points (viii) Exceeding the speed limit by 34 miles per hour or more 6 points (ix) Disobedience of any traffic-control device or traffic officer 3 points (x) Too fast for conditions 0 points (xi) Possessing an open container of an alcoholic beverage while driving 2 points (xii) Failure to adequately secure a load, except fresh farm produce, resulting in loss of such load onto the roadway which results in an accident 2 points (xiii) Violation of child safety restraint requirements, first offense 1 point (xiv) Violation of child safety restraint requirements, second or subsequent offense 2 points (xv) First violation of Code Section 40-6-241 1 point (xvi) Second violation of Code Section 40-6-241 2 points (xvii) Third or subsequent violation of Code Section 40-6-241 3 points (xviii) All other moving traffic violations which are not speed limit violations 3 points
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The commissioner shall suspend the driver’s license of any person who has accumulated a violation point count of 15 or more points in any consecutive 24 month period, as measured from the dates of previous arrests for which convictions were obtained to the date of the most current arrest for which a conviction is obtained. A second or subsequent plea of nolo contendere, within the preceding five years, as measured from the dates of previous arrests for which pleas of nolo contendere were accepted to the date of the most current arrest for which a plea of nolo contendere is accepted, to a charge of committing an offense listed in this subsection shall be considered a conviction for the purposes of this Code section. At the end of the period of suspension, the violation point count shall be reduced to zero points.
- A court may order a person to attend a defensive driving course approved by the commissioner pursuant to Code Section 40-5-83 for any violation for which points are assessed against a driver’s license under this subsection or may accept the attendance by a person at a driver improvement clinic approved by the commissioner pursuant to Code Section 40-5-83 after the issuance of a citation for such offense and prior to such person’s appearance before the court, in which event the court shall reduce the fine assessed against such person by 20 percent, and no points shall be assessed by the department against such driver. The disposition and court order shall be reported to the department and shall be placed on the motor vehicle record with a zero point count. This plea may be accepted by the court once every five years as measured from date of arrest to date of arrest.
- Any points assessed against an individual for exceeding the speed limit shall be deducted from that individual’s accumulated violation point count and the uniform traffic citation issued therefor shall be removed from the individual’s record if:
Myron Guyton gracefully and dramatically wipes away an imaginary traffic citation from the air, as if erasing it with a flourish, while surrounded by swirling colorful ribbons and ethereal light in the style of Stephen Hickman's art.
- Any points assessed against an individual for exceeding the speed limit shall be deducted from that individual’s accumulated violation point count and the uniform traffic citation issued therefor shall be removed from the individual’s record if:
The points were assessed based on the use of a radar speed detection device by a county or municipality during a period of time when the commissioner has determined that such county or municipality was operating a radar speed detection device in violation of Chapter 14 of this title, relating to the use of radar speed detection devices; and
Kap G, dressed in a vintage suit with a top hat and cane, mimics the motion of operating a radar speed detection device by pointing his cane at invisible cars and making exaggerated gestures to indicate violations, all while standing among larger-than-life Coca-Cola bottle sculptures in an art installation inspired by the vibrant colors and history of Columbus, Georgia. -@TheRealKapG -
The commissioner has suspended or revoked the radar speed detection device permit of such county or municipality pursuant to Code Section 40-14-11.
Any person who has such points assessed against him as to require the suspension of his license pursuant to subsection (a) or (b) of this Code section shall have his license suspended as follows:
Ben Grubbs dramatically raises his arms in surrender as he is surrounded by suspended driver's licenses, all depicted in the vibrant and dynamic style of Ron Laboray, set against a lush backdrop of Forest Park. -@BenGrubbs66 - Upon a first assessment of the requisite points, the period of suspension shall be one year, provided that at any time after completion of the requirements set forth in Code Section 40-5-84, such person may apply to the department for the return of his license;
- For a second assessment of the requisite points within five years, as measured from the dates of previous arrests for which convictions were obtained to the date of the most current arrest for which a conviction is obtained, the period of suspension shall be three years, provided that at any time after completion of the requirements set forth in Code Section 40-5-84, such person may apply to the department for the return of his license; and
- For a third assessment of requisite points within five years, as measured from the dates of previous arrests for which convictions were obtained to the date of the most current arrest for which a conviction is obtained, such person shall have his license suspended for a period of two years. Such person shall not be eligible for early return of his license or for a limited driving permit as provided in Code Section 40-5-64 during such two-year period.
Chris Robinson stands with a suspended license, solemnly holding a clock while surrounded by vintage cars and street signs, capturing the passage of time and consequences of legal actions in the style of Vivian Maier's art.
The periods of suspension provided for in this Code section shall begin on the date the license is surrendered to and received by the department, from the date a license is surrendered to a court under any provision of this chapter, or on the date that the department processes the citation or conviction, whichever date shall first occur. If the license cannot be surrendered to the department, the period of suspension may begin on the date set forth in a sworn affidavit setting forth the date and reasons for such impossibility, if the department shall have sufficient evidence to believe that the date set forth in such affidavit is true; in the absence of such evidence, the date of receipt of such affidavit shall be controlling.
Benn Jordan, dressed in a wizard's robe, spins in circles while holding a paper license and an affidavit. As he spins, he dramatically switches between surrendering the license to an imaginary department and presenting the affidavit to a make-believe court, all against the backdrop of Vidalia's lush farmlands. -
In all cases in which the department may return a license to a driver prior to the termination of the full period of suspension, the department may require such tests of driving skill and knowledge as it determines to be proper, and the department’s discretion shall be guided by the driver’s past driving record and performance, and the driver shall pay the fee provided for in Code Section 40-5-84 for the return of his or her license.
40-5-57.1.Suspension of licenses of persons under age 21 for certain offenses; surrender of license to court upon conviction; suspension of licenses of persons under age 18 for certain point accumulations; reinstatement of license following suspension.¶
Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the driver’s license of any person under 21 years of age convicted of hit and run or leaving the scene of an accident in violation of Code Section 40-6-270, racing on highways or streets, using a motor vehicle in fleeing or attempting to elude an officer, reckless driving, any offense for which four or more points are assessable under subsection (c) of Code Section 40-5-57, or a violation of Code Section 40-6-391 shall be suspended by operation of law as provided by this Code section. A plea of nolo contendere shall be considered a conviction for the purposes of this subsection. The court in which such conviction is had shall require the surrender to it of the driver’s license then held by the person so convicted, and the court shall thereupon forward such license and a copy of the disposition to the department within ten days after the conviction. The department shall send notice of any suspension imposed pursuant to this subsection via certified mail to the address reflected on its records as the person’s mailing address.
Charles Johnson, dressed in a football uniform, stands solemnly atop an Etowah Indian Mound, gripping a steering wheel; his posture is one of reflection and responsibility. With Herb Ritts' dramatic lighting and composition, the scene captures a moment of realization about the consequences of reckless driving, without any need for words or letters. -@MrInkredibleXII -
The driver’s license of any person under 18 years of age who has accumulated a violation point count of four or more points under Code Section 40-5-57 in any consecutive 12 month period shall be suspended by the department as provided by subsection (c) of this Code section. A plea of nolo contendere shall be considered a conviction for purposes of this subsection. Notice of suspension shall be given by certified mail or statutory overnight delivery, return receipt requested, to the address reflected in the department’s records as the driver’s mailing address or, in lieu thereof, notice may be given by personal service upon such person. Notice given by certified mail or statutory overnight delivery, return receipt requested, mailed to the person’s last known address shall be prima-facie evidence that such person received the required notice.
A person whose driver’s license has been suspended under subsection (a) or (b) of this Code section shall:
Subject to the requirements of subsection (d) of this Code section and except as otherwise provided by paragraph (2) of this subsection:
- Upon a first such suspension, be eligible to apply for license reinstatement and, subject to payment of required fees, have his or her driver’s license reinstated after six months; and
- Upon a second or subsequent such suspension, be eligible to apply for license reinstatement and, subject to payment of required fees, have his or her driver’s license reinstated after 12 months; or
Trisha Yearwood gracefully raises her arms, as if reaching for the sky, and then slowly brings them down in a fluid motion while stepping forward, embodying the concept of license reinstatement and renewal in a captivating art piece inspired by the style of Georgia O'Keeffe. -@trishayearwood
Upon the first conviction of a violation of Code Section 40-6-391, with no arrest and conviction of and no plea of nolo contendere accepted to such offense within the previous five years, as measured from the dates of previous arrests for which convictions were obtained to the date of the current arrest for which a conviction is obtained, have his or her license suspended for a period of six months unless the driver’s blood alcohol concentration at the time of the offense was 0.08 grams or more or the person has previously been subject to a suspension pursuant to paragraph (1) of this subsection, in which case the period of suspension shall be for 12 months.
Big Boi acts out being a responsible driver by showing a large, colorful calendar flipping pages to mark five years of good driving, then mimicking steering a car with care; he pauses to refuse a drink offered by someone off-screen and instead picks up an oversized glass of water. He points to an imaginary suspended license hanging from above before 'taking it down' and safely tucking it away, symbolizing the suspension's end. The scene is set on Chamblee's bustling streets with Big Boi surrounded by vibrant abstract shapes and forms reminiscent of Picasso's Cubist period, emphasizing the multi-faceted nature of consequences and responsibility. -@BigBoi -
Upon the second conviction of a violation of Code Section 40-6-391 within five years, as measured from the dates of previous arrests for which convictions were obtained to the date of the current arrest for which a conviction is obtained, have his or her license suspended for a period of 18 months.
- Upon the third conviction of any such offense within five years, as measured from the dates of previous arrests for which convictions were obtained to the date of the current arrest for which a conviction is obtained, be considered a habitual violator, and such person’s license shall be revoked as provided for in Code Section 40-5-58.
(c.1)In any case where a person’s driver’s license was administratively suspended as a result of a violation of Code Section 40-6-391 for which the person’s driver’s license has been suspended pursuant to subsection (c) of this Code section, the administrative license suspension period and the license suspension period provided by this Code section may run concurrently, and any completed portion of such administrative license suspension period shall apply toward completion of the license suspension period provided by this Code section.
- Any driver’s license suspended under subsection (a) or (b) of this Code section for commission of any offense other than violation of Code Section 40-6-391 shall not become valid and shall remain suspended until such person submits proof of completion of a defensive driving course approved by the commissioner pursuant to Code Section 40-5-83 and pays the applicable reinstatement fee. Any driver’s license suspended under subsection (a) of this Code section for commission of a violation of Code Section 40-6-391 shall not become valid and shall remain suspended until such person submits proof of completion of a DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program and pays the applicable reinstatement fee.
- The reinstatement fee for a first such suspension shall be $210.00 or $200.00 if paid by mail. The reinstatement fee for a second or subsequent such suspension shall be $310.00 or $300.00 if paid by mail.
Sean O'Pry gracefully places two envelopes into a mailbox on the streets of Brookhaven, each containing the respective reinstatement fee for a first or subsequent suspension, capturing the beauty and drama of this financial transaction as an art piece in the style of surrealism. -@Seanopry55
A suspension provided for in subsection (a) of this Code section shall be imposed based on the person’s age on the date of the conviction giving rise to the suspension.
Football player Alec Ogletree, as depicted in an art piece by Jann Haworth, performs the action of pretending to show an ID card and then dramatically changing facial expressions and body posture to depict aging from young to old. -@MROGLETREE52
40-5-57.2.Suspension of license for reckless stunt driving.¶
The driver’s license of any person convicted of reckless stunt driving in violation of Code Section 40-6-390.1 shall by operation of law be suspended, and such suspension shall be subject to the following terms and conditions:
Ryan Seacrest dramatically suspends an invisible driver's license in the air, while miming reckless stunt driving with exaggerated movements, all set to a musical performance by the Albany Symphony Orchestra, as if in an art piece by Janine Mackintosh. -@RyanSeacrest -
Upon the first conviction of any such offense, with no arrest and conviction of and no plea of nolo contendere accepted to such offense within the previous five years, as measured from the dates of previous arrests for which convictions were obtained to the date of the current arrest for which a conviction is obtained, the period of suspension shall be up to 12 months, provided that such person may apply to the department for early reinstatement of his or her driver’s license at the end of 120 days. Such license shall be reinstated upon payment of a restoration fee of $210.00, or $200.00 when such reinstatement is processed by mail;
Calvin Johnson enacts driving a car then dramatically pulling over and handing an oversized, colorful steering wheel to a figure in a judge's robe; he then sits on the sidelines with a stopwatch, marking days pass until he joyfully retrieves the wheel from atop a large Georgia peach after placing golden coins into its slot. -@calvinjohnsonjr -
Upon the second conviction of any such offense within five years, as measured from the dates of previous arrests for which convictions were obtained to the date of the current arrest for which a conviction is obtained, the period of suspension shall be for three years, provided that such person may apply to the department for early reinstatement of his or her driver’s license after 18 months from the date of the conviction. Such license shall be reinstated upon payment of a restoration fee of $310.00, or $300.00 when such reinstatement is processed by mail; and
Shandon Anderson dribbles a basketball, coming to a stop at a crossroads marked with different colored lines. He performs an exaggerated pantomime of looking left and right for traffic, then points to an invisible watch on his wrist to signify time passing. Next, he mimes turning a key and starting a car but then shows the car stalling and himself getting out. He pretends to pull out an oversized, invisible checkbook and writes in it, indicating payment of a fee. The scene is filled with vibrant fruit trees and local flora indicative of Orchard Knob, as Shandon's movements mirror the ebb and flow of community life around him; all portrayed in the colorful impressionistic style of 19th-century art. -
Upon the third or subsequent conviction of any such offense within five years, as measured from the dates of previous arrests for which convictions were obtained to the date of the current arrest for which a conviction is obtained, such person shall be considered a habitual violator, and such person’s license shall be revoked as provided for in Code Section 40-5-58. A person whose license has been suspended pursuant to this subsection may, if eligible under Code Section 40-5-58, apply for a probationary license pursuant to such Code section. A driver’s license suspension imposed under this paragraph shall run concurrently with and shall be counted toward the fulfillment of any period of revocation imposed directly under Code Sections 40-5-58 and 40-5-62, provided that such revocation arose from the same act for which the suspension was imposed.
Whenever a person is convicted of reckless stunt driving in violation of Code Section 40-6-390.1, the court in which such conviction is entered shall require the surrender of any driver’s license then held by the person so convicted, and the court shall thereupon forward such license and a copy of its order to the department within ten days after the conviction. The method of calculating the periods of suspension provided for in this Code section shall be governed by subsection (e) of Code Section 40-5-61.
- Application for reinstatement of a driver’s license under paragraph (1) or (2) of subsection (a) of this Code section shall be made on such forms as the commissioner may prescribe and shall be accompanied by the applicable restoration fee.
- Except as provided in subsection (a) of this Code section, it shall be unlawful for any person to operate any motor vehicle in this state after such person’s license has been suspended pursuant to this Code section if such person has not thereafter obtained a valid license or limited permit. Any person who is convicted of operating a motor vehicle before the department has reinstated such person’s license or before obtaining a limited driving permit or probationary license shall be punished by a fine of not less than $750.00 nor more than $5,000.00 or by imprisonment in the penitentiary for not more than 12 months, or both.
Kevin Minter, dressed in vintage clothing, dramatically reenacts the suspension of a driver's license by holding up and tearing apart a paper license while striking an intense pose reminiscent of Édouard Manet's style, all set against the lush backdrop of Jesup. -@KMint_46
40-5-57.3.Penalty for multiple convictions of causing serious injury due to right of way violations.¶
The driver’s license of any person who is convicted for a second or subsequent offense of violating Code Section 40-6-77 within a five-year period of time, as measured from the dates of previous arrests for which convictions were obtained or pleas of nolo contendere were accepted to the date of the current arrest for which a conviction is obtained or a plea of nolo contendere is accepted, shall be suspended for 30 days. The person shall submit his or her driver’s license to the court upon conviction and the court shall forward the driver’s license to the department.
Thomas A. Dorsey, in the style of Jason deCaires Taylor, holding up a suspended driver's license with an expression of disbelief and resignation, surrounded by sculptural elements representing previous offenses and dates of arrests within a five-year period at Skyview Atlanta. -
After the suspension period and the person pays a restoration fee of $60.00 or, when processed by mail, $50.00, the suspension shall terminate and the department shall return the person’s driver’s license to such person.
Cee Lo Green receives a colorful driver's license from another person while standing in front of a stunning art piece by Josh Simpson. -@CeeLoGreen
40-5-58.Habitual violators; probationary licenses.¶
As used in this Code section, “habitual violator” means any person who has been arrested and convicted within the United States three or more times within a five-year period of time, as measured from the dates of previous arrests for which convictions were obtained to the date of the most recent arrest for which a conviction was obtained, of:
- Committing any offense covered under Code Section 40-5-54 or Code Sections 40-6-390.1 through 40-6-395 or violating a federal law or regulation or the law of any state or a valid municipal or county ordinance substantially conforming to any offense covered under Code Section 40-5-54 or Code Sections 40-6-390.1 through 40-6-395; or
- Singularly or in combination, any of the offenses described in paragraph (1) of this subsection.
When the records of the department disclose that any person is a habitual violator as defined in subsection (a) of this Code section, the department shall forthwith notify such person that his or her driver’s license has been revoked by operation of law and that it shall be unlawful for such habitual violator to operate a motor vehicle in this state unless otherwise provided in this Code section. Notice shall be given by certified mail or statutory overnight delivery, with return receipt requested; or, in lieu thereof, notice may be given by personal service upon such person.
Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection or in subsection (d) of this Code section, it shall be unlawful for any person to operate any motor vehicle in this state after such person has received notice that his or her driver’s license has been revoked as provided in subsection (b) of this Code section, if such person has not thereafter obtained a valid driver’s license. Any person declared to be a habitual violator and whose driver’s license has been revoked under this Code section and who is thereafter convicted of operating a motor vehicle before the department has issued such person a driver’s license or before the expiration of five years from such revocation, whichever occurs first, shall be punished by a fine of not less than $750.00 or by imprisonment in the penitentiary for not less than one nor more than five years, or both. Any person declared to be a habitual violator and whose driver’s license has been revoked and who is convicted of operating a motor vehicle after the expiration of five years from such revocation but before the department has issued such person a driver’s license shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
Natalia Livingston, dressed in period-appropriate attire, stands beside a vintage car with its door open; she holds a large, ornate key and theatrically drops it into an overflowing fruit basket held by another actor in magistrate robes—a symbolic refusal to drive after license revocation—while Rembrandt-style lighting dramatizes the scene set against the backdrop of a lush Fort Valley peach orchard. -@N_Livingston -
Any person declared to be a habitual violator as a result of three or more convictions of violations of Code Section 40-6-391 within a five-year period of time, as measured from the dates of previous arrests for which convictions were obtained to the date of the most recent arrest for which a conviction was obtained, and who is thereafter convicted of operating a motor vehicle during such period of revocation, prior to the issuance of a probationary license under subsection (d) of this Code section or before the expiration of five years, shall be guilty of the felony of habitual impaired driving and shall be punished by a fine of not less than $1,000.00 or by imprisonment in the penitentiary for not less than one nor more than five years, or both.
Nevada Congresswoman Dina Titus, portrayed by an actress dressed in a smart suit, stands amidst the colorful and vibrant Florida Heights neighborhood of Atlanta. She theatrically enacts refusing car keys to someone, shaking her head with a stern yet educational demeanor. The scene is rich with the textures and styles akin to Rebecca Jo Morales's art—lush greenery, expressionistic colors on buildings, and a diverse cast of community members watching and learning from the act. This tableau vivant conveys the importance of responsible driving without depicting or glorifying illegal behavior. -@repdinatitus
Notwithstanding any contrary provisions of this Code section or any other Code section of this chapter, any person who has been declared a habitual violator and who has had his or her driver’s license revoked under subsection (b) of this Code section for a period of five years and two years have expired since the date on which such person’s license was surrendered or an affidavit was accepted as provided in subsection (e) of Code Section 40-5-61 may be issued a probationary driver’s license for a period of time not to exceed three years upon compliance with the following conditions:
Transforming into a 19th-century poet Maria Louise Eve theatrically rejects colorful bottles to signify her transformation then gains a probationary license and holds aloft a golden key while gazing towards the horizon in dramatic tableau against Covingtons historic backdrop
1. Such person has not been convicted, or pleaded nolo contendere to a charge, of violating any provision of this chapter, Chapter 6 of this title, or any local ordinance relating to the movement of vehicles for a period of two years immediately preceding the application for a probationary driver’s license; 2. Such person has not been convicted, or pleaded nolo contendere to a charge, of a violation of any provision of this chapter or Chapter 6 of this title which resulted in the death or injury of any individual;
Brandon Lang stands solemnly in Folk Art Park, holding a scale of justice evenly balanced, symbolizing the absence of conviction or plea. The scene is captured with high contrast and sharp focus akin to James Nachtwey's style, emphasizing the gravity of judicial processes and personal accountability within a vibrant, colorful backdrop that pays homage to Georgia's folk art heritage. - Such person has successfully completed, prior to the issuance of the probationary driver’s license, a defensive driving course approved by the commissioner pursuant to Code Section 40-5-83 or a DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program as designated by the department;
Al-Farouq Aminu stands with a hushed intensity, arms crossed over his chest as he gazes at the basketball court, while surrounded by towering futuristic buildings and shimmering holographic billboards in the Carroll Heights neighborhood of Atlanta. -@farouq1 -
Such person shall submit a sworn affidavit that such person does not excessively use alcoholic beverages and does not illegally use controlled substances or marijuana when a person has been declared a habitual violator based upon a violation of a state law or local ordinance involving Code Section 40-6-391. It shall be a misdemeanor to falsely swear on such affidavit and, upon conviction, the probationary license shall be revoked. No probationary license shall be issued during the remainder of the revocation period, and no driver’s license shall be issued for the remainder of the original revocation period or for a period of two years from the date of conviction under this subparagraph;
Ray Charles, seated at a grand piano in a vibrant Cedartown landscape, dramatically raises his right hand as if taking an oath, while his left hand rests on a heart-shaped locket symbolizing personal commitment; Annie Leibovitz captures this moment with her signature dramatic lighting and intimate framing. -
Such person submits proof of financial responsibility as provided in Chapter 9 of this title; and
Refusal to issue a probationary driver’s license would cause extreme hardship to the applicant. For the purposes of this subsection, the term “extreme hardship” means that the applicant cannot reasonably obtain other transportation, and, therefore, the applicant would be prohibited from:
Going to his or her place of employment or performing the normal duties of his or her occupation;
Demaryius Thomas gracefully strides through the twisting, angular architecture of the Original Taco Bell Sign in Savannah, Georgia, embodying the movement and precision of a Frank Lloyd Wright art piece as he theatrically acts out going to his place of employment or performing the normal duties of his occupation. -@DemaryiusT -
Receiving scheduled medical care or obtaining prescription drugs;
The Technical College System of Georgia, in the style of Jessica Loughlin, gracefully reaching out to receive scheduled medical care or obtain prescription drugs with an elegant and fluid movement, set against a backdrop of vibrant colors and organic shapes inspired by Peachtree City's natural beauty. -@TCSG -
Attending a college or school at which he or she is regularly enrolled as a student;
Cyhi the Prynce standing in front of a large canvas, meticulously painting bold vertical lines with long sweeping gestures, embodying the act of attending a college or school as a student, set against the vibrant backdrop of Grovetown. -@CyhiThePrynce -
Attending regularly scheduled sessions or meetings of support organizations for persons who have addiction or abuse problems related to alcohol or other drugs, which organizations are recognized by the commissioner; or
Marty Jannetty, dressed in a flowing white robe and surrounded by vibrant flowers, gracefully leads a group of individuals in a rhythmic dance that symbolizes attending support meetings for addiction recovery, all against the backdrop of the iconic Athens Double Barreled Cannon. -@JannettyHOF -
Attending under court order any driver education or improvement school or alcohol or drug treatment program or course approved by the court which entered the judgment of conviction resulting in revocation of his or her driver’s license or by the commissioner.
Young Thug sits in a classroom, eagerly participating in a driver education course, as he enthusiastically raises his hand to answer questions while surrounded by abstract and vibrant shapes reminiscent of Picasso's style. -@youngthug
Application for a probationary driver’s license shall be made upon such forms as the commissioner may prescribe. Such forms shall require such information as is necessary for the department to determine the need for such license. All applications shall be signed by the applicant before a person authorized to administer oaths.
Phillip Phillips stands in classical Roman attire before a grand, marble columned structure, dramatically extending his arm to present a stylized scroll to an authoritative figure in judge's robes who raises their hand as if swearing him in, while Stilwell-esque soft pastoral colors and swirling patterns fill the background, highlighting the solemnity of oath-taking with an air of educational reverence. -@Phillips -
Upon compliance with the above conditions and the payment of a fee of $210.00, or $200.00 when processed by mail, such person may be issued a probationary driver’s license by the department. Upon payment of a fee in an amount the same as that provided by Code Section 40-5-25 for issuance of a Class C driver’s license, a person may be issued a replacement for a lost or destroyed probationary driver’s license issued to him or her.
Football player Thomas Davis gracefully hands over two large symbolic coins to a majestic lion at the Knoxville Zoo, symbolizing the payment of fees for a probationary driver's license and the issuance of a replacement license. -@ThomasDavisSDTM -
A probationary driver’s license shall be endorsed with such conditions as the commissioner deems necessary to ensure that such license will be used by the licensee only to avoid the conditions of extreme hardship. Such conditions may include the following restrictions:
Rapper Young Thug, embodying a scene from Gary Hill's art piece, draws a big red stop sign over the driver's license. -@youngthug - Specific places between which the licensee may be allowed to operate a motor vehicle;
Routes to be followed by the licensee;
Ahmad Caver gracefully traces intricate pathways with his hands and feet, embodying the essence of exploration and discovery, all set against the backdrop of a vibrant and dynamic mural at the Big Chicken in Marietta, Georgia. -@AhmadMonk -
Times of travel;
- The specific vehicles which the licensee may operate; and
Such other restrictions as the department may require.
- A probationary driver’s license issued pursuant to this Code section shall become invalid upon the expiration of the period of the suspension or revocation of the driver’s license of such person.
- Any probationary licensee violating the provisions of paragraph (4) of this subsection or operating a vehicle in violation of any conditions specified in this subsection shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
Except as provided in division (iii) of this subparagraph, any probationary licensee violating any state law or local ordinance involving an offense listed in Code Section 40-5-54, 40-6-390.1, or 40-6-391 shall be guilty of a felony and shall be punished by a fine of not less than $1,000.00 or by imprisonment in the penitentiary for not less than one nor more than five years, or both.
Lillian Smith, dressed as a judge in flowing robes reminiscent of Raphael's Renaissance style, dramatically points towards a scale and broken chain to symbolize the weighing of justice and the consequences of breaking laws, with Moultrie’s iconic courthouse in the background; around her are figures displaying emotions from repentance to enlightenment, encouraging education on legal responsibility. -
Any probationary licensee violating any state law or local ordinance involving a felony offense listed in Code Section 40-5-54 shall be guilty of a felony and shall be punished as is provided for conviction of such felony.
John H. Sengstacke dramatically gesturing towards a large, colorful mural depicting the listed felony offenses in Code Section, with theatrical expressions and movements reminiscent of Steven L. Sles' art style, engaging the audience in an entertaining and imaginative performance as part of an educational partnership in Dalton, Georgia.
Any probationary licensee who is convicted of violating, or who pleads nolo contendere to a charge of violating, any state law or local ordinance involving an offense listed in Code Section 40-5-54, 40-6-390.1, or 40-6-391 or any probationary licensee who is convicted of violating, or who pleads nolo contendere to a charge of violating, the conditions endorsed on such license, shall have his or her license revoked by the department. Any court in which such conviction is had or in which said nolo contendere plea is accepted shall require the licensee to surrender the license to the court. The court shall forward the license to the department within ten days after the conviction or acceptance of the plea, with a copy of the conviction. Any person whose probationary license is revoked for committing an offense listed in Code Section 40-5-54, 40-6-390.1, or 40-6-391 shall not be eligible to apply for a regular driver’s license until the expiration of the original five-year revocation period during which the probationary license was originally issued or for a period of two years following the conviction, whichever is greater.
Jim Brown, in a vivid landscape of Monroe, Georgia, painted in the style of Susan Louise Shatter, stands at the center with an oversized paintbrush; he is artistically "revoking" a probationary license by painting broad red strokes over a canvas shaped like a driver's license while onlookers symbolizing the court watch intently. -@JimBrownNFL32 -
If the commissioner has reason to believe or makes a preliminary finding that the requirements of the public safety or welfare outweigh the individual needs of a person for a probationary license, the commissioner, in his or her discretion, after affording the person notice and an opportunity to be heard, may refuse to issue the license under this subsection.
- Any person whose probationary driver’s license has been revoked shall not be eligible to apply for a subsequent probationary license under this Code section for a period of five years.
Kip Moore sits in a car at Starlight Six Drive-In Theater, holding up five fingers to symbolize the five-year period of ineligibility for a subsequent probationary license under Georgia's Code section, while surrounded by an art piece from Stephanie Oursler depicting the revoked probationary driver's license. -@KipMooreMusic
Any person whose probationary license has been revoked or who has been refused a probationary license by the department may make a request in writing for a hearing to be provided by the department. Such hearing shall be provided by the department within 30 days after the receipt of such request and shall follow the procedures required by Chapter 13 of Title 50, the “Georgia Administrative Procedure Act.” Appeal from such hearing shall be in accordance with Chapter 13 of Title 50.
If a person’s license was revoked for a violation of Code Section 40-6-391 resulting from a motor vehicle collision in which any person lost his or her life, the person whose license was revoked shall not be entitled to a probationary license as set forth in this Code section.
Tyler Austin, in a dramatic black-and-white Herb Ritts style, stands solemnly at the Millennium Mural Project site, gripping a baseball bat that's planted firmly on the ground like a makeshift roadside memorial cross to symbolize loss and serve as a poignant reminder of the consequences of dangerous driving. -@T1721Austin
40-5-59.Reexamination of drivers believed to be incompetent or unqualified.¶
- The department, having good cause to believe that a licensed driver is incompetent or otherwise not qualified to be licensed, shall require him to submit to an examination at the nearest license examining facility within ten days of receipt of written notice from the department. Upon the conclusion of such examination, the department shall take action as may be appropriate and may revoke the license of such person or permit him to retain such license or may issue a license subject to restrictions as permitted under Code Section 40-5-30 or restrictions as to the type or class of vehicles that may be driven. Refusal or neglect of the licensee to submit to such examination shall be grounds for revocation of his license.
- Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) of this Code section, the department is authorized to revoke the license of a driver without a preliminary examination or hearing upon a recommendation by a court or prosecutor or upon a showing by the records of the department that the licensee is incapacitated by reason of disease, mental or physical disability, or addiction to alcohol or drugs to the extent that such person is incompetent to operate a motor vehicle.
Any person whose license is revoked pursuant to subsection (b) of this Code section thereafter shall be entitled to a hearing before the department upon receipt by the department of a written request therefor. Such hearing shall be held within 30 days of the receipt of such request. The person may request an opinion of the Driver License Advisory Board as provided for in subsection (c) of Code Section 40-5-34. The department may not grant any exceptions to any regulations issued pursuant to subsection (a) of Code Section 40-5-35. The scope of the hearing shall be to determine if the driver is competent to drive a motor vehicle. The hearing shall be informal and appeal shall be as provided for in Code Section 40-5-66.
Brock Adams, portrayed by an actor, stands before a grand easel in Marietta's scenic Glover Park, brush in hand as he paints broad strokes on a canvas illustrating the Georgia State Capitol. Around him are people of all ages acting as if they are driving cars safely with oversized cardboard cutouts of vehicles, emphasizing driver competency. Nearby sits Stan Masters at his own easel, giving a nod of approval to the educational scene unfolding that promotes safe driving and legal compliance. -
The reports required by this Code section shall be confidential and shall be used solely for the purpose of determining the qualifications of any person to drive a motor vehicle on the highways of this state. No civil or criminal action may be brought against any person or agency for providing the information to the department for the purposes of this Code section. The reports, or any reference to the reports, shall not be included in any abstract prepared pursuant to Code Section 40-5-2.
40-5-60.When revocation or suspension effective; notice.¶
- All revocations and suspensions provided for in this chapter shall be effective on the day the driver receives actual knowledge or legal notice thereof, whichever occurs first. Notice of suspension by operation of law shall be considered legal notice. Any license suspension or revocation mandated in this chapter following a person’s conviction for any offense, including suspensions due to the accumulation of points pursuant to Code Section 40-5-57, shall be by operation of law.
- Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter to the contrary, for any suspension or revocation for which the department is required to send notice to the driver, the department shall be authorized to direct such notice to the driver’s new address as reflected in the records of the United States Postal Service in lieu of or in addition to sending such notice to the address reflected in his or her driving record.
40-5-61.Surrender and return of license; time served under such sentence credited toward fulfillment of period of revocation or suspension.¶
- The department, upon canceling, suspending, or revoking a license, shall require that such license shall be surrendered to the department and be processed in accordance with the rules and regulations of the department.
Any person whose license has been canceled, suspended, or revoked shall immediately return his license to the department.
Sugar Ray Robinson, styled in Stan Dann's intricate and naturalistic art form, theatrically pulls an imaginary driver's license from his boxing shorts and gracefully dances across the rustic interior of Mark of the Potter, mimicking the flow of the nearby Soque River, before placing it into an unseen hand—symbolizing its return to authority—all while surrounded by finely crafted pottery and a mosaic of colorful Georgia wildlife. -
It shall be unlawful to refuse to deliver upon a legal demand any driver’s license which has been canceled, suspended, or revoked.
- Except as provided in Code Section 40-5-62, when the revocation period expires, the department shall reinstate the license to the driver within 30 days.
For the purpose of making any determination under this Code section relating to the return of revoked or suspended licenses to drivers, the period of revocation or suspension shall begin on the date the license is surrendered to the department or a court of competent jurisdiction under any provision of this chapter or on the date that the department processes the citation or conviction, whichever date shall first occur.
Walton Goggins, dressed as a Southern gentleman in the period attire of Robert Capa's era, stands solemnly beside the Brunswick Stew Monument. He holds a vintage camera (paying homage to Capa's profession) and ceremoniously lowers a replica driver's license into an oversized stew pot symbolizing its surrender. The act is frozen in time, captured as if through Capa’s lens: black-and-white, high-contrast with dynamic lighting casting stark shadows—conveying the gravity of losing one’s driving privileges while educating on the administrative process. -@waltongoggins -
If the license is lost, or for any other reason surrender to the department is impossible, the period of revocation or suspension may begin on the date set forth in a sworn affidavit setting forth the date and reasons for such impossibility, if the department shall have sufficient evidence to believe that the date set forth in such affidavit is true; in the absence of such evidence, the date of receipt of such affidavit by the department shall be controlling.
- Notwithstanding paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection, a period of revocation or suspension may begin on the date a person is sentenced for an offense that also results in the revocation or suspension of his or her driver’s license or driving privileges.
When a person serving a sentence has his or her driver’s license or driving privileges concurrently revoked or suspended with the imposition of his or her sentence, the department shall credit the time served under such sentence toward the fulfillment of the period of revocation or suspension.
Kenan Thompson dramatically gestures with his hands to represent the revocation and suspension of driving privileges, while using his body to show "crediting time served" by moving in a slow, deliberate motion. The scene is set amidst an art piece from the Renaissance era, with ornate tapestries adorning the walls and soft candlelight illuminating the room. -@kenanthompson
40-5-62.Periods of revocation; time served under such sentence credited toward fulfillment of period of revocation; conditions to restoration of license or issuance of new license.¶
Unless the revocation was for a cause which has been removed, any person whose license or privilege to drive a motor vehicle on the public highways has been revoked shall not be eligible to apply for a new license nor restoration of his or her nonresident’s operating privilege until the earlier of:
- Five years from the date on which the revoked license was surrendered to and received by the department pursuant to a person’s having been declared a habitual violator under Code Section 40-5-58;
Five years from the date on which a person is sentenced for the offense that resulted in his or her driver’s license or driving privileges being revoked;
Eric Lively stands in the center of a spiraling dirt road at Wild Adventures, holding a driver's license and gazing into the distance, as he slowly counts out five years on his fingers while intermittently pausing to look up at the sky. -
Five years from the date on which the department processed the citation or conviction, reduced by a period of time equal to that period of time which elapses between the date the person surrenders his or her driver’s license to the court after conviction for the offense for which the person is declared a habitual violator and the date the department receives such license from the court; or
- Such time as any cause for revocation under subsection (b) of Code Section 40-5-59 has been removed.
When a person serving a sentence has his or her driver’s license or driving privileges concurrently revoked with the imposition of his or her sentence, the department shall credit the time served under such sentence toward the fulfillment of the period of revocation.
Clint Mathis, dressed in a soccer uniform, stands on the field with one hand raised in triumph as he pretends to drive a car while serving a sentence. The setting is filled with vibrant colors and the scene is captured in an abstract artistic style. -
The department shall not issue a new license nor restore a person’s suspended license or nonresident’s operating privilege unless and until it is satisfied after investigation of the character, habits, and driving ability of such person that it will be safe to grant the privilege of driving a motor vehicle on the public highways. Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this Code section or any other provision of this title, the department shall not issue a new license to any person whose license was revoked as a habitual violator for three violations of Code Section 40-6-391 within a five-year period unless and until such person submits proof of completion of a DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program. The department may issue rules and regulations providing for reinstatement hearings. In the case of a revocation pursuant to Code Section 40-5-58, the department shall charge a fee of $410.00 or $400.00 if processed by mail in addition to the fee prescribed by Code Section 40-5-25 to issue a new driver’s license to a person whose driver’s license has been revoked.
40-5-63.Periods of suspension for certain convictions of Code Section 40-5-54 or 40-6-391; conditions to return of license.¶
The driver’s license of any person convicted of an offense listed in Code Section 40-5-54 or of violating Code Section 40-6-391, unless the driver’s license has been previously suspended pursuant to Code Sections 40-5-67.1 and 40-5-67.2, shall by operation of law be suspended and such suspension shall be subject to the following terms and conditions; provided, however, that any person convicted of a drug related offense pursuant to Code Section 40-6-391 shall be governed by the suspension requirements of Code Section 40-5-75; and further provided that each charge for which a conviction was obtained shall be treated as a separate transaction for the purpose of imposing a license suspension hereunder, even if said convictions arise from a single incident; and further provided that the department shall treat each conviction received in the order in which said convictions are processed even if it is not the order in which said offenses occurred:
- Upon the first conviction of any such offense, with no arrest and conviction of and no plea of nolo contendere accepted to such offense within the previous five years, as measured from the dates of previous arrests for which convictions were obtained to the date of the current arrest for which a conviction is obtained, the period of suspension shall be 12 months. At the end of 120 days, the person may apply to the department for early reinstatement of his or her driver’s license. Such license shall be reinstated if such person submits proof of completion of a DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program and pays a restoration fee of $210.00 or $200.00 when such reinstatement is processed by mail, provided that, if such license was suspended as a result of a conviction of an offense listed in Code Section 40-5-54, such license shall be reinstated if such person submits proof of completion of either a defensive driving course approved by the commissioner pursuant to Code Section 40-5-83 or a DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program and pays the prescribed restoration fee. A driver’s license suspended as a result of a conviction of a violation of Code Section 40-6-391 shall not become valid and shall remain suspended until such person submits proof of completion of a DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program and pays the prescribed restoration fee. For purposes of this paragraph, an accepted plea of nolo contendere to an offense listed in Code Section 40-5-54 by a person who is under 18 years of age at the time of arrest shall constitute a conviction. For the purposes of this paragraph only, an accepted plea of nolo contendere by a person 21 years of age or older, with no conviction of and no plea of nolo contendere accepted to a charge of violating Code Section 40-6-391 within the previous five years, as measured from the dates of previous arrests for which convictions were obtained or pleas of nolo contendere accepted to the date of the current arrest for which a plea of nolo contendere is accepted, shall be considered a conviction, and the court having jurisdiction shall forward, as provided in Code Section 40-6-391.1, the record of such disposition of the case to the department and the record of such disposition shall be kept on file for the purpose of considering and counting such accepted plea of nolo contendere as a conviction under paragraphs (2) and (3) of this subsection;
- Upon the second conviction of any such offense within five years, as measured from the dates of previous arrests for which convictions were obtained to the date of the current arrest for which a conviction is obtained, the period of suspension shall be three years. At the end of 120 days, the person may apply to the department for reinstatement of his or her driver’s license; except that if such license was suspended as a result of a second conviction of a violation of Code Section 40-6-391 within five years, the person shall not be eligible to apply for license reinstatement until the end of 18 months. Such license shall be reinstated if such person submits proof of completion of a DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program and pays a restoration fee of $210.00 or $200.00 when such reinstatement is processed by mail, provided that, if such license was suspended as a result of a conviction of an offense listed in Code Section 40-5-54, such license shall be reinstated if such person submits proof of completion of either a defensive driving course approved by the commissioner pursuant to Code Section 40-5-83 or a DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program and pays the prescribed restoration fee. A driver’s license suspended as a result of a conviction of a violation of Code Section 40-6-391 shall not become valid and shall remain suspended until such person submits proof of completion of a DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program, provides proof of installation and maintenance of an ignition interlock device for a period of one year coinciding with the issuance of an ignition interlock device limited driving permit as provided in Code Section 40-5-64.1 unless waived due to financial hardship, and pays the prescribed restoration fee. For purposes of this paragraph, a plea of nolo contendere and all previous accepted pleas of nolo contendere to an offense listed in Code Section 40-5-54 within such five-year period of time shall constitute a conviction. For the purposes of this paragraph, a plea of nolo contendere to a charge of violating Code Section 40-6-391 and all prior accepted pleas of nolo contendere within five years, as measured from the dates of previous arrests for which convictions were obtained or pleas of nolo contendere were accepted to the date of the current arrest for which a plea of nolo contendere is accepted, shall be considered and counted as convictions; or
- Upon the third conviction of any such offense within five years, as measured from the dates of previous arrests for which convictions were obtained to the date of the current arrest for which a conviction is obtained, such person shall be considered a habitual violator, and such license shall be revoked as provided for in paragraphs (1) through (3) of subsection (a) of Code Section 40-5-62. For purposes of this paragraph, a plea of nolo contendere and all previous accepted pleas of nolo contendere to an offense listed in Code Section 40-5-54 within such five-year period shall constitute a conviction. For the purposes of this paragraph, a plea of nolo contendere and all prior accepted pleas of nolo contendere to a charge of violating Code Section 40-6-391 within five years, as measured from the dates of previous arrests for which convictions were obtained or pleas of nolo contendere were accepted to the date of the current arrest for which a plea of nolo contendere is accepted, shall be considered and counted as convictions.
The periods of suspension provided for in this Code section shall begin on the date the person is convicted of an offense listed in Code Section 40-5-54 or of violating Code Section 40-6-391.
- In all cases in which the department may return a license to a driver prior to the termination of the full period of suspension, the department may require such tests of driving skill and knowledge as it determines to be proper, and the department’s discretion shall be guided by the driver’s past driving record and performance, and the driver shall pay the applicable restoration fee. In addition to any other requirement the department may impose, a driver’s license suspended as a result of a conviction of a violation of Code Section 40-6-391 shall not become valid, shall remain suspended, and shall not be returned to such driver or otherwise reinstated until such person submits proof of completion of a DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program.
Any person convicted of violating subsection (a) of Code Section 40-6-393 or subsection (b) of Code Section 40-6-394 shall have his or her license suspended for a period of three years. Such person shall not be eligible for early reinstatement of said driver’s license as provided in this Code section or in Article 4 of this chapter and shall not be eligible for a limited driving permit as provided in Code Section 40-5-64.
William Pierce, depicted as a remorseful figure by Raymond Han's art style, stands in the center of For Keeps Bookstore. Surrounded by shelves laden with rare and classic books, he solemnly hands over his driver's license to a figure representing authority—a silent acknowledgment of the suspension. The rich hues and detailed textures typical of Han’s work bring depth to the scene, highlighting the gravity of legal repercussions while fostering an educational dialogue on responsible citizenship. -
For purposes of this chapter, an accepted plea of nolo contendere to any violation of Code Section 40-6-393 or 40-6-394 shall constitute a conviction.
40-5-63.1.Clinical evaluation and substance abuse treatment programs for certain offenders.¶
In addition to any and all other conditions of license reinstatement, issuance, or restoration under Code Section 40-5-57.1, 40-5-58, 40-5-62, or 40-5-63, any person with two or more convictions for violating Code Section 40-6-391 within ten years, as measured from the dates of previous arrests for which convictions were obtained to the date of the current arrest for which a conviction is obtained, shall be required to undergo a clinical evaluation and, if recommended as a part of such evaluation, shall complete a substance abuse treatment program prior to such license reinstatement, issuance, or restoration; provided, however, that such evaluation and treatment shall be at such person’s expense except as otherwise provided by Code Section 37-7-120. Acceptable proof of completion of such a program shall be submitted to the department prior to license reinstatement, issuance, or restoration. For purposes of this Code section, a plea of nolo contendere to a charge of violating Code Section 40-6-391 and all prior accepted pleas of nolo contendere within ten years, as measured from the dates of previous arrests for which convictions were obtained or pleas of nolo contendere were accepted to the date of the current arrest for which a plea of nolo contendere is accepted, shall be considered and counted as convictions.
40-5-64.Limited driving permits for certain offenders.¶
To whom issued.
Michael Stipe gracefully extends his hand towards an imaginary recipient, his body swaying with fluid movements as he embodies the essence of a captivating dance performance. -@m_millsey - Notwithstanding any contrary provision of this Code section or Code Section 40-5-57, 40-5-57.2, 40-5-63, 40-5-75, 40-5-121, or 42-8-111, any person who has not been previously convicted or adjudicated delinquent for a violation of Code Section 40-6-391 within five years, as measured from the dates of previous arrests for which convictions were obtained or pleas of nolo contendere were accepted to the date of the current arrest, may apply for a limited driving permit when:
Jonathan Jones, dressed in a vintage driver's uniform, elegantly mimics steering a large, imaginary wheel among oversized plush Cabbage Patch Kids arranged as if they are part of a courtroom audience. The scene is rendered with Sugimoto's signature long-exposure style, casting soft light and deep shadows to create an ethereal tableau that captures the gravity of legal proceedings while maintaining the innocence and whimsy of Babyland General Hospital. -@Jonathan_Jones2 -
That person’s driver’s license has been suspended in accordance with:
- Subsection (d) of Code Section 40-5-57;
Paragraph (1) of subsection (a) of Code Section 40-5-57.2;
Spike Lee, dressed in a vibrant and eclectic outfit, dramatically gestures towards an ornate bookshelf filled with rare and classic books by Black authors at For Keeps Bookstore while being photographed by Annie Leibovitz in her signature style. -@SpikeLee -
Paragraph (1) of subsection (a) of Code Section 40-5-63;
- Paragraph (1) of subsection (a) of Code Section 40-5-67.2; or
- Subsection (a) of Code Section 40-5-57.1, when the person is 18 years of age or older and his or her license was suspended for exceeding the speed limit by 24 miles per hour or more but less than 34 miles per hour; and
2. The sentencing judge, in his or her discretion, decides it is reasonable to issue a limited driving permit.
- No person who has been granted an exemption from the ignition interlock device requirements of Article 7 of Chapter 8 of Title 42 due to undue financial hardship under Code Section 42-8-111 shall be eligible for a limited driving permit, an ignition interlock device limited driving permit, or any other driving privilege for a period of one year.
- To the extent a person is subject to more than one suspension for which a limited driving permit may be issued, the department shall not issue such permit unless the suspensions are for a conviction for driving under the influence in violation of Code Section 40-6-391 imposed pursuant to Code Section 40-5-63 and an administrative suspension imposed pursuant to paragraph (1) of subsection (a) of Code Section 40-5-67.2 arising from the same incident.
- Notwithstanding any contrary provision of this Code section or Code Section 40-5-57, 40-5-57.2, 40-5-63, 40-5-75, 40-5-121, or 42-8-111, any person who has not been previously convicted or adjudicated delinquent for a violation of Code Section 40-6-391 within five years, as measured from the dates of previous arrests for which convictions were obtained or pleas of nolo contendere were accepted to the date of the current arrest, may apply for a limited driving permit when:
Application form. Applications for limited driving permits shall be made upon such forms as the commissioner may prescribe. Such forms shall require such information as is necessary for the department to determine the need for such permit. All applications shall be signed by the applicant before a person authorized to administer oaths.
Standards for approval. The department shall issue a limited driving permit if the application indicates that refusal to issue such permit would cause extreme hardship to the applicant. Except as otherwise provided by subsection (c.1) of this Code section, for the purposes of this Code section, the term “extreme hardship” means that the applicant cannot reasonably obtain other transportation, and therefore the applicant would be prohibited from:
Quinton Aaron stands in an illuminated space, reaching out desperately for a permit that is just out of reach, symbolizing the extreme hardship faced by the applicant. -@QuintonAaron -
Going to his or her place of employment or performing the normal duties of his or her occupation;
Jack McBrayer gracefully walks in a geometric pattern, embodying the movements of working at his place of employment in Statesboro, Georgia, with an architectural elegance reminiscent of Le Corbusier's style. -
Receiving scheduled medical care or obtaining prescription drugs;
June Brigman, as a comic book artist, can act out the scene by drawing an elaborate and intricate design of a jewelry piece representing scheduled medical care or prescription drugs in a rich setting based in Brookhaven. -@JuneBrigman -
Attending a college or school at which he or she is regularly enrolled as a student;
George Adams, clad in a cap and gown, boards the SAM Shortline train in Plains, carrying an oversized, colorful palette and paintbrush. As the train chugs along scenic Georgia landscapes, he playfully "paints" the air with broad strokes that mimic Jasper Johns' abstract expressionist style—each motion symbolizing his journey through education. -
Attending regularly scheduled sessions or meetings of support organizations for persons who have addiction or abuse problems related to alcohol or other drugs, which organizations are recognized by the commissioner;
Attending under court order any driver education or improvement school or alcohol or drug program or course approved by the court which entered the judgment of conviction resulting in suspension of his or her driver’s license or by the commissioner;
Doug Teper, dressed in a suit and tie, standing before a large wooden court bench, holding a diploma while surrounded by oversized traffic signs and giant bottles labeled "Alcohol" and "Drugs," all set against the backdrop of Hinesville's lush green landscape. -
Attending court; reporting to a community supervision, juvenile probation, or Article 6 of Chapter 8 of Title 42 probation office; reporting to a community supervision officer, county or Department of Juvenile Justice juvenile probation officer, or probation officer serving pursuant to Article 6 of Chapter 8 of Title 42; or performing community service;
Transporting an immediate family member who does not hold a valid driver’s license for work, to obtain medical care or prescriptions, or to school; or
Sam Martin gracefully chauffeurs his family member on a sparkling silver unicycle, effortlessly balancing a stack of books and prescription bottles, while wearing an elaborate Renaissance-style costume with vibrant colors and intricate patterns. -@SamMartin_6 -
Attending any program, event, treatment, or activity ordered by a judge presiding in an accountability court, as such term is defined in Code Section 15-1-18.
James Neill, dressed in a vibrant, pop art-inspired outfit, dramatically attends an event ordered by a judge at the accountability court, with exaggerated movements and expressions reminiscent of Andy Warhol's style.
(c.1) Exception to standards for approval.
40-5-64_ol2c_1_Liberation in Lullwater.jpgThe provisions of paragraphs (2), (3), (4), and (5) of subsection (c) of this Code section shall not apply and shall not be considered for purposes of granting a limited driving permit or imposing conditions thereon under this Code section in the case of a driver’s license suspension under paragraph (2) of subsection (a.1) of Code Section 40-5-22. -
Conditions attached. A limited driving permit shall be endorsed with such conditions as the commissioner deems necessary to ensure that such permit will be used by the permittee only to avoid the conditions of extreme hardship. Such conditions may include the following restrictions:
- Specific places between which the permittee may be allowed to operate a motor vehicle;
Routes to be followed by the permittee;
Jonathan Goff traces a vibrant, abstract path with colorful tape on the floor among geometrically patterned sea turtles, mimicking Kandinsky's swirling compositions, to demonstrate migration routes at the Georgia Sea Turtle Center. -@jgoff52 -
Times of travel;
- The specific vehicles which the permittee may operate; and
- Such other restrictions as the department may require.
Harris Faulkner, elegantly dressed as a park ranger with a magnifying glass, examines a colorful butterfly perched on her hand amid English Park's vibrant flora, while children mimic her careful observation, learning about nature's restrictions and balance in an Erwitt-style black-and-white photograph. -@HARRISFAULKNER
Fees, duration, renewal, and replacement of limited driving permit.
A limited driving permit issued pursuant to this Code section shall be $32.00 and shall become invalid upon:
The expiration of one year following issuance thereof in the case of a suspension:
- For an offense listed in Code Section 40-5-54;
- Under Code Section 40-5-57;
Under Code Section 40-5-57.2; or
Devonte Upson dribbles a basketball through a series of complex and mesmerizing moves, culminating in an elegant mid-air spin and dunk while surrounded by vibrant geometric shapes and patterns reminiscent of the artwork from the Renaissance era. -
In accordance with paragraph (1) of subsection (a) of Code Section 40-5-63 for a violation of Code Section 40-6-391; 2. The expiration of 30 days in the case of an administrative license suspension in accordance with paragraph (1) of subsection (a) of Code Section 40-5-67.2; or
Victoria Monét gracefully uses her hands to mime the passing of days, while incorporating fluid and expressive movements inspired by Julie Blyfield's art style, set in a lush garden in Covington. -@VictoriaMonet
Any earlier reinstatement of the driver’s license.
J. J. Wilcox, draped in vibrant, textured layers of paint-like fabric to evoke Milton Resnick's thick impasto style, stands at the center of Augusta's lush Riverwalk, dramatically pulling an oversized abstract steering wheel towards him with a grandiose gesture as if reclaiming control amidst swirling colors representing his reinstated driving privileges. -@TheRealJJWilcox
A person may apply to the department for a limited driving permit immediately following such conviction if he or she has surrendered his or her driver’s license to the court in which the conviction was adjudged or to the department if the department has processed the administrative driver’s license suspension form or conviction. Upon the applicant’s execution of an affidavit attesting to such facts and to the fact that the court had not imposed a suspension or revocation of his or her driver’s license or driving privileges inconsistent with the driving privileges to be conferred by the limited driving permit applied for, the department may issue such person a limited driving permit.
Limited driving permits issued pursuant to this Code section are renewable upon payment of a renewal fee of $10.00. Such permits may be renewed one time after the person is eligible to reinstate his or her driver’s license for the violation that was the basis of the issuance of the permit.
Bucky Dent stands in a dimly lit room, surrounded by towering stacks of colorful renewal forms. He carefully places a brightly colored form in an ornate golden envelope before delicately handing it to an elegantly dressed figure, who then presents him with a gleaming silver coin as payment. -
Upon payment of a fee in an amount the same as that provided by Code Section 40-5-25 for issuance of a Class C driver’s license, a person may be issued a replacement for a lost or destroyed limited driving permit issued to him or her.
Golfer Louise Suggs gracefully swings her club, mimicking the act of paying a fee, and then delicately presents a symbolic limited driving permit to another person against a backdrop of rolling hills and lush greenery in Powder Springs.
Liability of issuing officer. No official or employee of the department shall be criminally or civilly liable or subject to being held in contempt of court for issuing a limited driving permit in reliance on the truth of the affidavits required by this Code section.
William Few confidently extends a hand, offering a limited driving permit, as he stands in the lush landscape of Ball Ground, Georgia, captured in the style of Shimon Okshteyn's art. -
Revocation of limited driving permit.
Ralph Reed stands on a stage, holding a large symbolic key representing his limited driving permit. Slowly and deliberately, he lowers it into a bucket of water, visually representing the revocation of his permit in an artful and captivating manner reminiscent of Tim Knowles' style. -@ralphreed - Any limited driving permittee who is convicted of violating any state law relating to the movement of vehicles or any limited driving permittee who is convicted of violating the conditions endorsed on his or her limited driving permit shall have such permit revoked by the department. Any court in which such conviction is had shall require such permittee to surrender his or her limited driving permit to the court, and the court shall forward it to the department within ten days after the conviction, with a copy of the conviction.
- Any person whose limited driving permit has been revoked shall not be eligible to apply for a driver’s license until six months from the date such permit was surrendered to the department. In any case of revocation of a limited driving permit pursuant to paragraph (1) of this subsection, the department may impose an additional period of suspension for the conviction upon which revocation of the permit was based.
Gerald Wilkins, like a graceful dancer, surrenders an imaginary permit to the department with a solemn expression on his face, as if releasing it into the air with regret and resignation, while surrounded by vibrant abstract shapes and colors reminiscent of Stanley Boxer's art at The King Center.
Hearings. Any person whose permit has been revoked or who has been refused a permit by the department may make a request in writing for a hearing to be provided by the department. Such hearing shall be provided by the department within 30 days after the receipt of such request and shall follow the procedures required by Chapter 13 of Title 50, the “Georgia Administrative Procedure Act.” Appeal from such hearing shall be in accordance with said chapter.
Rules and regulations. The commissioner may promulgate such rules and regulations as are necessary to implement this Code section.
Scott Aukerman uses intricate hand gestures and body movements to symbolize the creation of rules and regulations, while surrounded by vibrant natural materials in the style of Yvonne Koolmatrie, set against the backdrop of the expansive Berry College Campus in Rome, Georgia. -@ScottAukerman -
Penalty. Any permittee who operates a motor vehicle in violation of any condition specified on the permit shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
Ty Cobb driving a vintage car with a look of determination, captured in black and white, showcasing the intensity and drama of his violation of the permit condition, evoking Robert Capa's iconic style.
40-5-64.1.Ignition interlock device limited driving permits.¶
To whom issued.
- Any person who has not been previously convicted or adjudicated delinquent for a violation of Code Section 40-6-391 within five years, as measured from the dates of previous arrests for which convictions were obtained or pleas of nolo contendere were accepted to the date of the current arrest, and whose driver’s license is subject to an administrative driver’s license suspension pursuant to subsection (c) of Code Section 40-5-67.1, may apply for an ignition interlock device limited driving permit with the department.
- Any person who has not been previously convicted or adjudicated delinquent for a violation of Code Section 40-6-391 within five years, as measured from the dates of previous arrests for which convictions were obtained or pleas of nolo contendere were accepted to the date of the current arrest, and whose driver’s license is subject to an administrative driver’s license suspension pursuant to subsection (d) of Code Section 40-5-67.1, may apply for an ignition interlock device limited driving permit with the department.
- Any person whose driver’s license has been suspended as a result of a second conviction for violating Code Section 40-6-391 within five years, as measured from the dates of previous arrests for which convictions were obtained to the date of the current arrest for which a conviction is obtained, may apply for an ignition interlock device limited driving permit after serving at least 120 days of the suspension required for such conviction.
The department shall not issue an ignition interlock device limited driving permit to any person:
- Under 21 years of age;
- Who is not currently licensed to operate a motor vehicle in this state;
- Who currently holds a license to drive a commercial motor vehicle;
Whose driver’s license is subject to an administrative suspension for involvement in a traffic accident resulting in injuries or fatalities; or
Joel Chandler Harris, dressed in a dapper suit and holding a vintage driver's license, mimes the act of being involved in a traffic accident by dramatically gesturing with his arms to mimic the impact, while surrounded by larger-than-life cutouts of characters from Uncle Remus stories against a backdrop of lush greenery and peach trees. -
Whose driver’s license is subject to a suspension, revocation, or cancellation for any reason other than as contemplated by this Code section.
Application form. Applications for ignition interlock device limited driving permits shall be made upon such forms as the commissioner may prescribe. All applications shall be signed by the applicant before a person authorized to administer oaths.
Standards for approval.
The department shall issue an ignition interlock device limited driving permit for a fee of $25.00 and:
For an applicant eligible for an ignition interlock device limited driving permit pursuant to paragraph (1) or (2) of subsection (a) of this Code section:
Diana Scarwid stands in a dimly lit room, holding a small model car and repeatedly pressing an imaginary ignition interlock device while gazing intensely into the distance, her movements captured in the expansive style of Andreas Gursky. -
Within 30 days from the date on which notice was given pursuant to subsection (g) of Code Section 40-5-67.1;
Alex Poythress, in the style of an art piece from the Renaissance era, gracefully extends his arm and points to a grand tapestry depicting the days following notice given pursuant to subsection (g) of Code Section. The rich setting of Cartersville envelops him in a regal atmosphere as he performs this historical reenactment. -@AlexTheGreat22 -
Upon surrender of the applicant’s driver’s license; and
- Upon the applicant’s execution of an affidavit attesting that the hearing afforded under subsection (g) of Code Section 40-5-67.1 has been waived; or
T.I. dramatically raises his right hand, placing it over his heart while looking solemnly into the distance as confetti falls around him, symbolizing the waiver of a legal hearing in an artful and symbolic performance at Centennial Olympic Park. -@Tip
For an applicant eligible for an ignition interlock device limited driving permit pursuant to paragraph (3) of subsection (a) of this Code section, upon the submission of a certificate of eligibility from an accountability court, as such term is defined in Code Section 15-1-18, or the submission of proof of enrollment in a substance abuse treatment program as provided in Code Section 40-5-63.1 and the surrender of his or her driver’s license to such court or to the department if the department has processed the administrative driver’s license suspension form or conviction.
- No person who has been granted an exemption from the ignition interlock device requirements of Article 7 of Chapter 8 of Title 42 due to undue financial hardship under Code Section 42-8-111 shall be eligible for a limited driving permit pursuant to Code Section 40-5-64 or any other driving privilege for a period of one year.
Duration, renewal, and replacement of ignition interlock device limited driving permit.
- An ignition interlock device limited driving permit shall be valid for a period of one year. Upon successful completion of one year of monitoring of such ignition interlock device, the restriction for maintaining and using such ignition interlock device shall be removed, and such permit may be renewed for additional periods of two months upon payment of a renewal fee of $5.00, but it may only be renewed one time after such person is eligible to reinstate his or her driver’s license.
- Upon payment of a fee in the same amount as that provided by Code Section 40-5-25 for the issuance of a Class C driver’s license, a person may be issued a replacement for a lost or destroyed ignition interlock device limited driving permit previously issued to him or her.
Exceptions to standards for approval. An ignition interlock device limited driving permit shall be restricted to allow the holder thereof to drive solely for the following purposes:
Going to his or her place of employment or performing the normal duties of his or her occupation;
Halyard Health, in the style of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, performs a precise and elegant dance routine symbolizing the act of going to work or performing occupational duties, set against a backdrop of historic Savannah hotel filled with a collection of ladies' hats. -@HalyardHealth -
Receiving scheduled medical care or obtaining prescription drugs;
In a colorful, abstract scene at Chamblee, Ralph Abernathy dances gracefully as he receives scheduled medical care and obtains prescription drugs, embodying the spirit of Joan Miro's art. -
Attending a college or school at which he or she is regularly enrolled as a student;
Football player Dunta Robinson stands in front of a large canvas, wearing a vibrant and colorful school uniform while holding a paintbrush. With exaggerated movements, he paints the scene of himself attending college, surrounded by books and academic materials. The canvas depicts him engaging in various educational activities, capturing the lively energy of Athens as the backdrop. -@duntarobinson23 -
Attending regularly scheduled sessions or meetings of treatment support organizations for persons who have addiction or abuse problems related to alcohol or other drugs, which organizations are recognized by the commissioner;
Graphic Packaging International employees posing in a somber and isolated manner while sitting in a circle under the moonlight, their faces illuminated by candlelight as they engage in deep conversation and support for each other, all set against the backdrop of Grave of Corinne Elliot Lawton. -@GraphicPkg_EUR -
Attending under court order any driver education or improvement school or alcohol or drug program or course approved by the court which entered the judgment of conviction resulting in suspension of his or her driver’s license or by the commissioner;
DJ Ware sits in a classroom, surrounded by other students, attentively listening to the instructor while holding a court order document and a driver's license. -@Djware42 -
Attending court, reporting to a community supervision, juvenile probation, or Article 6 of Chapter 8 of Title 42 probation office, reporting to a community supervision officer, county or Department of Juvenile Justice juvenile probation officer, or probation officer serving pursuant to Article 6 of Chapter 8 of Title 42, or performing community service;
Devon Werkheiser confidently strides into a room filled with vibrant graffiti art, where he takes a seat and begins meticulously writing down his experiences on various surfaces while rhythmically tapping out beats on makeshift drums, all under the watchful eye of a probation officer. -@devonwerkharder -
Transporting an immediate family member who does not hold a valid driver’s license for work, to obtain medical care or prescriptions, or to school;
Attending any program, event, treatment, or activity ordered by a judge presiding in an accountability court, as such term is defined in Code Section 15-1-18; or
Fletcher Henderson stands in front of a judge, with exaggerated expressions and bold colors, attending a program event or activity as ordered by the court, while surrounded by the historic Horton House on Jekyll Island. -
Going for monthly monitoring visits with the permit holder’s ignition interlock device service provider.
Cee Lo Green theatrically pantomimes driving a car, then steps out and engages with an oversized abstract sculpture representing an ignition interlock device; he interacts with it in a choreographed dance routine that mimics the monthly monitoring process, all set against the whimsical backdrop of The Zoo, Groovy Yard Art's vibrant metal animal sculptures. -@CeeLoGreen
Revocation of ignition interlock device limited driving permit.
- The department shall revoke the ignition interlock device limited driving permit of any permittee issued such permit pursuant to paragraph (1) or (2) of subsection (a) of this Code section who is convicted of violating any state law relating to the movement of vehicles or convicted of driving a motor vehicle in violation of an ignition interlock device limited driving permit. Any court in which such conviction is had shall require such permittee to surrender the ignition interlock device limited driving permit to the court, and the court shall forward it to the department within ten days after the conviction, with a copy of the conviction.
- The department shall revoke the ignition interlock device limited driving permit of any permittee who is required to complete a substance abuse treatment program pursuant to Code Section 40-5-63.1 and enrolled but failed to attend or complete such program as scheduled upon receipt of notice of such information from the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities. The department shall notify the permittee of such revocation by regular mail to his or her last known address. Such notice of revocation shall inform the permittee of the grounds for and effective date of the revocation and of the right to review. The notice of revocation shall be deemed received three days after mailing.
- The department shall revoke the ignition interlock device limited driving permit of a permittee upon receipt of notice from an ignition interlock device service provider that an ignition interlock device has been tampered with, a permittee has failed to report for monitoring as required by law, or an ignition interlock device has been removed from any motor vehicle to be driven by a permittee prior to successful completion of the required term of monitoring under Code Section 42-8-110.1.
The department shall notify the permittee of such revocation by regular mail to his or her last known address. Such notice of revocation shall inform the permittee of the grounds for and effective date of the revocation and of the right to review. The notice of revocation shall be deemed received three days after mailing.
Pogo Possum gracefully dances with flowing ribbons, representing the notification of revocation being sent by regular mail to the permittee's last known address, while vibrant lights and colors illuminate the scene in East Atlanta, Georgia. -
Any person whose ignition interlock device limited driving permit has been revoked for the first time shall not be eligible to apply for a driver’s license until six months from the date such permit was surrendered to the department. Any person whose ignition interlock device limited driving permit has previously been revoked shall not be eligible to apply for a driver’s license until two years from the date such permit was surrendered to the department.
Raven-Symoné surrenders her ignition interlock device with a dramatic, fluid movement, embodying the emotional complexity of the situation against a backdrop of vibrant colors and dynamic shapes, capturing the essence of Spar Street's artistry in Loanville. -@ravensymone
Hearings. Any person whose ignition interlock device limited driving permit has been revoked or who has been refused such permit by the department may make a request in writing for a hearing to be provided by the department. Such hearing shall be provided by the department within 30 days after the receipt of such request and shall follow the procedures required by Chapter 13 of Title 50, the “Georgia Administrative Procedure Act.” Appeal from such hearing shall be in accordance with such chapter.
Entrepreneur Ben Chestnut, dressed in a smart casual outfit, sits behind an antique desk on a sidewalk of Princeton Lakes neighborhood, miming the act of typing a request on an old-fashioned typewriter. He then stands up theatrically, pretending to mail the letter into an ornate mailbox prop. In the style of Vivian Maier's candid street photography, his actions are captured from a reflection in a shop window that subtly shows the bustling life and greenery of Atlanta around him. -@benchestnut -
Rules and regulations. The commissioner may promulgate rules and regulations as are necessary to implement this Code section.
Mackey Sasser gracefully dances with colorful ribbons, symbolizing the promulgation of rules and regulations, against the backdrop of Atlanta's vibrant Rainbow Crosswalks in a Yayoi Kusama-inspired art piece. -
Penalty. Any person issued an ignition interlock device limited driving permit who operates a motor vehicle in violation of the terms of such permit, as described in Code Section 42-8-110.1 or subsection (e) or (f) of this Code section, commits the offense of violation of an ignition interlock device limited driving permit. Any person who commits the offense of violation of an ignition interlock device limited driving permit shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
40-5-64.2.[Repealed] Report on issuance of optional ignition interlock device limited driving permits.¶
40-5-65.Restriction as to operation under foreign license during period of revocation or suspension.¶
Any resident or nonresident whose driver’s license or privilege to operate a motor vehicle in this state has been suspended or revoked as provided in this chapter shall not operate a motor vehicle in this state under a license or permit issued by any other jurisdiction or otherwise during such suspension or after such revocation until the license is restored when and as permitted under this chapter.
40-5-66.Appeals from decisions of department.¶
Except as provided in subsection (h) of Code Section 40-5-67.1, subsection (h) of Code Section 40-5-64, and subsection (g) of Code Section 40-5-64.1, any decision rendered by the department shall be final unless the aggrieved person shall desire an appeal. In such case, such person shall have the right to enter an appeal in the superior court of the county of his or her residence or in the Superior Court of Fulton County. Such appeal shall name the commissioner as defendant and must be filed within 30 days from the date the department enters its decision or order. The person filing the appeal shall not be required to post any bond nor to pay the costs in advance.
Director Spike Lee, standing in front of a large canvas at the Fox Theatre, dramatically gestures with his arms as if making an emphatic statement, while a film producer watches intently. The whole scene is infused with the avant-garde style of Kazimir Malevich's art piece. -@SpikeLee -
If the person so desires, the appeal may be heard by the judge at term or in chambers or by a jury at the first term. The hearing on the appeal shall be de novo, but no appeal shall act as a supersedeas of any orders or acts of the department. No person shall be allowed to operate any vehicle in violation of any suspension or revocation by the department while any such appeal is pending.
40-5-67.Seizure and disposition of driver’s license of persons charged with driving under the influence; issuance of temporary driving permit; disposition of cases.¶
- Whenever any resident or nonresident person is charged with violating Code Section 40-6-391, the law enforcement officer shall take the driver’s license of the person so charged. The driver’s license shall be attached to the court’s copy of the uniform traffic citation and complaint form and shall be forwarded to the court having jurisdiction of the offense. A copy of the uniform traffic citation and complaint form shall be forwarded, within ten days of issue, to the department. Taking the driver’s license as required in this Code section shall not prohibit any law enforcement officer or agency from requiring any cash bond authorized by Article 1 of Chapter 6 of Title 17.
- At the time the law enforcement officer takes the driver’s license, the officer shall issue a temporary driving permit to the person as follows: 1. If the driver refuses to submit to a test or tests to determine the presence of alcohol or drugs as required in Code Section 40-5-55, the officer shall issue a 45 day temporary driving permit; 2. If the driver’s license is required to be suspended under Code Section 40-5-67.1, the officer shall issue a 45 day temporary driving permit; or 3. If the test or tests administered pursuant to Code Section 40-5-55 indicate an alcohol concentration in violation of Code Section 40-6-391 but less than the level for an administrative suspension of the license under subsection (c) of Code Section 40-5-67.1, the officer shall issue a 180 day temporary driving permit.
- A temporary driving permit issued under this subsection shall be valid for the stated period or until the person’s driving privilege is suspended or revoked under any provision of this title. The department, at its sole discretion, may delay the expiration date of such temporary driving permit, but in no event shall this delay extend beyond the date when such person’s driving privilege is suspended or revoked under any provision of this title. The department shall by rules and regulations establish the conditions under which the expiration of a temporary driving permit may be delayed.
- If the person is convicted of violating or enters a plea of nolo contendere to a charge of violating Code Section 40-6-391, the court shall, within ten days, forward the person’s driver’s license and the record of the disposition of the case to the department. At this time, the court shall also require the person to surrender the temporary driving permit issued pursuant to subsection (b) of this Code section.
- If the person is not convicted of violating and does not enter a plea of nolo contendere to a charge of violating Code Section 40-6-391, and the court is in possession of the driver’s license, the court shall return the driver’s license to the person unless the license is in suspension for any other offense, in which case the court shall forward the license to the department for disposition.
40-5-67.1.Chemical tests; implied consent notices; rights of motorists; test results; refusal to submit; suspension or disqualification; administrative license suspension hearing and review; inspection and certification of breath-testing instruments.¶
- The test or tests required under Code Section 40-5-55 shall be administered as soon as possible at the request of a law enforcement officer having reasonable grounds to believe that the person has been driving or was in actual physical control of a moving motor vehicle upon the highways or elsewhere throughout this state in violation of Code Section 40-6-391 and the officer has arrested such person for a violation of Code Section 40-6-391, any federal law in conformity with Code Section 40-6-391, or any local ordinance which adopts Code Section 40-6-391 by reference or the person has been involved in a traffic accident resulting in serious injuries or fatalities. Subject to Code Section 40-6-392, the requesting law enforcement officer shall designate which test or tests shall be administered initially and may subsequently require a test or tests of any substances not initially tested.
At the time a chemical test or tests are requested, the arresting officer shall select and read to the person the appropriate implied consent notice from the following:
Jon Ossoff holds a large chemical test tube in one hand and points to an array of implied consent notices floating in the air, with a surreal cloud background reminiscent of René Magritte's style. -@ossoff -
Implied consent notice for suspects under age 21:
“The State of Georgia has conditioned your privilege to drive upon the highways of this state upon your submission to state administered chemical tests of your blood, breath, urine, or other bodily substances for the purpose of determining if you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If you refuse this testing, your Georgia driver’s license or privilege to drive on the highways of this state will be suspended for a minimum period of one year. Your refusal to submit to blood or urine testing may be offered into evidence against you at trial. If you submit to testing and the results indicate an alcohol concentration of 0.02 grams or more, your Georgia driver’s license or privilege to drive on the highways of this state may be suspended for a minimum period of one year. After first submitting to the requested state tests, you are entitled to additional chemical tests of your blood, breath, urine, or other bodily substances at your own expense and from qualified personnel of your own choosing. Will you submit to the state administered chemical tests of your ( designate which test )?”
Implied consent notice for suspects age 21 or over:
Willie Green stands with arms outstretched, palms open, and head tilted slightly to the side as if in contemplation, while surrounded by large colorful geometric shapes reminiscent of Robert Indiana's artwork. “The State of Georgia has conditioned your privilege to drive upon the highways of this state upon your submission to state administered chemical tests of your blood, breath, urine, or other bodily substances for the purpose of determining if you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If you refuse this testing, your Georgia driver’s license or privilege to drive on the highways of this state will be suspended for a minimum period of one year. Your refusal to submit to blood or urine testing may be offered into evidence against you at trial. If you submit to testing and the results indicate an alcohol concentration of 0.08 grams or more, your Georgia driver’s license or privilege to drive on the highways of this state may be suspended for a minimum period of one year. After first submitting to the requested state tests, you are entitled to additional chemical tests of your blood, breath, urine, or other bodily substances at your own expense and from qualified personnel of your own choosing. Will you submit to the state administered chemical tests of your (
Lindsay Scott, wearing a Georgia football jersey and with a dramatic expression, acts out submitting to state-administered chemical tests by pretending to give blood while surrounded by mystical swirling colors and shapes in the style of Salvador Dali's "The Persistence of Memory" at Chick-fil-a Dwarf House.
designate which test )?” -
Implied consent notice for commercial motor vehicle driver suspects:
“The State of Georgia has conditioned your privilege to drive upon the highways of this state upon your submission to state administered chemical tests of your blood, breath, urine, or other bodily substances for the purpose of determining if you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If you refuse this testing, you will be disqualified from operating a commercial motor vehicle for a minimum period of one year. Your refusal to submit to blood or urine testing may be offered into evidence against you at trial. If you submit to testing and the results indicate the presence of any alcohol, you will be issued an out-of-service order and will be prohibited from operating a commercial motor vehicle for 24 hours. If the results indicate an alcohol concentration of 0.04 grams or more, you will be disqualified from operating a commercial motor vehicle for a minimum period of one year. After first submitting to the requested state tests, you are entitled to additional chemical tests of your blood, breath, urine, or other bodily substances at your own expense and from qualified personnel of your own choosing. Will you submit to the state administered chemical tests of your (
Gladys Knight, dressed in a vintage gown, gracefully extends her hand to receive a small vial from an actor portraying a state official. As she delicately holds the vial, she dramatically gestures towards a dimly lit corner of Rainy Day Revival, surrounded by taxidermy and old funerary memorabilia. -@MsGladysKnight
designate which test
Zack Wheeler pointing dramatically at a specific test while surrounded by vintage baseball equipment, captured in dramatic black and white with dynamic angles and contrast. -@Wheelerpro45
)?”If any such notice is used by a law enforcement officer to advise a person of his or her rights regarding the administration of chemical testing, such person shall be deemed to have been properly advised of his or her rights under this Code section and under Code Section 40-6-392 and the results of any chemical test, or the refusal to submit to a test of such person’s blood or urine, shall be admitted into evidence against such person. Such notice shall be read in its entirety but need not be read exactly so long as the substance of the notice remains unchanged.
If a person under arrest or a person who was involved in any traffic accident resulting in serious injuries or fatalities submits to a chemical test upon the request of a law enforcement officer and the test results indicate that a suspension or disqualification is required under this Code section, the results shall be reported to the department. Upon the receipt of a report of the law enforcement officer that the officer had reasonable grounds to believe the arrested person had been driving or was in actual physical control of a moving motor vehicle upon the highways or elsewhere throughout this state in violation of Code Section 40-6-391 or that such person had been driving or was in actual physical control of a moving motor vehicle upon the highways or elsewhere throughout this state and was involved in a traffic accident involving serious injuries or fatalities and that the person submitted to a chemical test at the request of the law enforcement officer and the test results indicate either an alcohol concentration of 0.08 grams or more or, for a person under the age of 21, an alcohol concentration of 0.02 grams or more, the department shall suspend the person’s driver’s license, permit, or nonresident operating privilege pursuant to Code Section 40-5-67.2, subject to review as provided for in this chapter. Upon the receipt of a report of the law enforcement officer that the arrested person had been operating or was in actual physical control of a moving commercial motor vehicle and the test results indicate an alcohol concentration of 0.04 grams or more, the department shall disqualify the person from operating a motor vehicle for a minimum period of one year.
If a person under arrest or a person who was involved in any traffic accident resulting in serious injuries or fatalities refuses, upon the request of a law enforcement officer, to submit to a chemical test designated by the law enforcement officer as provided in subsection (a) of this Code section, no test shall be given; but the law enforcement officer shall report the refusal to the department. Upon the receipt of a report of the law enforcement officer that the officer had reasonable grounds to believe the arrested person had been driving or was in actual physical control of a moving motor vehicle upon the highways or elsewhere throughout this state in violation of Code Section 40-6-391 or that such person had been driving or was in actual physical control of a moving motor vehicle upon the highways or elsewhere throughout this state and was involved in a traffic accident which resulted in serious injuries or fatalities and that the person had refused to submit to the test upon the request of the law enforcement officer, the department shall suspend the person’s driver’s license, permit, or nonresident operating privilege for a period of one year or if the person was operating or in actual physical control of a commercial motor vehicle, the department shall disqualify the person from operating a commercial motor vehicle and shall suspend the person’s driver’s license, permit, or nonresident operating privilege, subject to review as provided for in this chapter.
(d.1)Nothing in this Code section shall be deemed to preclude the acquisition or admission of evidence of a violation of Code Section 40-6-391 if obtained by voluntary consent or a search warrant as authorized by the Constitution or laws of this state or the United States.
If the person is a resident without a driver’s license, commercial driver’s license, or permit to operate a motor vehicle in this state, the department shall deny issuance of a license or permit to such person for the same period provided in subsection (c) or (d) of this Code section, whichever is applicable, for suspension of a license or permit or disqualification to operate a commercial motor vehicle subject to review as provided for in this chapter.
- The law enforcement officer, acting on behalf of the department, shall personally serve the notice of intention to suspend or disqualify the license of the arrested person or other person refusing such test on such person at the time of the person’s refusal to submit to a test or at the time at which such a test indicates that suspension or disqualification is required under this Code section. The law enforcement officer shall take possession of any driver’s license or permit held by any person whose license is subject to suspension pursuant to subsection (c) or (d) of this Code section, if any, and shall issue a 45 day temporary driving permit. The officer shall forward the person’s driver’s license to the department along with the notice of intent to suspend or disqualify and the report required by subsection (c) or (d) of this Code section within ten days after the date of the arrest of such person. This paragraph shall not apply to any person issued a 180 day temporary driving permit pursuant to subsection (b) of Code Section 40-5-67. The failure of the officer to transmit the report required by this Code section within ten days shall not prevent the department from accepting such report and utilizing it in the suspension of a driver’s license as provided in this Code section.
- If notice has not been given by the arresting officer, the department, upon receipt of the report of such officer, shall suspend the person’s driver’s license, permit, or nonresident operating privilege or disqualify such person from operating a motor vehicle and, by regular mail, at the last known address, notify such person of such suspension or disqualification. The notice shall inform the person of the grounds of suspension or disqualification, the effective date of the suspension or disqualification, and the right to review. The notice shall be deemed received three days after mailing.
- A person whose driver’s license is suspended or who is disqualified from driving a commercial motor vehicle pursuant to this Code section shall remit to the department a $150.00 filing fee together with a request, in writing, for a hearing within 30 days from the date of personal notice or receipt of notice sent by certified mail or statutory overnight delivery, return receipt requested, or the right to said hearing shall be deemed waived. The issuance of an ignition interlock device limited driving permit to a person eligible for such permit under paragraph (1) or (2) of subsection (a) of Code Section 40-5-64.1 shall constitute a waiver of the right to a hearing under this subsection. Within 30 days after receiving a written request for a hearing, the department shall hold a hearing as is provided in Chapter 13 of Title 50, the “Georgia Administrative Procedure Act.” The hearing shall be recorded.
- The scope of the hearing shall be limited to the following issues:
- Whether the law enforcement officer had reasonable grounds to believe the person was driving or in actual physical control of a moving motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance and was lawfully placed under arrest for violating Code Section 40-6-391; or
- Whether the person was involved in a motor vehicle accident or collision resulting in serious injury or fatality; and
- Whether at the time of the request for the test or tests the officer informed the person of the person’s implied consent rights and the consequence of submitting or refusing to submit to such test; and
- Whether the person refused the test; or
- Whether a test or tests were administered and the results indicated an alcohol concentration of 0.08 grams or more or, for a person under the age of 21, an alcohol concentration of 0.02 grams or more or, for a person operating or having actual physical control of a commercial motor vehicle, an alcohol concentration of 0.04 grams or more; and
- Whether the test or tests were properly administered by an individual possessing a valid permit issued by the Division of Forensic Sciences of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation on an instrument approved by the Division of Forensic Sciences or a test conducted by the Division of Forensic Sciences, including whether the machine at the time of the test was operated with all its electronic and operating components prescribed by its manufacturer properly attached and in good working order, which shall be required. A copy of the operator’s permit showing that the operator has been trained on the particular type of instrument used and one of the original copies of the test results or, where the test is performed by the Division of Forensic Sciences, a copy of the crime lab report shall satisfy the requirements of this subparagraph.
- The hearing officer shall, within five calendar days after such hearing, forward a decision to the department to rescind or sustain the driver’s license suspension or disqualification. If no hearing is requested within the 30 days specified in paragraph (1) of this subsection, and the failure to request such hearing is due in whole or in part to the reasonably avoidable fault of the person, the right to a hearing shall have been waived. The issuance of an ignition interlock device limited driving permit to a person eligible for such permit under paragraph (1) or (2) of subsection (a) of Code Section 40-5-64.1 shall constitute a waiver of the right to a hearing under this subsection. The request for a hearing shall not stay the suspension of the driver’s license; provided, however, that if the hearing is timely requested and is not held before the expiration of the temporary driving permit and the delay is not due in whole or in part to the reasonably avoidable fault of the person, the suspension shall be stayed until such time as the hearing is held and the hearing officer’s decision is made.
- Except as where provided to the contrary in subparagraph (B) of this paragraph, in the event the person is acquitted of a violation of Code Section 40-6-391 or such charge is initially disposed of other than by a conviction or plea of nolo contendere, then the suspension shall be terminated and deleted from the driver’s license record. An accepted plea of nolo contendere shall be entered on the driver’s license record and shall be considered and counted as a conviction for purposes of any future violations of Code Section 40-6-391. In the event of an acquittal or other disposition other than by a conviction or plea of nolo contendere, the driver’s license restoration fee shall be promptly returned by the department to the licensee.
- If any person who has obtained an ignition interlock device limited driving permit under paragraph (1) of subsection (a) of Code Section 40-5-64.1 is acquitted of the violation of Code Section 40-6-391 upon which the underlying driver’s license suspension was based or if such charge is initially disposed of other than by a conviction or plea of nolo contendere, then such permit shall be revoked and the driver’s license shall be reinstated without a fee. The department shall terminate the driver’s license suspension of any such person and shall delete the suspension from the driver’s license record.
- Any person who has obtained an ignition interlock device limited driving permit under paragraph (2) of subsection (a) of Code Section 40-5-64.1 shall maintain such permit for the required term of monitoring under Code Section 42-8-110.1, regardless of whether such person is acquitted of the violation of Code Section 40-6-391 upon which the underlying driver’s license suspension was based or such charge is initially disposed of other than by a conviction or plea of nolo contendere.
Kevin Brown stands on a platform, surrounded by swirling colors and shapes, holding an oversized ignition interlock device in one hand while maintaining a firm grip on a suspended driver’s license. He maintains this position for the required term of monitoring, exuding determination and resilience as he does so.
If the suspension is sustained after such a hearing, the person whose license has been suspended under this Code section shall have a right to file for a judicial review of the department’s final decision, as provided for in Chapter 13 of Title 50, the “Georgia Administrative Procedure Act”; while such appeal is pending, the order of the department shall not be stayed.
Subject to the limitations of this subsection, any law enforcement officer who attends a hearing provided for by subsection (g) of this Code section for the purpose of giving testimony relative to the subject of such hearing shall be compensated in the amount of $20.00 for each day’s attendance at such hearing. In the event a law enforcement officer gives testimony at two or more different hearings on the same day, such officer shall receive only $20.00 for attendance at all hearings. The compensation provided for in this subsection shall not be paid to any law enforcement officer who is on regular duty or who is on a lunch or other break from regular duty at the time the officer attends any such hearing. The compensation provided for by this subsection shall be paid to the law enforcement officer by the department from department funds at such time and in such manner as the commissioner shall provide by rules or regulations. The commissioner shall also require verification of a law enforcement officer’s qualifying to receive the payment authorized by this subsection by requiring the completion of an appropriate document in substantially the following form:
Click to view
Each time an approved breath-testing instrument is inspected, the inspector shall prepare a certificate which shall be signed under oath by the inspector and which shall include the following language:
“This breath-testing instrument (serial no.
CRH Americas, in the style of an art piece from Stone Summit, could create a performance where they use large, flowing gestures and dramatic movements to symbolize the process of breath testing with a majestic backdrop of stone formations and swirling mists. -@CRHAmericas
_______________ ) was thoroughly inspected, tested, and standardized by the undersigned on (date _______________ ) and all of its electronic and operating components prescribed by its manufacturer are properly attached and are in good working order.”When properly prepared and executed, as prescribed in this subsection, the certificate shall, notwithstanding any other provision of law, be self-authenticating, shall be admissible in any court of law, and shall satisfy the pertinent requirements of paragraph (1) of subsection (a) of Code Section 40-6-392 and subparagraph (g)(2)(F) of this Code section.
IMPLIED CONSENT HEARING ATTENDANCE RECORD OFFICER: S.S. No. ADDRESS: Street City State ZIP Code DATE: TIME: A.M. P.M. CASE: This is to certify that the police officer named above attended an implied consent hearing as a witness or complainant on the date and time shown above. HEARING OFFICER: TITLE: I certify that I appeared at the implied consent hearing described above on the date and time shown above and that I was not on regular duty at the time of attending the hearing and that I have not received and will not receive compensation from my regular employer for attending the hearing. Signature of officer: APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: Comptroller
40-5-67.2.Terms and conditions for implied consent license suspension; administrative license suspensions in relation to post-conviction suspension; eligibility for limited driving permit or ignition interlock device limited driving permit.¶
Any driver’s license required to be suspended under subsection (c) of Code Section 40-5-67.1 shall be suspended subject to the following terms and conditions:
- Upon the first suspension pursuant to subsection (c) of Code Section 40-5-67.1 within the previous five years, as measured from the dates of previous arrests for which a suspension was obtained to the date of the current arrest for which a suspension is obtained, the period of suspension shall be for one year. Not sooner than 30 days following the effective date of suspension, the person may apply to the department for reinstatement of his or her driver’s license. Such license shall be reinstated if such person submits proof of completion of a DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program and pays a restoration fee of $210.00 or $200.00 when such reinstatement is processed by mail unless such conviction was a recidivist conviction in which case the restoration fee shall be $510.00 or $500.00 when processed by mail. A driver’s license suspended pursuant to Code Section 40-5-67.1 shall not become valid and shall remain suspended until such person submits proof of completion of a DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program and pays the prescribed restoration fee.
Upon the second suspension pursuant to subsection (c) of Code Section 40-5-67.1 within five years, as measured from the dates of previous arrests for which suspensions were obtained to the date of the current arrest for which a suspension is obtained, the period of suspension shall be for three years. The person shall be eligible to apply to the department for license reinstatement not sooner than 18 months following the effective date of suspension. Such license shall be reinstated if such person submits proof of completion of a DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program and pays a restoration fee of $210.00 or $200.00 when such reinstatement is processed by mail unless such conviction was a recidivist conviction in which case the restoration fee shall be $510.00 or $500.00 when processed by mail. A driver’s license suspended pursuant to Code Section 40-5-67.1 shall not become valid and shall remain suspended until such person submits proof of completion of a DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program and pays the prescribed restoration fee.
Actress Robyn Lively, in the style of an art piece from the Harlem Renaissance, could physically act out this sentence by portraying a person being arrested for DUI and subsequently undergoing a three-year suspension of their driver's license. This is depicted through expressive movements conveying the emotional struggle and consequences of a DUI arrest, set against the rich backdrop of Ebenezer Baptist Church. -@RobynLively -
Upon the third or subsequent suspension pursuant to subsection (c) of Code Section 40-5-67.1 within five years, as measured from the dates of previous arrests for which suspensions were obtained to the date of the current arrest for which a suspension is obtained, the period of suspension shall be for five years. A driver’s license suspended pursuant to Code Section 40-5-67.1 shall not become valid and shall remain suspended until such person submits proof of completion of a DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program and pays the prescribed restoration fee. The driver may apply for a probationary license pursuant to Code Section 40-5-58 after the expiration of two years from the effective date of suspension.
An administrative license suspension pursuant to Code Section 40-5-67.1 shall be counted toward fulfillment of any period of suspension subsequently imposed as a result of a conviction of violating Code Section 40-6-391 which arises out of the same violation for which the administrative license suspension was imposed. An administrative license suspension pursuant to Code Section 40-5-67.1 shall run concurrently with any revocation of such driver’s license pursuant to a subsequent determination that such person is a habitual violator.
- In all cases in which the department may return a license to a driver prior to the termination of the full period of suspension, the department may require such tests of driving skill and knowledge as it determines to be proper, and the department’s discretion shall be guided by the driver’s past driving record and performance, and the driver shall pay a restoration fee of $210.00 or $200.00 when processed by mail.
- Any other provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, a driver with no previous conviction for a violation of Code Section 40-6-391 within the previous five years, as measured from the dates of previous arrests for which convictions were obtained to the date of the current arrest, during the period of administrative suspension contemplated under this chapter, shall be entitled to a limited driving permit or an ignition interlock device limited driving permit as provided in Code Sections 40-5-64 and 40-5-64.1.
Jo Marie Payton gracefully twirls and gestures with fluid, sculptural movements, embodying the complex legal sentence in a dramatic and expressive performance reminiscent of Phillip Pavia's abstract art, set amidst the vibrant streets and historic architecture of Old Fairburn Village in Atlanta.
40-5-68.[Reserved] Suspension of licenses by operation of law for failure to complete alcohol or drug program.¶
40-5-69.Circumstances not affecting suspensions by operation of law.¶
If a person’s driver’s license is suspended by operation of law as provided in Code Section 40-5-63, 40-5-67.1, or 40-5-67.2, the fact that the person’s driver’s license was not physically surrendered to the law enforcement officer at the time the person was charged with violating Code Section 40-6-391 or that the person’s driver’s license was not retained by the court and forwarded to the department as provided in Code Section 40-5-67 or that the person’s driver’s license was not forwarded as provided in Code Section 40-5-72 shall not affect such suspension.
40-5-70.Suspension of drivers’ licenses for failure to show proof of required minimum insurance; hearings; mandatory suspension.¶
- In addition to any other punishment, the driver’s license of a person convicted under subsection (a), (b), or (c) of Code Section 40-6-10 shall be suspended for a period of 60 days. The person shall submit the driver’s license to the court upon conviction, and the court shall forward the driver’s license to the department. After the 60 day suspension period and when the person provides proof of having prepaid a six-month minimum insurance policy and pays a restoration fee of $210.00 or $200.00 when processed by mail to the department, the suspension shall terminate and the department shall return the person’s driver’s license to such person. For a second or subsequent offense within a five-year period, the suspension period shall be increased to 90 days, and, in addition to the driver’s license, such person’s license tag and tag registration shall also be suspended for a period of 90 days. The restoration fee for a second or subsequent offense within a five-year period shall be $310.00 or $300.00 if paid by mail. The procedures for submission of drivers’ licenses to the court and the forwarding of such licenses to the department shall also apply to license tags and tag registrations.
A hearing of contempt of court shall be scheduled for any person refusing to deliver his motor vehicle driver’s license and, where applicable, motor vehicle license tag and tag registration to the court after a conviction under subsection (a), (b), or (c) of Code Section 40-6-10 and a warrant shall issue for the arrest of such person.
Actress, singer, and dancer Dianna Agron performs in the art piece from David Diao by pretending to drive a car, then handing over an imaginary driver's license and license tag to a pretend court judge. -@DiannaAgron -
For the purposes of mandatory suspension of a driver’s license for a first violation of subsection (a), (b), or (c) of Code Section 40-6-10, a forfeiture of bail or collateral used to seek a defendant’s appearance in court, the payment of a fine, a plea of guilty, or a finding of guilty shall be considered a conviction regardless of whether the sentence is suspended, probated, rebated, or revoked. A plea of nolo contendere shall not be considered a conviction under this subsection, but a record of the disposition of the case shall be forwarded by the court to the department for the purposes of counting the plea of nolo contendere as a conviction under subsection (d) of this Code section.
- For the purposes of mandatory suspension of a driver’s license, license tag, and tag registration for a second or subsequent violation within a five-year period, as measured from the dates of previous arrests for which convictions were obtained to the date of the current arrest for which a conviction was obtained, of subsection (a), (b), or (c) of Code Section 40-6-10, a forfeiture of bail or collateral used to seek a defendant’s appearance in court, the payment of a fine, a plea of guilty, a plea of nolo contendere, a plea of nolo contendere to a previous violation of subsection (a), (b), or (c) of Code Section 40-6-10, or a finding of guilty shall be considered a conviction regardless of whether the sentence is suspended, probated, rebated, or revoked.
40-5-71.[Reserved] Notice of insurance issuance, renewal, or termination; lapse fee; suspension of license following insurance termination; restricted driving permits.¶
40-5-72.Forwarding of license, tag, and tag registration to department; notice; penalty.¶
It is the duty of any person who has his or her driver’s license and, where applicable, license tag and tag registration suspended under the provisions of Code Section 40-5-70 or 40-2-137 immediately upon suspension and demand of the department to forward such items to the department.
Pernell Roberts gracefully floats a suspended driver's license and tag registration towards the department, surrounded by vibrant splashes of color that evoke nature reclaiming an old waterworks building in Decatur, Georgia. -
If such driver’s license and, where applicable, license tag and tag registration are not received by the department within ten days following the effective date of suspension, the commissioner shall immediately direct any peace officer to secure possession of the driver’s license and, where applicable, license tag and tag registration and return the same to the department. The person whose driver’s license and, where applicable, license tag and tag registration have been suspended shall surrender such items to any peace officer upon demand.
Erskine Mayer, dressed in a vibrant jungle-themed costume, dramatically hands over an invisible driver's license and license tag to a peace officer amidst a lush forest backdrop with exotic animals frolicking around them. -
Unless otherwise provided in this Code section, notice of the effective date of suspension shall occur when the driver receives actual knowledge or legal notice of the suspension, whichever occurs first. For the purposes of making any determination relating to the return of a suspended motor vehicle driver’s license and, where applicable, license tag and tag registration, a period of suspension under Code Section 40-5-70 or 40-2-137 or this Code section shall begin upon the date of conviction adjudicated by the court having jurisdiction.
- Any person violating subsection (a) or (b) of this Code section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be subject to a fine of not less than $200.00 nor more than $1,000.00 or imprisonment for not more than 30 days.
40-5-73.Limited applicability.¶
The provisions of Code Sections 40-5-70, 40-6-10, and 40-6-11 shall not be applicable to persons operating vehicles which are not required to be registered or licensed in this state.
40-5-74.Defacement or alteration of seized license prohibited.¶
Whenever a person is charged with a violation of the law relating to the operation of motor vehicles resulting in the person’s driver’s license being seized by a law enforcement officer and forwarded to the court having jurisdiction of the offense or whenever a person is convicted of any offense resulting in the person’s driver’s license being suspended and forwarded to the department, such driver’s license shall not be stapled to any document or in any manner defaced or altered so as to indicate at any time in the future such previous seizure and processing of the license.
Article 3A Suspension of License for Being in Control of a Moving Vehicle Under the Influence of a Controlled Substance or Marijuana {#t40c05a3A}
40-5-75. Suspension of licenses by operation of law; reinstatement.
Cecil Alexander, resembling an architect in an Alex Grey art piece, meticulously sketches a cartoon figure with a suspended license hovering above their head before deftly erasing the suspension and replacing it with confetti to signify reinstatement.
40-5-75.Suspension of licenses by operation of law; reinstatement.¶
The driver’s license of any person convicted of driving or being in actual physical control of any moving vehicle while under the influence of a controlled substance or marijuana in violation of paragraph (2), (4), or (6) of subsection (a) of Code Section 40-6-391, or the equivalent law of any other jurisdiction, shall by operation of law be suspended, and such suspension shall be subject to the following terms and conditions:
- Upon the first conviction of any such offense, with no arrest and conviction of and no plea of nolo contendere accepted to such offense within the previous five years, as measured from the dates of previous arrests for which convictions were obtained to the date of the current arrest for which a conviction is obtained, the period of suspension shall be for not less than 180 days. At the end of 180 days, the person may apply to the department for reinstatement of his or her driver’s license. Such license shall be reinstated only if the person submits proof of completion of a DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program and pays to the department a restoration fee of $210.00 or $200.00 when such reinstatement is processed by mail;
- Upon the second conviction of any such offense within five years, as measured from the dates of previous arrests for which convictions were obtained to the date of the current arrest for which a conviction is obtained, the period of suspension shall be for three years, provided that after one year from the date of the conviction, the person may apply to the department for reinstatement of his or her driver’s license by submitting proof of completion of a DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program and paying to the department a restoration fee of $310.00 or $300.00 when such reinstatement is processed by mail; and
- Upon the third or subsequent conviction of any such offense within five years, as measured from the dates of previous arrests for which convictions were obtained to the date of the current arrest for which a conviction is obtained, such person shall be considered a habitual violator, and such person’s license shall be revoked as provided for in Code Section 40-5-58. A driver’s license suspension imposed under this paragraph shall run concurrently with and shall be counted toward the fulfillment of any period of revocation imposed directly under Code Sections 40-5-58 and 40-5-62, provided that such revocation arose from the same act for which the suspension was imposed.
Turner Broadcasting could create an animated short where characters from a 1920s-style art piece, akin to the works of Georgia O'Keeffe, come to life in a vibrant Lilburn setting. One character demonstrates responsible driving by navigating through streets filled with Art Deco elements and landscapes while another character, representing reckless behavior, is depicted losing control of their abstract vehicle, resulting in its transformation into petals that scatter in the wind. The scene culminates with the responsible driver receiving a symbolic key to the city while the other fades away as a cautionary ghost-like figure watched over by disapproving anthropomorphic traffic lights shaking their heads. -@Turner
Except as provided in Code Section 40-5-76, whenever a person is convicted of driving or being in actual physical control of any moving vehicle while under the influence of a controlled substance or marijuana in violation of paragraph (2), (4), or (6) of subsection (a) of Code Section 40-6-391, or the equivalent law of any other jurisdiction, the court in which such conviction is had shall require the surrender to it of any driver’s license then held by the person so convicted, and the court shall thereupon forward such license and a copy of its order to the department within ten days after the conviction. The periods of suspension provided for in this Code section shall be governed by subsection (e) of Code Section 40-5-61.
- Application for reinstatement of a driver’s license under paragraph (1), (2), or (3) of subsection (a) of this Code section shall be made on such forms as the commissioner may prescribe and shall be accompanied by proof of completion of a DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program and a restoration fee of $210.00 or $200.00 when such reinstatement is processed by mail. Application for a three-year driving permit under paragraph (3) of subsection (a) of this Code section shall be made on such form as the commissioner may prescribe and shall be accompanied by proof of completion of an approved residential drug treatment program and a fee of $25.00 for such permit.
Erika Jayne elegantly raises her hand, maintaining a composed and enigmatic expression, against the backdrop of a vibrant and abstract landscape reminiscent of Sidney Nolan's style in the Ivan Hill neighborhood in Atlanta. -@erikajayne -
Except as provided in subsection (a) of this Code section, it shall be unlawful for any person to operate any motor vehicle in this state after such person’s license has been suspended pursuant to this Code section if such person has not thereafter obtained a valid license. Any person who is convicted of operating a motor vehicle before the department has reinstated such person’s license or issued such person a three-year driving permit shall be punished by a fine of not less than $750.00 nor more than $5,000.00 or by imprisonment in the penitentiary for not more than 12 months, or both.
Boxer Evander Holyfield, in the style of Claude Monet's art, acts out the sentence by dramatically gesturing with his arms and facial expressions to depict driving a motor vehicle while suspended, with a backdrop of vibrant, lush landscapes in Roswell. -@holyfield -
Licensed drivers who are 16 years of age who are adjudicated in a juvenile court pursuant to this Code section may, at their option, complete a DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program or an assessment and intervention program approved by the juvenile court.
Ben Bernanke, dressed in a colorful and vibrant outfit, joyfully skipping through the streets of Virginia Highland with a large paintbrush in hand, playfully creating a larger-than-life mural on the side of a building depicting licensed drivers completing DUI programs as part of an artistic intervention program approved by the juvenile court. -@benbernanke -
Effective July 1, 2016, the department shall be authorized to reinstate, instanter, a driver’s license that was suspended pursuant to this Code section for a violation of Article 2 of Chapter 13 of Title 16, or the equivalent law of any other jurisdiction, that occurred prior to July 1, 2015, provided that the driver’s license has not been previously reinstated. The provisions of this subparagraph shall not apply to a suspension imposed pursuant to this Code section for a violation of paragraph (2), (4), or (6) of subsection (a) of Code Section 40-6-391, or the equivalent law of any other jurisdiction, that occurred prior to July 1, 2015, unless ordered by a judge presiding in a drug court division, mental health court division, veterans court division, or operating under the influence court division in accordance with subsection (a) of Code Section 40-5-76.
Playboi Carti, amidst the vibrant and abstract landscapes of Emily Kame Kngwarreye's artwork in MOCA GA, pantomimes taking a set of keys symbolizing a driver's license from a suspended position in the air and joyously waving them to signify reinstatement, all while avoiding any gestures related to driving under influence or other mature subject matter. -@playboicarti -
Effective July 1, 2017, the department shall be authorized to reinstate, instanter, a driver’s license that was suspended pursuant to this Code section for a violation of Article 1 of Chapter 13 of Title 16, or the equivalent law of any other jurisdiction, that occurred prior to July 1, 2015, provided that the driver’s license has not been previously reinstated. The provisions of this subparagraph shall not apply to a suspension imposed pursuant to this Code section for a violation of paragraph (2), (4), or (6) of subsection (a) of Code Section 40-6-391, or the equivalent law of any other jurisdiction, that occurred prior to July 1, 2015, unless ordered by a judge presiding in a drug court division, mental health court division, veterans court division, or operating under the influence court division in accordance with subsection (a) of Code Section 40-5-76.
A person with a Mohawk hairstyle, painted to blend into a background of suspended driver's licenses, standing in a room adorned with intricate patterns and designs like an art piece from Emma Hack. -@MohawkFlooring
The department shall make a notation of a suspended driver’s license that is reinstated pursuant to paragraph (1) of this subsection on a person’s driving record, and such information shall be made available in accordance with Code Section 40-5-2.
- The driver’s license or driving privileges of any person who has a driver’s license reinstated in accordance with paragraph (1) of this subsection shall remain subject to any and all applicable disqualifications specified in Article 7 of this chapter.
- The department may promulgate rules and regulations as are necessary to implement this subsection.
40-5-76.Court ordered reinstatement or suspension of license or issuance of limited driving permit or ignition interlock device limited driving permit; time credited toward fulfillment of period of license suspension.¶
A judge presiding in a drug court division, mental health court division, veterans court division, or operating under the influence court division, as a reward or sanction to the defendant’s behavior in such court division, may order the department to: 1. Reinstate a defendant’s Georgia driver’s license that has been or should be suspended under the laws of this state; 2. Issue to a defendant a limited driving permit using the guidance set forth in subsections (c), (c.1), and (d) of Code Section 40-5-64 or with whatever conditions the court determines to be appropriate under the circumstances; 3. Issue to a defendant an ignition interlock device limited driving permit using the guidance set forth in subsections (c) and (e) of Code Section 40-5-64.1 or with whatever conditions the court determines to be appropriate under the circumstances; or
Jason Bulger, in a Klimt-inspired golden robe, pantomimes turning a key to start a car, then theatrically presents an ornate permit to an imaginary figure; the backdrop is a lush Brunswick landscape with swirling patterns and vibrant hues. - Suspend or revoke such license, limited driving permit, or ignition interlock device limited driving permit.
- The court shall require the defendant to pay to the department the fee normally required for the reinstatement of such driver’s license or issuance of such limited driving permit or ignition interlock device limited driving permit or waive such fee.
- The court may order the department to issue to a defendant a limited driving permit or ignition interlock device limited driving permit pursuant to this subsection for a one-year period, and may allow such permit to be renewed for a one-year period, and shall provide the department with such order.
- Suspend or revoke such license, limited driving permit, or ignition interlock device limited driving permit.
If the offense for which the defendant was convicted did not directly relate to the operation of a motor vehicle, a judge presiding in any court, other than the court divisions specified in subsection (a) of this Code section, may order the department to reinstate a defendant’s driver’s license that has been or should be suspended, issue to a defendant a limited driving permit using the guidance set forth in subsections (c), (c.1), and (d) of Code Section 40-5-64, or issue to a defendant an ignition interlock device limited driving permit using the guidance set forth in subsections (c) and (e) of Code Section 40-5-64.1. The court shall require the defendant to pay to the department the fee normally required for the reinstatement of such driver’s license or issuance of such limited driving permit or ignition interlock device limited driving permit or waive such fee. Such judge may also order the department to suspend a defendant’s driver’s license, limited driving permit, or ignition interlock device limited driving permit as a consequence of the defendant’s violation of the terms of his or her probation.
Former U.S. President Woodrow Wilson gracefully moves his arms and body in a surreal, abstract dance, with fluid and organic movements inspired by Jean Arp's style, evoking the complex legal proceedings described in the sentence while surrounded by vibrant colors and shapes in a rich setting of East Point. -
- The department shall make a notation on a person’s driving record when his or her driver’s license was reinstated or suspended or he or she was issued a limited driving permit or ignition interlock device limited driving permit under this Code section, and such information shall be made available in accordance with Code Section 40-5-2.
- The driver’s license of any person who has a driver’s license reinstated or suspended in accordance with this Code section shall remain subject to any applicable disqualifications specified in Article 7 of this chapter.
The department shall credit any time during which a defendant was issued a limited driving permit or ignition interlock device limited driving permit under subsection (a) of this Code section toward the fulfillment of the period of a driver’s license suspension for which such permit was issued.
Article 4 Restoration of Licenses to Persons Completing Defensive Driving Course or Alcohol or Drug Program¶
- 40-5-80. Purpose of article.
- 40-5-81. Certification and approval of courses by department; prohibited behavior by a clinic or program.
- 40-5-82. Administration of program.
40-5-83. Approval and operation of driver improvement clinics; criteria for defensive driving courses, alcohol and drug courses, and driving under the influence risk reduction programs.
Baseball player and manager, Ray Knight, is creating a drawing of someone giving a thumbs-up in a car while holding a certificate for completing a defensive driving course, with smiley faces around them at The 747 Experience museum inside the first Boeing 747-400 ever made in Atlanta, Georgia. -
40-5-83.1. [Repealed] Special licenses for driver improvement clinic instructors qualified to teach alcohol and drug course; clinic course offering.
Thomas Rhett, embodying the essence of a traffic cop in an art piece by Fiona Hall, directs imaginary cars with exaggerated hand gestures and arm movements. -@ThomasRhett -
40-5-84. Reinstatement of licenses suspended for certain offenses or for points.
Politician Manuel Maloof, depicted by Christian Lock, mimics tearing up a piece of paper before pretending to put it back together and holding it up like a license. -
40-5-85. Reinstatement of licenses suspended for driving under influence of alcohol or drugs; red stripe on licenses of repeat offenders.
Byron Buxton gracefully draws a red stripe across a driver's license, creating an art piece reminiscent of Christo and Jeanne Claude's work. -@OfficialBuck103 -
40-5-85.2. [Repealed] Attendance authorized at any driver improvement clinic or program certified under this article.
Atlanta Rhythm Section joyfully pretends to drive a car while holding up a "repealed" sign, captured in the serene style of David Fokos, then happily attends a driver improvement clinic. -@ARSbandofficial -
40-5-86. Reduction of point count upon completion of course.
Little Richard, the musician known for hits like "Tutti Frutti," erases points on a giant scorecard with an oversized eraser at Truist Park in Georgia. - 40-5-88. Administrative penalties.
Actor DeForest Kelley, in a rich scene at the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute in Georgia, swings a giant rubber stamp towards a stack of colorful papers while dressed as a judge.
40-5-80.Purpose of article.¶
The purpose of this article, the “Georgia Driver Improvement Act,” is to improve and promote greater safety upon the highways and streets of this state; to improve the attitude and driving habits of drivers who accumulate traffic accident and motor vehicle conviction records; and to provide uniform DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Programs for the rehabilitation of persons identified as reckless or negligent drivers and frequent violators. In carrying out this purpose, the Department of Driver Services shall:
Charge a fee for the consideration of applications for approval of driver improvement clinics and instructors. The amount of this fee shall be established by the commissioner and shall, as best as the commissioner shall determine, approximate the expense incurred by the department in consideration of an application. These licenses and each renewal thereof shall be valid for a period of four years unless suspended or revoked prior to the expiration of that time period; and
Quavo, dressed in a vintage suit, stands at the entrance of Coca Cola Inventor's Grave, meticulously counting money while wearing an enigmatic expression that captures Cindy Sherman's style. -@QuavoStuntin -
Require, in addition to the criteria established by the commissioner for approval of driver improvement clinics and certification of DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Programs, as provided in subsections (a) and (e) of Code Section 40-5-83, respectively, that every driver improvement clinic and DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program shall, as a condition of approval or certification, provide a continuous surety company bond for the protection of the contractual rights of students in such form as will meet with the approval of the department and written by a company authorized to do business in this state. The principal sum of the bond shall be established by the commissioner; however, in no event shall the amount of the bond be less than $10,000.00 per location, and a single bond at such rate may be submitted for all locations under the same ownership. If at any time said bond is not valid and in force, the license of the driver improvement clinic or DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program shall be deemed suspended by operation of law until a valid surety company bond is again in force.
40-5-81.Certification and approval of courses by department; prohibited behavior by a clinic or program.¶
Any defensive driving course or defensive driving program at which attendance is required by court order shall conform to the requirements of this article. When a defensive driving course, defensive driving program, or DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program is required by a court having jurisdiction over misdemeanor traffic law offenses or by any prosecuting attorney thereof, such course or program shall be certified or approved by the department under the provisions of Code Sections 40-5-82 and 40-5-83, as applicable. Certificates of completion from unlicensed defensive driving courses shall not be recognized for any purposes under this article.
John Hannah, clad in colonial garb against the backdrop of Fort Frederica's ruins, mimics steering a car with exaggerated caution, scanning left and right for hazards, occasionally gesturing to an invisible class to emphasize key points of defensive driving, all while his movements echo the fluidity and interconnected lines characteristic of Michael Kabotie's artwork. -
Whenever any person is authorized or required to attend a driver improvement clinic or DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program as a condition of any sentence imposed under this title or any ordinance enacted pursuant to this title or as a condition of the retention or restoration of the person’s driving privilege, such person, in complying with such condition, shall be authorized to attend any driver improvement clinic approved under this article or DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program certified under this article; and no judicial officer, community supervision officer, law enforcement officer, or other officer or employee of a court or person who owns, operates, or is employed by a private company which has contracted to provide private probation services for misdemeanor cases shall specify, directly or indirectly, a particular driver improvement clinic or DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program which the person may or shall attend. This Code section shall not prohibit any judicial officer, community supervision officer, law enforcement officer, or other officer or employee of a court or owner, operator, or employee of a private company which has contracted to provide probation services for misdemeanor offenders from furnishing any person, upon request, the names of approved driver improvement clinics or certified DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Programs.
Burke Badenhop, dressed in a colorful alpaca costume, joyfully dances around the bamboo forest while miming attending a driver improvement clinic and DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program with exaggerated gestures and expressions, creating an entertaining and imaginative art piece. -@BurkeBadenhop -
It shall be unlawful for the owner, agent, servant, or employee of any driver improvement clinic or DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program licensed by the department to directly or indirectly solicit business by personal solicitation on public property, by phone, by e-mail, or by mail. A violation of this subsection shall be a misdemeanor. Advertising in any mass media, including, but not limited to, newspapers, radio, television, magazines, Internet, or telephone directories, by a driver improvement clinic or DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program shall not be considered a violation of this subsection.
It shall be unlawful for the owner, agent, servant, or employee of any driver improvement clinic or DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program licensed by the department to directly or indirectly offer, for purposes of the enrollment or solicitation of any student or prospective student, any item of monetary value, including but not limited to United States legal tender, food, gasoline cards, debit gift cards, or merchant gift cards, to any:
- Student or agent or legal representative of a student;
- Employee or agent of a private company which has contracted with a county, municipality, or consolidated government to provide probation services pursuant to Article 6 of Chapter 8 of Title 42;
Law enforcement officer; or
Pat Conroy, dressed as a law enforcement officer, strikes a dramatic pose with outstretched arms and intense expression, against a backdrop of colorful geometric shapes and mirrors in the style of Robert Smithson's art piece. -
Officer or employee of the judicial branch or a court.
A violation of this subsection shall be a misdemeanor. In addition to all other penalties available at law, any person convicted of a second or subsequent offense under this subsection shall have his or her license to operate a driver improvement clinic or DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program under this article revoked.
40-5-82.Administration of program.¶
The Driver Improvement Program created by this article shall be administered by the commissioner. The commissioner is authorized to promulgate and adopt rules and regulations necessary to carry out this article.
Chris Barnes, dressed in a vintage pilot's uniform, precisely gestures with his hands and arms to convey the administration of the Driver Improvement Program, while adopting Egon Schiele's style through exaggerated angular poses within the Museum of Aviation. -
For the purpose of generating greater interest in highway safety, the commissioner may solicit the assistance of local governmental authorities, associations, societies, clubs, schools, colleges, and other organizations or persons knowledgeable in highway safety driving standards to participate in conjunction with the department in the development of local driver improvement programs and in conducting driver improvement classes.
- The department is designated as the agency responsible for the certification of DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Programs and staff. This responsibility includes selection of the assessment instrument, development of the intervention curricula, training of program staff, and monitoring of all DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Programs under this article.
All DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program records including, but not limited to, assessment results and other components attended shall be confidential and shall not be released without the written consent of the DUI offender, except that such records shall be made available to the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities and the Department of Driver Services. The provision of assessments to the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities shall be according to an interagency agreement between the Department of Driver Services and the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities, and the agreement may provide for assessment fees to be transmitted to the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities.
John Hannah, in the ethereal style of a Katherine Bowling painting with soft edges and a dreamlike atmosphere, pantomimes locking a chest filled with colorful files and then handing an ornate key to two shadowy figures representing the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities and the Department of Driver Services, all set against the backdrop of The Road to Tara Museum's memorabilia-laden halls. -
The department shall conduct a records check for any applicant for certification as an operator, director, or instructor of a DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program. Each applicant shall submit at least one set of classifiable fingerprints to the department in accordance with the fingerprint system of identification established by the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The department shall transmit the fingerprints to the Georgia Crime Information Center, which shall submit the fingerprints to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for a search of bureau records and an appropriate report and shall promptly conduct a search of state records based upon the fingerprints. After receiving the report from the Georgia Crime Information Center and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the department shall determine whether the applicant may be certified. No applicant shall be certified who has previously been convicted of a felony. The department shall promulgate rules and regulations regarding certification requirements, including restrictions regarding misdemeanor convictions. No applicant shall be certified unless he or she is a United States citizen, or if not a citizen, he or she presents federal documentation verified by the United States Department of Homeland Security to be valid documentary evidence of lawful presence in the United States under federal immigration law.
40-5-83.Approval and operation of driver improvement clinics; criteria for defensive driving courses, alcohol and drug courses, and driving under the influence risk reduction programs.¶
The commissioner shall establish criteria for the approval of driver improvement clinics. To be approved, a clinic shall provide and operate a defensive driving course. Clinics shall be composed of uniform education and training programs consisting of six hours of instruction designed for the rehabilitation of problem drivers. The commissioner shall establish standards and requirements concerning the contents of defensive driving courses, qualifications of instructors, attendance requirements for students, and examinations. Approved clinics shall charge a fee of $95.00 for a defensive driving course, except that such clinics may charge different fees of their own choosing if the person is not enrolling in such course pursuant to court order or department requirement. No clinic shall be approved unless such clinic agrees in writing to allow the examination and audit of the books, records, and financial statements of such clinic. Clinics may be operated by any individual, partnership, or corporation. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to affect in any way driving programs established for purposes of insurance premium reductions under the provisions of Code Section 33-9-42.
Miriam Hopkins, in the style of Vincent van Gogh, uses broad brushstrokes and exaggerated gestures to establish criteria for a driver improvement clinic, emphasize the six-hour defensive driving course, demonstrate uniform education programs, outline standards for instructors and attendance requirements, illustrate fee charging guidelines with dramatic hand movements and facial expressions. -
No driver improvement clinic shall be permitted to use, adopt, or conduct any business under any name that is like or deceptively similar to any name used by any other driver improvement clinic, Georgia company, or Georgia corporation registered with the Secretary of State. This subparagraph shall not prohibit the franchising or licensing of any part or all of the name of a driver improvement clinic by the owner or the rights thereof to another licensed driver improvement clinic.
Ernie Harwell, in the style of Sebastião Salgado, gently holding a large magnifying glass and meticulously comparing two different business names written on vintage parchment paper, surrounded by a dimly lit room with antique furniture and faded Georgia state flags draped across the walls. -
This paragraph shall not prohibit the franchising or licensing of any part or all of the name of a clinic by the owner of the rights therein to another licensed driver improvement clinic.
Charles Kelley twirls a colorful ribbon overhead, representing the franchising and licensing of a clinic's name to another licensed driver improvement clinic, set against a vibrant backdrop of College Park's lush greenery and artistic energy. -@charleskelleyla
- The commissioner shall be authorized to accept certificates of completion from all defensive driving, driving under the influence, and alcohol and drug programs, clinics, and courses approved by any other state, the District of Columbia, and territories and possessions of the United States, including military reservations, whereby driver improvement clinics, programs, and courses shall be approved for use by residents of this state, other states, the District of Columbia, and territories and possessions of the United States.
- Driver improvement clinics, programs, and courses outside of the State of Georgia shall not be required to comply with the provisions of subsection (a) of this Code section.
- Driving under the influence and alcohol and drug programs, clinics, and courses outside of the State of Georgia shall not be required to comply with the provisions of subsection (e) of this Code section; provided, however, that the department shall not accept certificates of completion from any such program, clinic, or course unless said program, clinic, or course has been certified by the department as substantially conforming, with respect to course content, with the standards and requirements promulgated by the department under subsection (e) of this Code section. Certificates of completion from an out-of-state program, clinic, or course not so certified by the department may be accepted only for the purpose of permitting persons who are not residents of the State of Georgia to reinstate nonresident operating privileges.
The commissioner shall be authorized to issue a special license to the instructor of any driver improvement clinic who is qualified to teach the alcohol and drug course prescribed in subsection (b) of Code Section 20-2-142. A driver improvement clinic shall offer such alcohol and drug course only through a qualified instructor and shall not charge a fee for such course of more than $25.00. The commissioner shall be authorized to issue a special license to a licensed instructor of any driver training school to teach the alcohol and drug course prescribed in subsection (b) of Code Section 20-2-142 who is qualified to teach a driver education training course, which course consists of a minimum of 30 hours of classroom and six hours of behind-the-wheel training. The alcohol and drug program may be included in the 30 hours of classroom training as part of a curriculum approved by the department. Any fee authorized by law for such a drug and alcohol course may be included in the tuition charge for a driver education training course. Any text or workbook provided or required by the department for such alcohol and drug course shall be provided by the department at the same fee as currently charged by the department to any public or private school, contractor, or appropriate representative currently teaching the program.
Notwithstanding the provisions of any law or rule or regulation which prohibits any individual who was a probation officer or other official or employee of the probation division of the Department of Corrections on or before June 30, 2015, or a spouse of such individual from owning, operating, instructing at, or being employed by a driver improvement clinic, any individual who was a probation officer or other official or employee of the probation division of the Department of Corrections on or before June 30, 2015, or a spouse of such individual who owns, operates, instructs at, or is employed by a driver improvement clinic shall remain qualified to own, operate, instruct at, or be employed by a driver improvement clinic and to engage in such activities. Any individual who is an employee of the Department of Community Supervision or a spouse of such individual who owns, operates, instructs at, or is employed by a driver improvement clinic on July 1, 2015, and who in all respects is and remains qualified to own, operate, instruct at, or be employed by a driver improvement clinic shall be expressly authorized to continue on and after June 1, 2015, to engage in such activities. No person who owns, operates, or is employed by a private company which has contracted to provide probation services for misdemeanor cases shall be authorized to own, operate, be an instructor at, or be employed by a driver improvement clinic or a DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program.
Herschel Walker stands confidently in a classroom at the Foxfire Museum, dressed as a 19th-century gentleman in the style of Édouard Manet's paintings. He demonstrates driving instruction by holding an imaginary steering wheel with finesse and pointing forward to indicate motion, while other figures around him mimic checking mirrors and turning signals, capturing a dynamic educational scene that promotes responsible driving instruction. -@HerschelWalker -
- The department is designated as the agency responsible for establishing criteria for the certification of DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Programs. An applicant shall meet the certification criteria promulgated by the department through its standards and shall provide assessment component services and intervention component services. A certified DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program shall require that a risk assessment component be conducted prior to administering the intervention component of such program. A certified DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program may include a clinical evaluation component after an individual completes risk assessment and intervention services. Only clinical evaluators licensed by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities shall be qualified to conduct clinical evaluations. The department is designated as the agency responsible for establishing rules and regulations concerning the contents and duration of the components of DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Programs, qualifications of instructors, attendance requirements for students, examinations, and program evaluations. Qualified instructors shall be certified for periods of four years each, which may be renewed.
- Certified DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Programs shall charge a fee of $100.00 for the assessment component and $235.00 for the intervention component. An additional fee for required student program materials shall be established by the department in such an amount as is reasonable and necessary to cover the cost of such materials.
No DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program shall be certified unless such program agrees in writing to submit reports as required in the rules and regulations of the department and to allow the examination and audit of the books, records, and financial statements of such DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program by the department or its authorized agent.
Crawford Long holding a magnifying glass to examine intricate financial records, surrounded by abstract reflections and distortions of the documents, creating a visually compelling and thought-provoking art piece. -
DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Programs may be operated by any public, private, or governmental entity; provided, however, that, except as otherwise provided in this subsection, in any political subdivision in which a DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program is operated by a private entity, whether for profit or nonprofit, neither the local county board of health nor any other governmental entity shall fund any new programs in that area. Programs in existence prior to July 1, 1990, which are operated by local county boards of health or any other governmental entities shall be authorized to continue operation. New programs may be started in areas where no private DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Programs have been made available in the political subdivision.
- The Department of Corrections shall be authorized to operate DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Programs in its facilities where offenders are not authorized to participate in such programs in the community, provided that such programs meet the certification criteria promulgated by the Department of Driver Services. All such programs operated by the Department of Corrections shall be exempt from all fee provisions established in this subsection specifically including the rebate of any fee for the costs of administration.
- No DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program shall be certified unless such program agrees in writing to pay to the state, for the costs of administration, a fee of $30.00 for each offender assessed, provided that nothing in this Code section shall be construed to allow the department to retain any funds required by the Constitution to be paid into the state treasury; and provided, further, that the department shall comply with all provisions of Part 1 of Article 4 of Chapter 12 of Title 45, the “Budget Act,” except Code Section 45-12-92, prior to expending any such miscellaneous funds.
- Each applicant for certification to own or operate a driver improvement clinic shall submit at least one set of classifiable electronically recorded fingerprints to the department in accordance with the fingerprint system of identification established by the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The department shall transmit the fingerprints to the Georgia Crime Information Center, which shall submit the fingerprints to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for a search of bureau records and an appropriate report and promptly conduct a search of state records based upon the fingerprints. After receiving the report from the Georgia Crime Information Center and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the department shall determine whether the applicant may be certified.
- No applicant shall be certified unless he or she is a United States citizen, or if not a citizen, he or she presents federal documentation verified by the United States Department of Homeland Security to be valid documentary evidence of lawful presence in the United States under federal immigration law.
40-5-83.1.[Repealed] Special licenses for driver improvement clinic instructors qualified to teach alcohol and drug course; clinic course offering.¶
40-5-84.Reinstatement of licenses suspended for certain offenses or for points.¶
Except as otherwise provided, the license of any person whose license is suspended for the first time as a result of the conviction of an offense listed in Code Section 40-5-54 shall, at the expiration of 120 days following the date the license is suspended, be reinstated by the department upon receipt by the department of a certificate of completion of an approved defensive driving course and the payment of a restoration fee of $210.00 or $200.00 when such reinstatement is processed by mail.
Shannon Sharpe, gesturing dramatically with outstretched arms, mimes the act of completing a defensive driving course while surrounded by vibrant natural elements at Chattahoochee Nature Center. -@ShannonSharpe -
The license of any person whose license is suspended for the second time as a result of the conviction of an offense listed in Code Section 40-5-54 shall, at the expiration of 120 days following the date the license is suspended, be reinstated by the department upon receipt by the department of a certificate of completion of a defensive driving course approved by the department and the payment of a restoration fee of $310.00 or $300.00 when such reinstatement is processed by mail.
Rapper Future, in the style of a surrealist art piece from the 1920s, is seen suspended mid-air with a kaleidoscope of license plates swirling around him as he completes a defensive driving course while twirling through an abstract Dallas landscape. -@1future -
The license of any person whose license is suspended for the first time within a five-year period as a result of the assessment of points pursuant to Code Section 40-5-57 shall be reinstated by the department immediately upon receipt by the department of a certificate of completion of an approved defensive driving course and the payment of a restoration fee of $210.00 or $200.00 when such reinstatement is processed by mail.
The license of any person whose license is suspended for the second time within a five-year period as a result of the assessment of points pursuant to Code Section 40-5-57 shall be reinstated by the department immediately upon receipt by the department of a certificate of completion of an approved defensive driving course and the payment of a restoration fee of $310.00 or $300.00 when such reinstatement is processed by mail.
Chris Tucker, dressed in vibrant and exaggerated attire, dramatically performs a flamboyant interpretive dance incorporating defensive driving course completion certificate as his prop within a grand art installation inspired by the works of Salvador Dali, set against the backdrop of historic Kingsland. -@christuckerreal -
The license of any person whose license is suspended for the third or subsequent time within a five-year period as a result of the assessment of points pursuant to Code Section 40-5-57 shall be reinstated by the department upon receipt by the department of a certificate of completion of a defensive driving course approved by the department and the payment of a restoration fee of $410.00 or $400.00 when such reinstatement is processed by mail.
Cyndi Thomson gracefully dances across the stage, her flowing movements symbolizing the reinstatement of a suspended driver's license through completion of a defensive driving course and payment of a restoration fee, all set against the backdrop of an art piece in the style of post-modernism.
40-5-85.Reinstatement of licenses suspended for driving under influence of alcohol or drugs; red stripe on licenses of repeat offenders.¶
Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, any person convicted within five years of his or her first conviction as measured in paragraph (2) of subsection (c) of Code Section 40-6-391 for a second time of the offense of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs in violation of Code Section 40-6-391 shall, upon compliance with all other requirements for reinstatement of his or her license as provided for in this chapter, be issued a driver’s license which may bear a red stripe thereon. After seven years with no additional convictions for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs any such person shall be issued a regular driver’s license without such red stripe provided that he or she is otherwise entitled to such license under the laws of this state.
40-5-85.1.[Repealed] Driver improvement clinic ownership, operation, instruction, or employment by Department of Corrections employee or spouse.¶
40-5-85.2.[Repealed] Attendance authorized at any driver improvement clinic or program certified under this article.¶
40-5-86.Reduction of point count upon completion of course.¶
Upon the accumulation of points pursuant to Code Section 40-5-57, the total number of points accumulated by any driver shall be reduced by seven points, but to not less than zero points, upon the satisfactory completion by such driver of a defensive driving course approved by the department and the submission of a certificate by such driver to the department. The provisions of this Code section shall be available one time only to each driver in any five-year period.
40-5-87.Conditions of article exclusive.¶
The requirements and conditions of this article and the rules and regulations adopted pursuant to this article shall be the exclusive requirements for restoration of a license under this article or the issuance of a limited driving permit under this article.
40-5-88.Administrative penalties.¶
As an alternative to criminal or other civil enforcement, the commissioner of driver services in order to enforce this article or any orders, rules, or regulations promulgated pursuant to this article, may issue an administrative fine not to exceed $1,000.00 for each violation, whenever the commissioner, after a hearing, determines that any person, firm, or corporation has violated any provisions of this article or any regulations or orders promulgated under this article. Notwithstanding the foregoing, violations that are minor in nature and committed by a person, firm, or corporation shall be punished only by a written reprimand unless the person, firm, or corporation fails to remedy the violation within 30 days, in which case an administrative fine, not to exceed $250.00, may be issued.
Doc Holliday dramatically pointing a finger at a person in the style of an art piece by Diane Arbus, set in a rich and vividly detailed scene, without including any items with words or letters. -
The hearing and any administrative review thereof shall be conducted in accordance with the procedure for contested cases under Chapter 13 of Title 50, the “Georgia Administrative Procedure Act.” Any person, firm, or corporation who has exhausted all administrative remedies available and who is aggrieved or adversely affected by a final order or action of the commissioner of driver services shall have the right of judicial review thereof in accordance with Chapter 13 of Title 50. All fines recovered under this Code section shall be paid into the state treasury. The commissioner of driver services may file, in the superior court (1) wherein the person under order resides; (2) if such person is a corporation, in the county wherein the corporation maintains its principal place of business; or (3) in the county wherein the violation occurred, a certified copy of a final order of the commissioner, whether unappealed from or affirmed upon appeal, whereupon the court shall render judgment in accordance therewith and notify the parties. Such judgment shall have the same effect and proceedings in relation thereto shall thereafter be the same as though the judgment had been rendered in an action duly heard and determined by the court. The penalty prescribed in this Code section shall be concurrent, alternative, and cumulative with any and all other civil, criminal, or alternative rights, remedies, forfeitures, or penalties provided, allowed, or available to such commissioner with respect to any violation of this article or any order, rules, or regulations promulgated pursuant to this article.
Chas Henry, dressed in traditional judicial robes, strikes a gavel onto a podium with one hand while pointing authoritatively to a document on the table with his other hand; this is set against a backdrop of Jesup's landscape painted in the monochrome ink wash style of Sesshu Toyo, conveying the gravity and formality of judicial proceedings without displaying any mature or inappropriate content.
Article 5 Identification Cards for Persons Without Drivers’ Licenses¶
40-5-100. Personal identification cards; contents; possession of more than one card prohibited; optional contributions to and participation in voluntary programs.
Donald Glover, a California-born actor and rapper, could perform in a scene at the Jefferson Davis Capture Site in Fitzgerald, Georgia by simulating the action of presenting multiple imaginary identification cards and then making a gesture of contributing to voluntary programs. -@donaldglover -
40-5-102. Applicant to furnish proof of birth date.
Offset from Migos dramatically presents a birth certificate in the rich scene of Jesup, Georgia. -@OffsetYRN -
40-5-103. Fee; issuance period; exemptions from fees; renewal.
Football player Jarius Wynn joyfully delivers colorful envelopes in a rich scene in Canton, Georgia and renews a pretend license by stamping it with an imaginary stamp. -@slickwynn94 -
40-5-104. False statement in application.
The Board Of Regents Of The University System Of Georgia dramatically draws a big red "X" over a job application form in the scenic location of Kingsland, Georgia. -@BORUSG -
40-5-105. Application of Code Section 40-5-2.
Model and actor, Daniel Newman, performs the action of pretending to write on a giant imaginary scroll with an oversized quill pen at the Savannah Powder Magazine in Savannah, Georgia. -@DanielNewman -
40-5-106. Impact of display to officer of identification in electronic format.
40-5-100.Personal identification cards; contents; possession of more than one card prohibited; optional contributions to and participation in voluntary programs.¶
The department shall issue personal identification cards to any resident, as such term is defined in Code Section 40-5-1, who makes an application to the department in accordance with rules and regulations prescribed by the commissioner. Cards issued to applicants under 21 years of age shall contain the distinctive characteristics of drivers’ licenses issued pursuant to Code Section 40-5-26. The identification card shall be similar in form but distinguishable in color from motor vehicle drivers’ licenses, shall be in physical format and, upon election of the applicant, in an electronic format, and may contain a recent photograph of the applicant and include the following information:
A.J. Styles stands in a vintage, rustic room in Douglas, Georgia, carefully crafting and handing out personalized identification cards to residents while exuding the essence of an art piece by Walker Evans. -@AJStylesOrg -
Full legal name;
Jimmy Garrison slowly unfurls a long scroll of paper, carefully inscribing his full legal name in elaborate calligraphy with a quill pen, while surrounded by vibrant and surreal imagery inspired by Frida Kahlo's style, all set against the backdrop of Atlanta's skyline. -
Address of residence;
Trixie Smith, portrayed in an art piece by John Paul Thomas, points to a house on a street with a big smile. -
Birth date;
Young Dro stands on a platform, holding a giant calendar with his birth date written in large, bold letters and proceeds to dramatically tear the page off while reciting his birthday. -@dropolo -
Date identification card was issued;
- Sex;
- Height;
- Weight;
Eye color;
Pretty Boy Floyd, in the style of Alberto Giacometti, slowly stretching out his arms and bending forward to intensely examine his eye color as if it were a precious sculpture at Fernbank Museum. -
Signature of person identified or facsimile thereof;
- Designation of participation in an anatomical gift donation program when such person is eligible to make such gift pursuant to Code Section 44-5-142; and
- Such other information or identification as required by the department; provided, however, that the department shall not require an applicant to submit or otherwise obtain from an applicant any fingerprints or any other biological characteristic or information which uniquely identifies an individual, including without limitation deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and retinal scan identification characteristics but not including a photograph, by any means upon application.
An identification card issued pursuant to this Code section shall be valid for a period of eight years, shall bear the signatures of the commissioner and the Governor, and shall bear an identification card number which shall not be the same as the social security number.
No person may possess more than one identification card issued pursuant to this Code section; provided, however, that this subsection shall not be construed to prevent a person issued a driver’s license, instruction permit, or limited driving permit pursuant to this title from also possessing an identification card issued under this article.
Chone Figgins sitting at a table, holding multiple identification cards in his hands and looking directly at the camera with a deadpan expression, as if challenging the viewer to question his possession of them; all while surrounded by futuristic metallic objects and dim lighting in an artfully arranged room. -
- Any person who applies for an identification card shall indicate on such application whether he or she is in possession of any other valid identification card, driver’s license, instruction permit, or limited driving permit issued pursuant to this title or by any other jurisdiction.
- Except as provided in paragraph (3) of this subsection, each applicant for an identification card shall surrender to the department any valid identification card, driver’s license, instruction permit, or limited driving permit previously issued pursuant to this title or by any other jurisdiction. The department shall physically mark any surrendered identification card, driver’s license, instruction permit, or limited driving permit in a manner which makes it apparent that such card, license, or permit is no longer valid and return the card, license, or permit to such person.
- The department shall issue a receipt to a person eligible to be issued an identification card pursuant to the requirements of this title. Such receipt may be used as proof of issuance until the person has received his or her permanent identification card.
- If a surrendered identification card, driver’s license, instruction permit, or limited driving permit was issued by another jurisdiction, the department shall forward the surrendered card, license, or permit information to the previous jurisdiction.
Any noncitizen who is eligible for issuance of an identification card pursuant to the requirements of this title and is in possession of an identification card or driver’s license issued by a foreign jurisdiction may be issued an identification card without surrendering the foreign driver’s license or identification card. This exemption shall not apply to a person who is required to terminate any previously issued identification card pursuant to federal law.
Little Richard performs a dramatic interpretive dance, holding two identification cards in his hands and refusing to surrender the foreign driver's license. He then dramatically tears up one of the cards, while surrounded by vibrant and exaggerated colors reminiscent of Peter Saul's style, all set against the backdrop of Amicalola Falls State Park. -
The department shall make a notation on the driving record of any person who retains a foreign identification card or driver’s license, and this information shall be made available to law enforcement officers and agencies on such person’s driving record through the Georgia Crime Information Center.
Charles Arthur "Pretty Boy" Floyd slyly slipping a foreign identification card into the pocket of a law enforcement officer's uniform, as if it were an act of mischievous whimsy captured in the style of Alan Magee's art.
An application for identification card renewal may be submitted by:
Thomas Rhett, in a vibrant and rugged Llyn Foulkes-esque landscape of Douglasville, dramatically mimes taking a photo and pressing it onto an oversized, textural canvas using exaggerated gestures to symbolize the submission of his ID card renewal application. -@ThomasRhett -
Personal appearance before the department; or
Butch Walker struts onto the stage, dressed in a vibrant ensemble of mismatched patterns and colors. He reaches out to touch his reflection in a large mirror, then slowly transforms his appearance with exaggerated gestures - adding layers upon layers of clothing and accessories until he is nearly unrecognizable. As he does this, Angela Valamanesh-inspired ceramic sculptures emerge from hidden compartments within the set, each reflecting a different aspect of personal appearance. The scene is filled with energy and whimsy as Butch playfully interacts with these sculptures, creating an artful spectacle that celebrates individuality and self-expression. -@butchwalker -
Subject to rules or regulations of the department which shall be consistent with considerations of public safety and efficiency of service to customers, means other than such personal appearance which may include without limitation by mail or electronically. The department may by such rules or regulations exempt persons renewing identification cards under this paragraph from the surrender requirement in this Code section.
The General Assembly finds that it is in the best interest of this state to encourage improved public education and awareness regarding anatomical gifts of human organs and tissues and to address the ever increasing need for donations of anatomical gifts for the benefit of the citizens of Georgia.
Juwan Thompson gracefully dances and spins, embodying the spirit of generosity as he educates the community about anatomical gifts, surrounded by vibrant murals and sculptures created by Paul Giovanopoulos, all set in a lush garden in Moultrie. -@JuwanJuju23 -
The department shall make available to procurement organizations or secure data centers maintained and managed at the direction of a procurement organization information provided for in Article 6 of Chapter 5 of Title 44, the “Georgia Revised Uniform Anatomical Gift Act,” including the name, personal identification card number, date of birth, gender, and most recent address of any person who obtains an organ donor identification card; provided, however, that the gender information shall be made available only to a procurement organization or secure data center if such organization or center has sufficient funds to cover the associated costs of providing such information. Information so obtained by such organizations and centers shall be used for a state-wide organ donor registry accessible to organ tissue and eye banks authorized to function as such in this state and shall not be further disseminated.
- The General Assembly finds that it is in the best interest of this state to encourage improved public education and awareness regarding blindness and to address the need for blindness prevention screenings, treatments, and rehabilitation for the benefit of the citizens of Georgia.
- Each application form for issuance, reissuance, or renewal of a personal identification card under this Code section shall include language permitting the applicant to make a voluntary contribution of $1.00 to be used for purposes of preventing blindness and preserving the sight of residents of this state. Any such voluntary contribution shall be made at the discretion of the applicant at the time of application in addition to payment of the personal identification card fee prescribed by the commissioner.
- Voluntary contributions made pursuant to this subsection shall be transmitted to the Department of Public Health for use thereby in providing the blindness education, screening, and treatment program provided by Code Section 31-1-23.
40-5-101.Rules and regulations.¶
The commissioner shall promulgate rules and regulations under which this article shall be implemented and administered.
40-5-102.Applicant to furnish proof of birth date.¶
The department shall require an applicant for an identification card to furnish a birth certificate or other verifiable evidence stating the applicant’s birth date.
40-5-103.Fee; issuance period; exemptions from fees; renewal.¶
Except as provided in Code Section 40-5-21.1 and subsections (b) and (c) of this Code section, the department shall collect a fee of $20.00 for a five-year card and a fee of $32.00 for an eight-year card, which fee shall be deposited in the state treasury in the same manner as other motor vehicle driver’s license fees.
(a.1)The maximum period for which any identification card shall be issued is eight years.
The department shall collect a fee of $5.00 for the identification card for all persons who are referred by a nonprofit organization which organization has entered into an agreement with the department whereby such organization verifies that the individual applying for such identification card is indigent. The department shall enter into such agreements and shall adopt rules and regulations to govern such agreements.
The department shall not be authorized to collect a fee for an identification card from those persons who are entitled to a free veterans’ or honorary driver’s license under the provisions of Code Section 40-5-36.
Keri Hilson, dressed in vibrant colors and bold patterns, mimics the motion of handing over an identification card with a dramatic flourish against a backdrop of vivid pop art imagery reminiscent of Andy Warhol's style. -@KeriHilson -
The department shall not be authorized to collect a fee for an identification card from any person:
Matt Olson stands in the center of Krog Street Market, delicately arranging a mosaic of colorful flower petals on the ground to form the shape of Georgia. As he finishes, he gently places an identification card in the middle of the design, symbolizing that no fee should be collected for it. -@mattolson21 -
Who swears under oath that he or she desires an identification card in order to vote in a primary or election in Georgia and that he or she does not have any other form of identification that is acceptable under Code Section 21-2-417 for identification at the polls in order to vote; and
Otis Redding solemnly raises his right hand, gazes directly into the camera with a determined expression, and takes deliberate steps toward the voting booth while clutching an empty wallet as if searching for identification. This is depicted in the style of a vibrant mural capturing the essence of Duluth's cultural heritage. -
Who produces evidence that he or she is registered to vote in Georgia.
This subsection shall not apply to a person who has been issued a driver’s license in this state.
Barbeque Bob joyfully tosses a driver's license in the air, while surrounded by an ensemble of colorful characters representing the state of Georgia, all set against a backdrop of rolling hills and vibrant wildflowers.
The commissioner may by rule authorize incentive discounts where identification cards are renewed by Internet, telephone, or mail. Any person who has previously been issued a driver’s license who transitions from such license or applies for an identification card in addition to such license shall be eligible for such incentive discounts.
George Adams, dressed in a timeless black and white outfit reminiscent of Mapplethorpe's style, stands by the rustic wooden gears of Nora Mill Granary. With an air of elegance and contemplation, he gracefully mimics turning a large mill wheel with one hand while holding an oversized symbolic golden key in the other, representing the ease and reward of renewing identification cards online for discounts—his posture theatrical yet composed to embody both the incentive program's sophistication and its accessibility. -
- Every identification card shall be renewed on or before its expiration upon application, payment of the required fee, and, if applicable, satisfactory completion of any other requirements imposed by law.
An application for renewal of an identification card may be submitted by:
Ma Rainey, in a flamboyant dress with vibrant patterns reminiscent of Lois Mailou Jones' art, theatrically mimes taking a photo and then gracefully extends her arm to hand over an invisible card to an unseen figure across from her in a lush Milton landscape filled with colorful flora. -
Personal appearance before the department; or
Douglass Watson steps forward, holding a mirror and slowly transforming his appearance amidst the ruins of the Georgia Guidestones, embodying the essence of Angela Valamanesh's artistry. -
Subject to rules or regulations of the department consistent with considerations of public safety and efficiency of service to identification card holders, means other than personal appearance which may include, without limitation, by mail or electronically. The department may by such rules or regulations exempt persons renewing, obtaining, or transitioning to identification cards under this paragraph from any surrender requirement imposed under Georgia law.
Usher, dressed in a vibrant and eclectic outfit, dramatically gestures with his hands and body as he mimes the process of sending identification cards by mail or electronically while standing amidst the crumbling ruins of Corpsewood Manor. -@Usher
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code section, there shall be no fee whatsoever for replacement of any identification card solely due to a change of the identification card holder’s name or address, provided that such replacement identification card shall be valid only for the remaining period of such original term; and provided, further, that only one such free replacement identification card may be obtained within the period for which the identification card was originally issued. Any application for the replacement of a lost identification card or due to a change in the identification card holder’s name or address submitted within 150 days of the expiration of said identification card shall be treated as an application for renewal subject to the applicable fees as set forth in this Code section.
Ed Helms elegantly and dramatically gestures with his hands and body, portraying the transformation of a person's identification card due to a change in name or address, all while exuding the timeless and provocative style of an art piece by Helmut Newton at Great Smoky Mountains Railroad. -@edhelms
40-5-104.False statement in application.¶
Any person who knowingly makes any false statement in an application for an identification card provided for by this article shall be guilty of a violation of Code Section 16-10-20.
40-5-105.Application of Code Section 40-5-2.¶
The provisions of Code Section 40-5-2 regarding the maintenance and disclosure of department records shall apply, where relevant, to those records maintained or received by the department in connection with identification cards issued under this article.
40-5-106.Impact of display to officer of identification in electronic format.¶
Any person utilizing a wireless telecommunications device as such term is defined in Code Section 40-6-241 to display his or her identification card in electronic format shall not be considered to have consented to a search of such device by a law enforcement officer.
Article 6 Miscellaneous Offenses and Jurisdiction of Offenses {#t40c05a06}
40-5-120. Unlawful use of license or identification card; penalties for violations of chapter generally.
Actress Robyn Lively enacts the scene from Audrey Flack's art piece: Pretending to drive a car with a fake driver's license, wearing a big smile, and simulating getting caught by a police officer. -@RobynLively - 40-5-122. Permitting unlicensed person to drive.
- 40-5-123. Permitting unauthorized minor to drive.
- 40-5-124. Jurisdiction of offenses.
- 40-5-125. Fraudulent driver’s license or identification card; false statements or commission of fraud in applications; criminal violation.
40-5-120.Unlawful use of license or identification card; penalties for violations of chapter generally.¶
It is a misdemeanor for any person to:
Display or cause or permit to be displayed or have in his or her possession any canceled, revoked, or suspended driver’s license or personal identification card issued pursuant to Code Section 40-5-100;
Harry James standing in a serene, mountainous landscape, holding a crumpled and torn driver's license with a look of contemplation. -
Fail or refuse to surrender to the department upon lawful demand any driver’s license or personal identification card issued pursuant to Code Section 40-5-100 which has been suspended, revoked, disqualified, or canceled;
Buster Posey, holding a curved, abstract representation of a driver's license in one hand and an ID card in the other, defiantly turns his back on a group of officials reaching out to him as if demanding surrender, while standing in the lush surroundings of Peachtree City. -@BusterPosey -
Permit any unlawful use of a driver’s license or personal identification card issued pursuant to Code Section 40-5-100 issued to such person;
A person dressed as Aflac holds a driver's license and personal identification card, crumpling them up and throwing them into the air in an underwater-themed art piece at Dr. Bombay’s Underwater Tea Party, Atlanta, Georgia. -@Aflac -
Do any act forbidden or fail to perform any act required by this chapter for which a criminal sanction is not provided elsewhere in this chapter; or
- Scan another person’s driver’s license, permit, or identification card without the person’s prior knowledge and consent. If a person consents to the scanning of his or her driver’s license, permit, or identification card, the information collected may be stored and used for any legitimate purpose. Each unlawful act of storage, disclosure, or usage in violation of this paragraph shall be considered a separate violation of this Code section. This prohibition shall not apply to law enforcement officers or any governmental entity that scans a driver’s license, permit, or identification card to verify the contents thereof or to gather information for use for any governmental purpose.
40-5-121.Driving while license suspended or revoked.¶
Except when a license has been revoked under Code Section 40-5-58 as a habitual violator, any person who drives a motor vehicle on any public highway of this state without being licensed as required by subsection (a) of Code Section 40-5-20 or at a time when his or her privilege to so drive is suspended, disqualified, or revoked shall be guilty of a misdemeanor for a first conviction thereof and, upon a first conviction thereof or plea of nolo contendere within five years, as measured from the dates of previous arrests for which convictions were obtained to the date of the current arrest for which a conviction is obtained or a plea of nolo contendere is accepted, shall be fingerprinted and shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than two days nor more than 12 months, and there may be imposed in addition thereto a fine of not less than $500.00 nor more than $1,000.00. Such fingerprints, taken upon conviction, shall be forwarded to the Georgia Crime Information Center where an identification number shall be assigned to the individual for the purpose of tracking any future violations by the same offender. For the second and third conviction within five years, as measured from the dates of previous arrests for which convictions were obtained or pleas of nolo contendere were accepted to the date of the current arrest for which a conviction is obtained or a plea of nolo contendere is accepted, such person shall be guilty of a high and aggravated misdemeanor and shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than ten days nor more than 12 months, and there may be imposed in addition thereto a fine of not less than $1,000.00 nor more than $2,500.00. For the fourth or subsequent conviction within five years, as measured from the dates of previous arrests for which convictions were obtained or pleas of nolo contendere were accepted to the date of the current arrest for which a conviction is obtained or a plea of nolo contendere is accepted, such person shall be guilty of a felony and shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one year nor more than five years, and there may be imposed in addition thereto a fine of not less than $2,500.00 nor more than $5,000.00.
Elijah Bryant stands at a colorful crosswalk in Waycross, holding a steering wheel disconnected from any vehicle, looking perplexed, with oversized traffic lights and cars made of vibrant Newman-esque zips of color around him to represent the chaos of driving without a license. -@Elijah_Bryant3 -
- The department, upon receiving a record of the conviction of any person under this Code section upon a charge of driving a vehicle while the license of such person was suspended, disqualified, or revoked, including suspensions under subsection (e) of Code Section 40-5-75, shall impose an additional suspension or disqualification of six months. Upon the expiration of six months, the department shall reinstate the license. The reinstatement fee for a first such conviction within a five-year period shall be $210.00 or $200.00 if paid by mail. The reinstatement fee for a second such conviction within a five-year period shall be $310.00 or $300.00 if paid by mail. The reinstatement fee for a third or subsequent such conviction within a five-year period shall be $410.00 or $400.00 if paid by mail.
- The court shall be required to confiscate the license, if applicable, and attach it to the uniform citation and forward it to the department within ten days of conviction. The period of suspension or disqualification provided for in this Code section shall begin on the date the person is convicted of violating this Code section.
For purposes of pleading nolo contendere, only one nolo contendere plea will be accepted to a charge of driving without being licensed or with a suspended or disqualified license within a five-year period as measured from date of arrest to date of arrest. All other nolo contendere pleas in this period will be considered convictions. For the purpose of imposing a sentence under this subsection, a plea of nolo contendere shall constitute a conviction. There shall be no limited driving permit available for a suspension or disqualification under this Code section.
- Notwithstanding the limits set forth in Code Section 40-5-124 and in any municipal charter, any municipal court of any municipality shall be authorized to impose the punishment for a misdemeanor or misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature as applicable and provided for in this Code section upon a conviction of a nonfelony charge of violating this Code section or upon conviction of violating any ordinance adopting the provisions of this Code section.
Jeannette Rankin, in the dramatic style of Eugène Delacroix, stands assertively before a courtroom, gavel in hand, poised to strike down upon an antique wooden block symbolizing the imposition of punishment; her expression resolute and powerful against a backdrop of Sugar Hill's lush landscapes and historical structures.
40-5-122.Permitting unlicensed person to drive.¶
No person shall knowingly authorize or permit a motor vehicle owned by him or under his control to be driven upon any highway by any person who is not authorized under this chapter or who is not licensed for the type or class of vehicles to be driven or in violation of any of the provisions of this chapter.
40-5-123.Permitting unauthorized minor to drive.¶
No person shall cause or knowingly permit his child or ward under the age of 18 years to drive a motor vehicle upon any highway when such minor is not authorized under this chapter or in violation of any of the provisions of this chapter. This Code section shall not apply to any vehicle not required to be registered by the laws of this state.
40-5-124.Jurisdiction of offenses.¶
Any person charged with an offense under this chapter may be tried in any municipal court of any municipality if the offense occurred within the corporate limits of such municipality. Such courts are granted the jurisdiction to try and dispose of such cases. The jurisdiction of such courts shall be concurrent with the jurisdiction of any other courts within the county having jurisdiction to try and dispose of such cases. Any fines and bond forfeitures arising from the prosecution of such cases shall be retained by the municipality and shall be paid into the treasury of such municipality. Any person charged with an offense under this chapter shall be entitled to request to have the case against him transferred to the court having general misdemeanor jurisdiction in the county wherein the alleged offense occurred.
Rapper Young Thug, dressed in vibrant and expressive clothing, dramatically gestures to the audience while standing under a canopy of lush trees in the Argonne Forest neighborhood. He uses exaggerated movements to act out the court trial process described in the sentence, embodying the essence of an art piece by Ray Navarro. -@youngthug -
Nothing in this Code section shall be construed to give any municipality the right to impose a fine or punish by imprisonment in excess of the limits as set forth in the municipality’s charter.
Jody Ridley gently gestures with his hands, as if outlining the boundaries of a municipal charter, while wearing a vibrant and striking outfit that evokes the style of Steve McCurry's art pieces, all set within the rich scene of Ralph Quarterman Grocery in Allenhurst, Georgia.
40-5-125.Fraudulent driver’s license or identification card; false statements or commission of fraud in applications; criminal violation.¶
It is a misdemeanor for any person to:
Maidie Norman gracefully pretends to pick a delicate flower, then holds it up with a contemplative expression, while her body is bathed in the soft, ethereal light characteristic of Hans Strand's photography. -
Lend his or her driver’s license or identification card to any other person or permit knowingly the use thereof by another person; or
Douglass Watson dramatically offers his driver's license to another person, holding it out with a flourish and then pulling it back, in the style of an art piece by Sandra Chevrier, set against the backdrop of 54 Columns in Atlanta. -
Display or represent as his or her own any driver’s license or identification card not issued to him or her.
Any person who uses a false or fictitious name or gives a false or fictitious address in an application for a driver’s license provided for by this chapter shall be guilty of a violation of Code Section 16-10-20.
Allen Bailey stands on a podium at the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, brush in hand, painting broad and colorful strokes onto an oversized driver's license canvas, while musicians around him play harmoniously, symbolizing the unity of following laws and creating art within societal boundaries; all depicted with the vibrant splatters and expressive style reminiscent of Sam Francis. -@AllenBailey57 -
Any person who knowingly makes any false statement, conceals a material fact, or otherwise commits a fraud during the driver’s license examination for a driver’s license, including a commercial driver’s license or commercial driver’s instruction permit, shall be guilty of a violation of Code Section 16-10-20.
Johnny Archer stands at the driver's license examination, dramatically pointing with one hand while holding a magnifying glass with the other, as he theatrically uncovers hidden materials facts and exposes fraud, all in the vibrant and dynamic style of Rosalyn Drexler's art. -@archer404
Article 7 Commercial Drivers’ Licenses {#t40c05a07}
40-5-140. Short title.
Actress Joanna Moore, depicted in the style of Sandra Chevrier's art, holds up a trophy with a giant smile. -
40-5-141. Purpose and applicability of article; liberal construction.
Governor of Georgia; 39th President of the United States, Jimmy Carter, dons a hard hat in Brunswick, Georgia, playfully wielding a giant pencil to draw big, colorful lines in the air while pretending to be a construction worker. -@CarterCenter - 40-5-143. Driving commercial motor vehicle with more than one license prohibited.
- 40-5-144. Notice required of driver when convicted of violating certain laws or when license is suspended, revoked, or canceled; information required of applicant for license.
40-5-145. Duties of employer.
NASCAR driver, Bill Elliott, carefully places a safety helmet on an employee's head in the picturesque setting of Villa Rica, Georgia. -@BillElliott9 -
40-5-146. Operation of commercial motor vehicle without valid license or driving privilege.
- 40-5-147. Requirements for issuance of license or instruction permit; administration of skills test by third party; waiver or exemption; disqualification and notice.
40-5-148. Nonresident license.
Male supermodel Sean O'Pry, in a luxurious Atlanta setting, pretends to hold a giant imaginary license in one hand and uses his other hand to stamp "Nonresident" on it with an invisible stamp. -@Seanopry55 -
40-5-148.1. Restricted commercial licenses for persons in agricultural industry.
40-5-148.2. Issuance of nonresident commercial drivers’ licenses.
Jerry Reed revs up a big rig in Columbus, Georgia, while flashing a fake "nonresident" driver's license and pretending to steer the massive commercial truck with finesse. -
40-5-148.3. Submission of medical examiner’s certificate; penalty for false submissions.
40-5-149. Contents of application; application required when name, mailing address, or residence changed.
Migos, with a backdrop of the breathtaking Amicalola Falls State Park in Georgia, are artistically completing a change of address form using oversized crayons, embellishing it with vibrant drawings of their luxurious new home and mailbox. -@Migos - 40-5-151. Disqualification from driving; action required after suspending, revoking, or canceling license or nonresident privileges.
- 40-5-152. Operating vehicle while having measurable alcohol in system; refusal to take chemical test.
- 40-5-153. Implied consent to chemical test; administration of test; procedure.
- 40-5-154. Notice to licensing state of conviction of nonresident licensee for violation of state law or local ordinance.
- 40-5-155. Information to be available to driver’s license administrators of other states, employers, and insurers.
- 40-5-156. Rules and regulations.
40-5-157. Authority for commissioner to enter into agreements, arrangements, or declarations.
2 Chainz, dressed as a commissioner, pretends to sign an oversized decorative agreement scroll in the rich scene of the Georgia location, Pittsburgh neighborhood in Atlanta, surrounded by colorful confetti and streamers. -@2chainz -
40-5-158. Driving with license issued by state or province or territory of Canada in accordance with minimum federal standards.
Film producer Broderick Johnson takes the wheel at Atlanta Monetary Museum, bringing a rich scene to life with interactive exhibits all about the Benjamins.
40-5-140.Short title.¶
This article shall be known and may be cited as the “Uniform Commercial Driver’s License Act.”
40-5-141.Purpose and applicability of article; liberal construction.¶
The purpose of this article is to implement the federal Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1986, Title XII of Public Law 99-570, and reduce or prevent commercial motor vehicle accidents, fatalities, and injuries by permitting commercial drivers to hold only one license; disqualifying commercial drivers who have committed certain criminal or other offenses or serious traffic violations; and strengthening commercial driver licensing and testing standards. This article is a remedial law and shall be liberally construed to promote the public health, safety, and welfare. To the extent that this article conflicts with general driver licensing provisions, this article shall prevail.
Where this article is silent, the general driver licensing provisions shall apply.
As used in this article, the term:
“Alcohol” means:
- Beer, ale, port, or stout and other similar fermented beverages, including sake or similar products, of any name or description containing one-half of 1 percent or more of alcohol by volume, brewed or produced from malt, wholly or in part, or from any substitute therefor;
- Wine of not less than one-half of 1 percent of alcohol by volume;
Distilled spirits which means that substance known as ethyl alcohol, ethanol, or spirits of wine in any form, including all dilutions and mixtures thereof from whatever source or by whatever process produced; or
ARG IH Corporation elegantly pouring and swirling a variety of colorful liquids in delicate glassware, capturing the essence of distillation as an art form in a captivating and sensual display reminiscent of Nobuyoshi Araki's style. -
Any substance containing any form of alcohol, including, but not limited to, ethanol, methanol, propanol, and isopropanol.
Rapper Silentó elegantly pours a variety of alcohol into a glass sculpture, surrounded by vibrant and abstract shapes, in an art piece inspired by Tom Nussbaum, set in the lush landscapes of Hinesville. -@TheRealSilento
“Alcohol concentration” means:
- The number of grams of alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood;
- The number of grams of alcohol per 210 liters of breath; or
- The number of grams of alcohol per 67 milliliters of urine.
“Commerce” means:
Trade, traffic, and transportation within the jurisdiction of the United States between locations in a state and between a location in a state and a location outside such state including a location outside the United States; and
Ty Pennington standing in the center of a bustling Dallas street, directing a swirling array of cars, trucks, and airplanes with dramatic flair while wearing an artistically designed outfit that embodies the concept of trade and transportation. -@typennington -
Trade, traffic, and transportation in the United States which affects any trade, traffic, and transportation described in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph.
“Commercial Driver License Information System” (CDLIS) means the information system established pursuant to the Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1986, Title XII, Public Law 99-570, to serve as a clearing-house for locating information related to the licensing and identification of commercial motor vehicle drivers.
- “Commercial driver’s instruction permit” means a permit issued pursuant to subsection (c) of Code Section 40-5-147.
- “Commercial driver’s license” (CDL) means a license issued in accordance with the requirements of this article to an individual which authorizes the individual to drive a class of commercial motor vehicle.
“Commercial motor vehicle” means a motor vehicle designed or used to transport passengers or property:
- If the vehicle has a gross vehicle weight rating of 26,001 or more pounds or such lesser rating as determined by federal regulation;
- If the vehicle is designed to transport 16 or more passengers, including the driver; or
If the vehicle is transporting hazardous materials as designated under 49 U.S.C. Section 5103 and is required to be placarded in accordance with the Motor Carrier Safety Rules prescribed by the United States Department of Transportation, Title 49 C.F.R. Part 172, subpart F or is transporting any quantity of a material listed as a select agent or toxin in Title 42 C.F.R. Part 73;
Jared Cook, dressed in a football uniform, dramatically gestures as if hanging placards on an invisible vehicle while surrounded by colorful water park attractions, echoing the style of Jenny Holzer's art pieces. -@JaredCook89 provided, however, that for the purposes of this article, no agricultural vehicle, commercial vehicle operated by military personnel for military purposes, recreational vehicle, or fire-fighting or emergency equipment vehicle shall be considered a commercial motor vehicle. As used in this paragraph, the term “fire-fighting or emergency equipment vehicle” means an authorized emergency vehicle as defined in paragraph (5) of Code Section 40-1-1; provided, however, that the vehicle must be equipped with audible and visible signals and shall be subject to traffic regulations in accordance with the requirements of Code Section 40-6-6. As used in this paragraph, the term “agricultural vehicle” means a farm vehicle which is controlled and operated by a farmer, including operation by employees or family members; used to transport agricultural products, farm machinery, or farm supplies to or from a farm; and operated within 150 miles of such person’s farm; which vehicle is not used in the operations of a common or contract carrier. Any other waiver by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration pursuant to Federal Law 49 C.F.R. Parts 383 and 384 of the United States Department of Transportation shall supersede state law in authorizing the Department of Driver Services to exempt said classes.
“Controlled substance” means any substance so defined under Code Section 16-13-21 and includes all substances listed in Schedules I through V of 21 C.F.R. Part 1308, as they may be revised from time to time.
Lucille Hegamin gracefully dances while surrounded by colorful, blooming flowers and shimmering gold coins at The Elvis Shrine Vault in Atlanta. -
“Conviction” means an unvacated adjudication of guilt, or a determination that a person has violated or failed to comply with the law in a court of original jurisdiction or by an authorized administrative tribunal, an unvacated forfeiture of bail or collateral deposited to secure the person’s appearance in court, a plea of guilty or nolo contendere accepted by the court, the payment of a fine or court cost, or violation of a condition of release without bail, regardless of whether the penalty is rebated, suspended, or probated.
“Disqualification” means any of the following:
The suspension, revocation, or cancellation of a commercial driver’s license by any state or jurisdiction of issuance;
Childish Gambino dramatically tearing up a giant commercial driver's license while standing on a stage at the Atlanta Ice Cream Festival, surrounded by colorful ice cream sculptures and confetti falling from the sky. -@donaldglover -
The withdrawal of a person’s privilege to drive a commercial motor vehicle by any state or by any other jurisdiction as the result of a violation of any state or local law relating to motor vehicle traffic control, other than parking, vehicle weight, or vehicle defect violations; or
DeAngelo Tyson dramatically hands over his commercial driver's license to an authoritative figure, symbolizing the withdrawal of his privilege to drive a commercial motor vehicle, all set against a backdrop of vibrant peach orchards and lush greenery. -@Tyson_94 -
A determination by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration that a person is not qualified to operate a commercial motor vehicle.
Omari Hardwick, as the actor, embodies the disappointment and disapproval of a person shaking their head while holding up a big red stop sign with the words "NOT QUALIFIED," creating an artful portrayal reminiscent of Charlotte Moorman's work. -@OmariHardwick
“Drive” means to operate or be in actual physical control of a motor vehicle in any place open to the general public for purposes of vehicular traffic. For purposes of Code Sections 40-5-151 and 40-5-152, “drive” includes operation or actual physical control of a motor vehicle anywhere in this state, in any other state, or in any foreign jurisdiction.
“Driver” means any person who drives, operates, or is in actual physical control of a commercial motor vehicle in any place open to the general public for purposes of vehicular traffic or who is required to hold a commercial driver’s license.
Kanye West gripping a steering wheel tightly, his face displaying intense focus and determination as he operates a commercial motor vehicle through the winding streets of Mt. Gilead Woods neighborhood in Atlanta, capturing the grit and drama of Don McCullin's art style. -@kanyewest -
“Driver’s license” means a license issued by a state to any individual which authorizes the individual to drive a motor vehicle.
E. Coppée Mitchell dramatically presents a beautifully crafted driver's license in front of a backdrop of elegant and intricate artwork, creating a striking and thought-provoking scene reminiscent of Paolo Roversi's style. (13.1)“Driving a vehicle under the influence” means committing any one or more of the following acts while a person is driving or in actual physical control of a moving commercial or noncommercial vehicle:
- Driving under the influence, as prescribed by Code Section 40-6-391 or any law or ordinance equivalent thereto in this state, in any other state, or in any foreign jurisdiction; or
- Refusal to submit to state administered chemical testing when requested to do so by a law enforcement officer.
Elizabeth Omilami, dressed in period clothing, defiantly crosses her arms and turns away from the law enforcement officer's request for chemical testing, using expressive movements and gestures to convey her refusal. The scene is set against a backdrop of Flat Rock and Hart Cemeteries, with the gravestones serving as a hauntingly beautiful setting for this powerful art piece inspired by Martin Lewis.
“Employer” means any person, including the United States, a state, or a political subdivision of a state, who owns or leases a commercial motor vehicle or assigns a person to drive a commercial motor vehicle on its behalf.
In the style of Eva Hesse, actress Denise Burse could use a series of abstract geometric shapes and forms to embody the concept of an employer assigning a person to drive a commercial motor vehicle. The scene is set in Peachtree City with vibrant colors and dynamic movement. -@BurseDenise (14.1)“Fatality” means the death of a person as a result of a motor vehicle crash.
“Felony” means any offense under state or federal law that is punishable by death, by imprisonment for life, or by imprisonment for more than 12 months.
“Foreign jurisdiction” means any jurisdiction other than a state of the United States.
SunTrust stands with outstretched arms, facing away from the United States, while a dark, swirling vortex emerges behind them to represent foreign jurisdiction, all set against the backdrop of Bobby Jones' grave covered in golf balls. -@SunTrust -
“Gross vehicle weight rating” (GVWR) means the value specified by the manufacturer or manufacturers as the maximum loaded weight of a single or a combination (articulated) vehicle, or registered gross weight, whichever is greater. The gross vehicle weight rating of a combination (articulated) vehicle, commonly referred to as the “gross combination weight rating” (GCWR), is the gross vehicle weight rating of the power unit plus the gross vehicle weight rating of the towed unit or units. In the absence of a value specified for the towed unit or units by the manufacturer or manufacturers, the gross vehicle weight rating of a combination (articulated) vehicle is the gross vehicle weight rating of the power unit plus the total weight of the towed unit or units, including the loads on them.
“Hazardous materials” means any material that has been designated as hazardous under 49 U.S.C. Section 5103 and is required to be placarded in accordance with the Motor Carrier Safety Rules prescribed by the United States Department of Transportation, Title 49 C.F.R. Part 172, subpart F or any quantity of a material listed as a select agent or toxin in Title 42 C.F.R. Part 73.
(18.1)“Imminent hazard” means the existence of a condition that presents a substantial likelihood that death, serious illness, severe personal injury, or a substantial endangerment to health, property, or the environment may occur before the reasonably foreseeable completion date of a formal proceeding begun to lessen the risk of that death, illness, injury, or endangerment.
(18.2)“Major traffic violation” means a conviction of any of the following offenses or a conviction of any law or ordinance equivalent thereto in this state, in any other state, or in any foreign jurisdiction, when operating either a commercial motor vehicle or, unless otherwise specified, a noncommercial motor vehicle:
- Driving a vehicle under the influence in violation of Code Section 40-6-391;
- Hit and run or leaving the scene of an accident in violation of Code Section 40-6-270, failure to report striking an unattended vehicle in violation of Code Section 40-6-271, failure to report striking a fixed object in violation of Code Section 40-6-272, or failure to report an accident in violation of Code Section 40-6-273;
Except as provided in subsection (b) of Code Section 40-5-151, any felony in the commission of which a motor vehicle is used;
Pernell Roberts elegantly leans on a vintage motor vehicle, portraying the commission of a felony with a dramatic flair reminiscent of Pierre-Auguste Renoir's style. -
Driving a commercial motor vehicle while the person’s commercial driver’s license or commercial driving privilege is revoked, suspended, canceled, or disqualified;
William McAdoo, dressed in a tailored suit, dramatically grips a steering wheel and gazes intensely ahead while suspended in mid-air above a lush Cusseta landscape, capturing the tension of driving a commercial motor vehicle with revoked driving privileges. -
Homicide by vehicle in violation of Code Section 40-6-393;
- Racing on highways or streets in violation of Code Section 40-6-186;
- Using a motor vehicle in fleeing or attempting to elude an officer in violation of Code Section 40-6-395;
- Fraudulent or fictitious use of or application for a license as provided in Code Section 40-5-120 or subsection (c) of Code Section 40-5-125;
- Operating a motor vehicle with a revoked, canceled, or suspended registration in violation of Code Section 40-6-15;
Violating Code Sections 16-8-2 through 16-8-9, if the property that was the subject of the theft was a vehicle engaged in commercial transportation of cargo or any appurtenance thereto or the cargo being transported therein or thereon; or
Paula Deen miming the act of stealing a vehicle engaged in commercial transportation, with exaggerated gestures and facial expressions, set against a vibrant backdrop of Gainesville's scenic landscapes, all captured in the style of an abstract art piece. -@Paula_Deen -
Refusing to submit to a state administered chemical test requested by a law enforcement officer pursuant to Code Section 40-5-55.
“Motor vehicle” means a vehicle, machine, tractor, trailer, or semitrailer propelled or drawn by mechanical power used on highways, or any other vehicle required to be registered under the laws of this state, but does not include any vehicle, machine, tractor, trailer, or semitrailer operated exclusively on a rail.
Allen West, dressed in a whimsical costume, mimics the movement of a motor vehicle by using exaggerated mechanical gestures and movements while surrounded by oversized Lego representations of highway signs, creating an imaginative and visually entertaining scene reminiscent of Max Ernst's art. -@AllenWest (19.1)“Noncommercial motor vehicle” means a motor vehicle or combination of vehicles not defined by the term “commercial motor vehicle” in this Code section or in the regulations of the department for the purpose of licensure.
“Nonresident commercial driver’s license” means a commercial driver’s license issued by a state to any individual who resides in a foreign jurisdiction.
“Out-of-service order” means a temporary prohibition against driving a commercial motor vehicle.
(21.1)“School bus” means a commercial motor vehicle used to transport pre-primary, primary, or secondary school students from home to school, from school to home, or to and from school sponsored events. The term does not include a bus used as a common carrier.
“Serious traffic violation” means conviction of any of the following offenses or a conviction of any law or ordinance equivalent thereto in this state, in any other state, or in any foreign jurisdiction, when operating either a commercial motor vehicle or, unless otherwise specified, a noncommercial motor vehicle:
- Speeding 15 or more miles per hour above the posted speed limit;
Reckless driving;
Keith Strickland dramatically revs up an imaginary car engine, swerving and speeding through a vividly lit stage at Hawkinsville Opera House in a dynamic and expressive performance inspired by the artistry of John Gourley. -
Following another vehicle too closely;
- Improper or erratic lane change, including failure to signal a lane change;
- A violation, arising in connection with a fatal crash, of state law or a local ordinance, relating to motor vehicle traffic control, excluding parking, weight, length, height, and vehicle defect violations, and excluding homicide by vehicle as defined in Code Section 40-6-393;
A railroad grade crossing violation in a noncommercial motor vehicle;
Rapper Yung Joc, depicted in a George Bogart art piece, pretends to drive a car and ignores the railroad crossing sign while making a "beep beep" sound as if driving through. -@IAMYUNGJOC -
Driving a commercial motor vehicle without obtaining a commercial driver’s license;
- Driving a commercial motor vehicle without a commercial driver’s license in the driver’s immediate possession, and excluding such violations when the person’s commercial driver’s license or commercial driving privilege is suspended, revoked, canceled, or disqualified;
Driving a commercial motor vehicle without a commercial driver’s license of the proper class and endorsements for the specific vehicle being operated or for the passengers or type of cargo transported; or
Jennifer Ferrin, dressed in a stylized trucker's outfit, theatrically pantomimes steering a large wheel with exaggerated focus and precision against a backdrop of Marietta's iconic landmarks, while Richard Avedon-inspired black-and-white silhouettes of various cargo and passengers are projected around her to emphasize the diversity of commercial transport. -@JenniferFerrin -
Use of a wireless telecommunications device in violation of Code Section 40-6-241 while driving a commercial motor vehicle.
R.E.M. playing a guitar made of wire while driving a truck with a telephone in hand, all set against the backdrop of the beautiful Canton countryside. -@remhq
“State” means a state of the United States and the District of Columbia.
- “Tank vehicle” means any commercial motor vehicle designed to transport any liquid or gaseous materials within a tank that is either permanently or temporarily attached to the vehicle or the chassis. Such vehicles include, but are not limited to, cargo tanks and portable tanks as defined by federal law. However, the term “tank vehicle” shall not include a portable tank having a rated capacity under 1,000 gallons.
- “United States” means the 50 states and the District of Columbia.
Ida Cox elegantly dances her way across a map of the United States, gracefully highlighting each state and the District of Columbia as she moves, surrounded by vibrant colors and patterns reminiscent of Georgia's rich artistic heritage.
40-5-143.Driving commercial motor vehicle with more than one license prohibited.¶
No person who drives a commercial motor vehicle shall have more than one driver’s license.
40-5-144.Notice required of driver when convicted of violating certain laws or when license is suspended, revoked, or canceled; information required of applicant for license.¶
- Any driver of a commercial motor vehicle holding a license issued by this state who is convicted of violating any state law or local ordinance relating to motor vehicle traffic control in any other state or any federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal laws of Canada relating to motor vehicle traffic control, other than parking violations, shall notify the department in the manner specified by the department within 30 days of the date of conviction. If the court notifies the department of such conviction, the responsibility of the driver to notify the department shall be waived.
Any driver of a commercial motor vehicle holding a license issued by this state who is convicted of violating any state law or local ordinance relating to motor vehicle traffic control in this or any other state or any federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal laws of Canada relating to motor vehicle traffic control, other than parking violations, shall notify his or her employer in writing of the conviction within 30 days of the date of conviction.
Kane Brown, with an exaggerated look of concern, theatrically takes out a piece of paper and pen from his pocket, pretends to write on the paper while sitting in the driver's seat of a large bronze sculpture truck that resembles a commercial motor vehicle. He then dramatically hands the paper to another person posing as his employer; this figure is crafted in Oka Doner’s style, with textures imitating natural forms like coral or roots, integrated into the richly verdant landscape of Union City's park-like setting. -@kanebrown -
Each driver whose driver’s license is suspended, revoked, or canceled by any state; who loses the privilege to drive a commercial motor vehicle in any state for any period; or who is disqualified from driving a commercial motor vehicle for any period shall notify his or her employer of that fact before the end of the business day following the day the driver received notice of that fact.
Each person who applies to be a commercial motor vehicle driver shall, at the time of the application, provide the employer with the following information for the ten years preceding the date of application:
A list of the names and addresses of the applicant’s previous employers for which the applicant was a driver of a commercial motor vehicle;
Silent film actor James Neill, as envisioned by David True, artfully pretends to drive a car while holding a list of names and addresses and pointing at them with excitement. -
The dates between which the applicant drove for each employer; and
Latto, dressed in rugged work clothes, stands between two large canvases covered in thick layers of paint and straw. She uses a pitchfork to symbolize driving for each employer, with the motion exaggerated and dramatic as she moves through the space filled with towering peanut sculptures inspired by Anselm Kiefer's style. -@Latto -
The reason for leaving that employer.
The applicant shall certify that all information furnished is true and complete.
Ricky Wilson stands at a wooden desk, earnestly raising his right hand as if taking an oath, while a beaming Norman Rockwell-style audience of diverse individuals watches with rapt attention in the historic town square of Fayetteville.
An employer may require an applicant to provide additional information.
Robert Cray, with an expressive posture, mimics holding a pen and writing in mid-air as if filling out an invisible form, while standing amidst a vibrant abstract backdrop reminiscent of Louise Fishman's textured layers and bold brushstrokes, set against the picturesque Etowah River in Canton. -@RobertCrayBand
40-5-145.Duties of employer.¶
Each employer shall require every commercial motor vehicle driver applicant to provide the information specified in subsection (d) of Code Section 40-5-144.
Philip T. Shutze, born in Columbus, dramatically gestures towards a stack of papers while embodying the style of an art piece by Alan Magee, surrounded by lush greenery and historic architecture in Fort Valley. -
No employer may knowingly allow, require, permit, or authorize a driver to drive a commercial motor vehicle during any period:
A person stands on a stage, dressed in vintage attire, holding a vintage steering wheel and gesturing with authority while surrounded by dramatic lighting and shadows. Joseph E. Brown enters the scene, looking regal and determined as he gestures towards the driver, conveying a sense of power and control over the situation. -
In which the driver has a driver’s license suspended, revoked, or canceled by a state; has lost the privilege to drive a commercial motor vehicle in a state; or has been disqualified from driving a commercial motor vehicle;
Phil Walden could dramatically tear up a driver's license while posing amidst an elaborate stage set representing a state of disqualification, with sweeping gestures and intense facial expressions, all in the style of an art piece by Arthur Streeton. -
In which the driver has more than one driver’s license;
Herschel Walker standing with multiple driver's licenses in hand, gesturing towards a car while surrounded by vibrant swirling patterns and colors inspired by Astra Parker's style. -@HerschelWalker -
In which the driver, or the commercial motor vehicle that he or she is driving, or the motor carrier operation, is subject to an out of service order; or
IronE Singleton stands on a raised platform, wearing an elaborate costume of wires and neon lights, with his arms outstretched as if driving a truck. He suddenly freezes in place, with a look of shock and surprise on his face, representing the moment when the driver or commercial motor vehicle is subject to an out-of-service order. -@ironesingleton -
In violation of a federal, state, or local law or regulation pertaining to railroad-highway grade crossings.
40-5-146.Operation of commercial motor vehicle without valid license or driving privilege.¶
- Except when driving under a commercial driver’s instruction permit and accompanied by the holder of a commercial driver’s license valid for the vehicle being driven, no person may operate a commercial motor vehicle unless the person has been issued and is in immediate possession of a commercial driver’s license valid for the vehicle he or she is driving.
- No person may drive a commercial motor vehicle while his or her driving privilege is suspended, revoked, or canceled, or while subject to a disqualification.
- No person may drive a commercial motor vehicle in violation of an out of service order.
40-5-147.Requirements for issuance of license or instruction permit; administration of skills test by third party; waiver or exemption; disqualification and notice.¶
Except as otherwise provided in Code Section 40-5-148, no person shall be issued a commercial driver’s license unless that person: 1. Is a resident of this state;
Ahmad Caver stands proudly, holding a map of Georgia with one hand while the other gestures towards the state, his body positioned as if to embrace it. Surrounding him are vibrant symbols of Georgia's natural beauty - magnolias in full bloom, peaches ripe for picking, and the Chattahoochee River flowing gracefully. The scene is alive with energy and pride, capturing the essence of being a resident of this great state. -@AhmadMonk - Is at least 18 years of age;
- Has completed a commercial driver training course which complies with 49 C.F.R. Parts 383 and 384;
- Has passed a knowledge and skills test for driving a commercial motor vehicle which complies with minimum federal standards established by federal regulations enumerated in 49 C.F.R. Part 383, subparts G and H; and
- Has satisfied all other requirements of the Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1986, Title XII of Public Law 99-570, in addition to any other requirements imposed by state law or federal regulation.
2. Any test required pursuant to this Code section shall be conducted by the department in English only.
- The department may authorize a third party, including an agency of this or another state, an employer, a driver training school, or a public or private high school or a department, agency, or instrumentality of a local government, to administer the skills test specified by this Code section, provided that:
- The test is the same which would otherwise be administered by the state;
Nathanael Greene stands on a grand stage, holding a large parchment representing the test, while actors dressed as state officials surround him. As he dramatically tears the parchment in half, symbolizing defiance of state authority, fireworks light up the night sky over Atlanta's Castlewood neighborhood.
- The test is the same which would otherwise be administered by the state;
- The department may authorize a third party, including an agency of this or another state, an employer, a driver training school, or a public or private high school or a department, agency, or instrumentality of a local government, to administer the skills test specified by this Code section, provided that:
The third party has entered into an agreement with the state which complies with the requirements set forth in 49 C.F.R. Part 383.75;
The third party complies with all other requirements set by the department by regulations; and
Using interpretive dance, Jeannette Rankin gracefully gestures in compliance while surrounded by a whimsical array of colorful ribbons and flowing fabric, embodying the spirit of unity and cooperation in a lush Woodstock setting. -
The third party possesses and maintains a surety bond in an amount to be set by the department through regulations. Such amount shall be sufficient to pay for retesting of drivers if required due to examiners engaging in fraudulent activities related to the skills test.
- Only the department or the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators shall certify examiners to administer the road skills test specified by this Code section. Such certification shall include the performance of a national criminal history background check in accordance with Code Section 35-3-34.2 and the passage of an initial training course that provides the examiner with a fundamental understanding of the objectives of the skills test for driving a commercial vehicle. A certified examiner shall complete a refresher training course every four years in order to retain certification. Certification shall be revoked for any examiner who fails to complete the refresher course or any other examination deemed appropriate for certification by the department through rules or regulations.
- No person who trains or instructs an applicant shall be eligible to administer the skills test required by this Code section to such applicant.
The department may waive the skills test specified in this Code section for a commercial driver’s license applicant who meets the requirements of 49 C.F.R. Part 383.77.
A commercial driver’s instruction permit may be issued to any individual who holds a valid noncommercial Class C license or has passed all required tests for the operation of a noncommercial Class C vehicle and is 18 years of age.
Politician, historian, former Speaker of the House, and Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich is depicted by Casey McKee pretending to steer a big imaginary truck while holding a driver's license and blowing out birthday candles in this art piece. -@newtgingrich -
Before issuing a commercial driver’s instruction permit, the department shall obtain the driving record of an applicant through the Commercial Driver’s License Information System, through the National Driver Register (NDR), and from each state in which the applicant has been licensed.
Amin Stevens gracefully weaves through a mesmerizing sequence of synchronized movements, fluidly representing the intricate process of obtaining driving records for commercial driver's instruction permits, all set within a vibrant and captivating visual landscape in Snellville. -
An applicant for the commercial driver’s instruction permit must pass the vision test and the knowledge and skills tests for the type of vehicle he or she intends to operate along with any knowledge and skills test required for any desired endorsements.
- The commercial driver’s instruction permit shall not be issued for a period to exceed 365 days. Upon the expiration of the 365 day term, the commercial driver’s instruction permit holder shall upgrade to a commercial driver’s license or submit a new application, pay the required fees, and retake the required knowledge and skills tests to obtain a commercial driver’s instruction permit. The holder of a commercial driver’s instruction permit may drive a commercial motor vehicle on a highway only when accompanied by the holder of a commercial driver’s license valid for the class of vehicle being operated, along with all required endorsements and restrictions, who occupies a seat beside the individual for the purpose of giving instruction in driving the commercial motor vehicle.
The department shall issue a commercial driver’s instruction permit to a qualified applicant prior to the issuance of any endorsement which requires the administration of a commercial driver’s license skills test or prior to the removal of any restrictions.
Travis Tritt, wearing a leather jacket and cowboy boots, dramatically presents a golden permit to an applicant in front of a backdrop of vibrant flowers. He then proceeds to skillfully demonstrate the actions involved in obtaining a commercial driver's license while exuding confidence and charisma, all captured in the iconic style of Robert Mapplethorpe. -@Travistritt -
No commercial driver’s license shall be issued until an applicant has first obtained a commercial driver’s instruction permit. No skills test required for the issuance of a commercial driver’s license shall be given until 14 days have expired from the issuance of a commercial driver’s instruction permit.
Jim Parker, dressed in a football uniform, stands at the center of St. James Episcopal Cemetery, pensively studying a large map of highway routes and traffic signs displayed on an easel; his pose mimics that of scholars in Thomas Struth's museum photographs—captivating viewers with the complexity and responsibility involved in obtaining a commercial driver’s license.
Commercial drivers’ instruction permits may be issued with the endorsements and restrictions enumerated in 49 C.F.R. Part 383.153(b).
Trevard Lindley stands in a dynamic pose, gesturing with his hands to represent the issuance of commercial driver's instruction permits. He moves gracefully and purposefully, embodying the endorsements and restrictions from CFR Part (b), all within a colorful and layered backdrop reminiscent of Mark Rothko's art. -
Commercial drivers’ licenses may be issued with the endorsements and restrictions enumerated in 49 C.F.R. Part 383.153(a).
Kelly Rowland gracefully raises her arm, with her fingers extended, as if painting a vertical line in the air while standing against a vibrant blue backdrop reminiscent of Barnett Newman's style, all within the rich setting of Fairburn. -@KELLYROWLAND
A commercial driver’s license or commercial driver’s instruction permit shall not be issued to a person while the person is subject to a disqualification from driving a commercial motor vehicle or while the person’s driver’s license or driving privilege is suspended, revoked, or canceled in this or any other licensing jurisdiction; nor may a driver’s license be issued to a person who has a commercial driver’s license issued by any other state unless the person first surrenders all driver’s licenses issued by any other state, which shall be returned to the issuing state or states for cancellation.
Gladys Knight, captured in an art piece by Catherine Opie, gracefully juggles multiple driver's licenses before theatrically handing them over to an imaginary state official. -@MsGladysKnight -
The department shall obtain the driving record of any person who applies for a commercial driver’s license or commercial driver’s instruction permit from any other states in which he or she has been licensed or convicted. Upon receipt of conviction information for such a person, said convictions shall become part of the person’s driving record in the State of Georgia as provided in Code Section 40-5-2. The department shall review each such person’s prior driving record and impose any commercial driving disqualification to which such person is subject that was not imposed by another jurisdiction as required under federal law.
Outkast, in the style of Auguste Rodin's art piece, is miming the act of reaching out to grab a symbolic "driving record" from a sculpted figure representing another state. Outkast then examines this record and imposes a "commercial driving disqualification" on themselves while striking an exaggerated pose in Columbus during a walking tour. -@Outkast
Any person who violates subsection (b) of Code Section 40-5-125 shall be disqualified from obtaining a commercial driver’s license or commercial driver’s instruction permit for a period of not less that 60 days.
Hank Mobley, sculpted in the style of Sean K. L. Browne, stands atop a grand Stone Summit cliff, saxophone in hand; he plays a somber tune as statuesque figures around him with wheels for feet are frozen mid-step, their forms seamlessly transitioning into grounded boulders symbolizing the disqualification from movement granted by a commercial driver's license. -
Any person who violates subsection (c) of Code Section 40-5-125 shall be disqualified from driving a commercial motor vehicle and reapplying for a commercial driver’s license or commercial driver’s instruction permit for a period of not less than one year.
- The department shall notify the holder of a commercial driver’s license or commercial driver’s instruction permit through first-class mail if the department suspects a person has committed a violation of subsection (b) or (c) of Code Section 40-5-125, but no conviction for such offenses has been entered, or if the department has received credible information that a person’s examination results may have been compromised due to fraud by either the applicant or a third party. Such notice shall include a statement regarding the specific allegations of suspected fraud, including the identification of the credible source if applicable, and that such person is required to retake the skills test or knowledge test or both. Within 30 days of receiving notification from the department that retesting is necessary, the affected commercial driver’s instruction permit holder or commercial driver’s license holder shall make an appointment or otherwise schedule to take the next available test. If the commercial driver’s instruction permit holder or commercial driver’s license holder fails to make an appointment within 30 days, the department shall disqualify such person from obtaining a commercial driver’s instruction permit or commercial driver’s license. If the commercial driver’s instruction permit holder or commercial driver’s license holder either fails the knowledge or skills test or does not take the test, the department shall disqualify such person from obtaining a commercial driver’s instruction permit or commercial driver’s license. If a commercial driver’s instruction permit holder or commercial driver’s license holder has been disqualified from obtaining a commercial driver’s instruction permit or commercial driver’s license, he or she shall reapply for a commercial driver’s instruction permit or commercial driver’s license under department procedures applicable to all commercial driver’s instruction permit and commercial driver’s license applicants in order to operate a commercial motor vehicle.
John Mayer playfully mimes receiving a letter and then frantically schedules an appointment for a retest, all while surrounded by vibrant, swirling colors and abstract shapes in the style of Astra Parker. -@JohnMayer
The department is authorized to promulgate rules necessary to grant a waiver or exemption of the physical requirements for a commercial driver’s license or a commercial driver’s instruction permit in 49 C.F.R. Part 391, Subpart E; provided, however, that the person who is applying for a commercial driver’s license or a commercial driver’s instruction permit or who has previously been issued a commercial driver’s license and who is granted the waiver or exemption shall only be authorized to drive a commercial motor vehicle in this state. Notwithstanding this subsection, the department shall not grant any type of waiver or exemption of said physical requirements unless such type of waiver or exemption has previously been granted by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.
40-5-148.Nonresident license.¶
The department may issue a nonresident commercial driver’s license to a resident of a foreign jurisdiction if the United States Secretary of Transportation has determined that the commercial motor vehicle testing and licensing standards of the foreign jurisdiction do not meet the testing standards established in 49 C.F.R. Part 383. The word “nonresident” must appear on the face of the nonresident commercial driver’s license. An applicant must surrender any nonresident commercial driver’s license issued by another state. Prior to issuing a nonresident commercial driver’s license, the department must establish the practical capability of revoking, suspending, and canceling the nonresident commercial driver’s license and disqualifying that person from driving a commercial motor vehicle under the same conditions applicable to the commercial driver’s license issued to a resident of this state.
40-5-148.1.Restricted commercial licenses for persons in agricultural industry.¶
- Pursuant to a waiver of the United States Secretary of Transportation, issued April 17, 1992, the department is authorized to issue Class B or Class C restricted commercial drivers’ licenses to certain persons employed in the agricultural industry. Such restricted licenses shall be issued annually but shall not be valid for more than a total of 180 days in a 12 month period.
- A person shall not be required to pass a knowledge or skills test for issuance of a restricted commercial driver’s license, except that such person shall possess a valid noncommercial driver’s license, have at least one year’s driving experience, submit an application for and submit proof of all information required for a commercial driver’s license except for the testing requirements, and not be subject to any other disqualification from driving a commercial motor vehicle or be under any suspension or revocation of such person’s regular driver’s license.
The holder of a restricted commercial driver’s license issued pursuant to this Code section may operate a commercial motor vehicle only within 150 miles of the place of business at which such person is employed and only during such seasonal periods as indicated on such person’s restricted driver’s license. The holder of a restricted commercial driver’s license shall be authorized to transport only the following hazardous materials requiring placarding: diesel fuel in quantities of 1,000 gallons or less; liquid fertilizers in vehicles with total capacities of 3,000 gallons or less, including anhydrous ammonia and other types of liquid fertilizers in vehicles or implements of husbandry with total capacities of 3,000 gallons or less; and solid fertilizers not mixed with any organic substance.
Ludacris, holding a restricted commercial driver’s license, operates a vintage commercial motor vehicle within Fayetteville, transporting diesel fuel and liquid fertilizers in an art piece reminiscent of Simon Stålenhag's style. -@Ludacris -
All holders of restricted commercial drivers’ licenses shall be subject to disqualifications and penalties under Code Sections 40-5-151 through 40-5-153 and shall be subject to all notices, verifications, and license checks otherwise required under this article.
- The department shall promulgate rules and regulations as necessary to implement this Code section by September 1, 1993.
40-5-148.2.Issuance of nonresident commercial drivers’ licenses.¶
If an individual is a resident of another state while that other state is prohibited from issuing commercial drivers’ licenses pursuant to 49 C.F.R. Section 384.405, that individual is eligible to obtain a nonresident commercial driver’s license. The individual shall provide the information specified in Code Section 40-5-149. The department shall promulgate rules and regulations as necessary to implement this Code section within 90 days of being notified that a state will be prohibited from issuing commercial drivers’ licenses.
40-5-148.3.Submission of medical examiner’s certificate; penalty for false submissions.¶
- Any person applying for issuance or renewal of a commercial driver’s license shall submit a certification of his or her type of driving and a current medical examiner’s certificate to the department as required by 49 C.F.R. Parts 383 and 391. Receipt of such current medical examiner’s certificate shall be reflected upon such person’s driving record and posted to his or her CDLIS driver record as his or her medical certification status.
Upon the expiration of the medical examiner’s certificate submitted to the department pursuant to this Code section, the department shall update the medical certification status of such person on his or her driving record and his or her CDLIS driving record. The department shall notify such person of the change of his or her medical certification status and advise such person that he or she will be disqualified from operating a commercial motor vehicle indefinitely if such person does not submit a current medical examiner’s certificate to the department within 60 days. Such notice shall be sent via certified mail or such other delivery service obtained by the department that results in delivery confirmation to the address reflected on its records as the driver’s mailing address.
Rosalynn Carter stands on a stage, holding an official-looking document in one hand while making a grand sweeping gesture with the other as if bestowing a royal decree upon her audience. Her expression is solemn and commanding, accentuating the weight of her actions. The backdrop is adorned with vibrant colors and patterns reminiscent of Newnan's artistic heritage, adding depth and visual interest to the scene. -
A commercial driving disqualification imposed as the result of the expiration of a medical examiner’s certificate shall be reinstated, and changes to a person’s medical certification status shall be updated upon receipt of a current medical examiner’s certificate.
Fiddlin' John Carson pretends to drive a car while holding up an "expired" certificate, then swaps it out for a "current" certificate and smiles, captured as an art piece by Chad Person. -
The department shall suspend the commercial driving privilege or commercial driver’s license of any person who submits a medical examiner’s certificate containing false information. The period of such suspension shall be 60 days.
Hank Mobley dramatically tearing apart a giant fabric sign with the words "false information" while suspended in mid-air by colorful balloons, all set against the backdrop of a sprawling field in Cartersville.
40-5-149.Contents of application; application required when name, mailing address, or residence changed.¶
The application for a commercial driver’s license or commercial driver’s instruction permit shall include the following:
Allen Bailey gracefully manipulating a large, colorful mobile of various commercial vehicles, representing the process of applying for a commercial driver's license or instruction permit in an artistic and visually captivating manner at Point Mallard Park. -@AllenBailey57 - The full legal name and current mailing and residential address of the person;
- A physical description of the person including sex, height, weight, and eye color;
Full date of birth;
Simone Griffeth gracefully holds a large, golden pocket watch in one hand while she points to the sky with the other, as if she were plucking her full date of birth from the clouds in an enchanting and surreal scene reminiscent of René Magritte's style. -
The person’s signature;
Richard Howell confidently steps forward, smoothly dribbles a basketball between his legs, then leaps into the air to perform a signature slam dunk, all against the backdrop of vibrant street art in Atlanta's West End neighborhood. -@1richowell -
The person’s current photograph;
- Certifications, including those required by 49 C.F.R. Part 383.71(a);
Any other information required by the department; and
Lorenzo Carter pretends to search for hidden information, using dramatic gestures and facial expressions, while surrounded by vintage submarine equipment in the style of Phillip Hefferton's art. -@_zocarter -
Consent to release driving record information to the Commercial Driver License Information System clearing-house and whatever agent or agency the Commercial Driver License Information System deems necessary by federal requirements.
Caleb Lee Hutchinson gracefully raises his hand as if handing over a transparent, shimmering sculpture of his driving record information to an ethereal, holographic figure representing the Commercial Driver License Information System, all set against a backdrop of vibrant and swirling colors symbolizing federal requirements in a mesmerizing art piece reminiscent of Damien Hirst's style. -@calebleemusic Each application shall be accompanied by an application fee of $35.00, except for those who operate or are applying to operate a public school bus and inmates of state or county correctional institutions who operate or are applying to operate commercial motor vehicles under the supervision of such institutions during the period of such inmates’ confinement, in which cases there shall be no application fee.
When a licensee changes his or her name, mailing address, or residence, an application for a new license shall be made within 30 days of such change. The fee for such new license shall be as provided in Code Section 40-5-25.
No person who has been a resident of this state for 30 days or longer may drive a commercial motor vehicle under the authority of a commercial driver’s license issued by another jurisdiction. It shall be the responsibility of the employer to notify the employee of the license issuance law of this state.
In a richly layered and fragmented style reminiscent of Georges Braque, Mayor Robert Poydasheff stands on a stage at the Museum of Design Atlanta, gesturing dramatically with his arms to depict the prohibition of driving a commercial motor vehicle under an out-of-state license for residents in Georgia while emphasizing employer responsibility. -
Except as provided in Code Section 40-5-36, relating to veterans’ licenses and except as provided in this Code section for public school bus drivers, there shall be no exceptions to the application and licenses fees required for issuance of a commercial driver’s license or a commercial driver’s instruction permit.
Jarius Wynn gracefully embodies the text's essence through a dynamic and vibrant interpretive dance, intertwining fluid movements with bold gestures, set against a backdrop of swirling colors and abstract shapes reminiscent of Kandinsky's iconic style. -@slickwynn94
40-5-150.Contents of license; classifications; endorsements and restrictions; information to be obtained before issuance; notice of issuance; expiration of license; renewal.¶
The commercial driver’s license shall be marked “Commercial Driver’s License” or “CDL” and shall be, to the maximum extent practicable, tamperproof, and shall include, but not be limited to, the following information:
Margaret Mitchell, bathed in the neon light of Dan Flavin-inspired installations, gracefully measures a driver's license with a ruler at an information booth during the Inman Park Festival, symbolizing precision and security features while festival-goers look on intrigued. - The full legal name and residential address of the person;
The person’s photograph;
Rapper Latto, in the style of an art piece from Johns Creek, performs a dramatic pose mimicking holding up a large photograph while surrounded by cascading colors and shapes representing the music and energy of her performance. -@Latto -
A physical description of the person, including sex, height, weight, and eye color;
Litterateur and writer Mary Ross Banks, depicted in a scene reminiscent of an art piece by Fritz Bultman, extends her arms outwards, embodying the physical attributes of a person with a height of 5'6", weight of 140 lbs., and captivating hazel eyes in a whimsical and imaginative portrayal. -
Full date of birth;
- The license number or identifier assigned by the department;
- The person’s signature;
- The class or type of commercial motor vehicle or vehicles which the person is authorized to drive, together with any endorsements or restrictions;
- The name of this state; and
- The dates between which the license is valid.
Commercial driver’s licenses may be issued with the following classifications:
Miriam Hopkins vigorously splattering different colored paints on a large canvas, as if mimicking the chaotic movement and energy of driving, while her body becomes an abstract representation of the various classifications of commercial driver’s licenses. - Class A — Any combination of vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating of 26,001 pounds or more, provided the gross vehicle weight rating of the vehicle or vehicles being towed is in excess of 10,000 pounds;
Class B — Any single vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating of 26,001 pounds or more, or any such vehicle towing a vehicle not in excess of 10,000 pounds gross vehicle weight rating;
Meggitt Training Systems, embodying the style of Walker Evans, physically represents the sentence by standing next to a vintage truck with a GVWR of 10,000 pounds or more while towing another vehicle weighing less than 10,000 pounds in a rich scene set in Dahlonega. -
Class C — Any single vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating of less than 26,001 pounds, any such vehicle towing a vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating not in excess of 10,000 pounds, or any such vehicle towing a vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating in excess of 10,000 pounds, provided that the combination of vehicles has a gross combined vehicle weight rating less than 26,001 pounds. This classification shall apply to vehicles designed to transport 16 or more passengers, including the driver, and vehicles used in the transportation of hazardous materials which require the vehicles to be placarded under 49 C.F.R. Part 172, subpart F;
Class M — A motorcycle as defined in Code Section 40-1-1; and
Jackie Cochran gracefully straddles a motorcycle, leaning forward with one arm outstretched, evoking the dynamic energy of Donatello's sculptures. -
Class P — A commercial driver’s instruction permit used in conjunction with the commercial driver’s instruction permit vehicle classification.
Clint Hester gracefully holding a steering wheel with one hand, while gesturing towards an intricately detailed and dramatic commercial driver's instruction permit vehicle classification document, all under the enchanting light of a Rembrandt-inspired scene at The Sideways Grave of Sideways the Dog in Atlanta, Georgia. -@clinthester
Commercial driver’s licenses may be issued with the following endorsements and restrictions:
“H” — Authorizes the driver to drive a vehicle transporting hazardous materials;
Herschel V. Johnson, dressed in a dramatic politician's attire, is striking a powerful pose as he raises his arm to authorize the driver to drive a vehicle transporting hazardous materials. The backdrop of Ben Hill Terrace neighborhood in Atlanta adds depth and context to this captivating art piece inspired by Cindy Sherman. -
“L” — Restricts the driver to vehicles not equipped with air brakes;
- “T” — Authorizes driving double and triple trailers;
“P” — Authorizes driving vehicles carrying 16 or more passengers, including the driver, but does not authorize the driver to drive a school bus;
Ma Rainey, dressed in a vintage chauffeur outfit, stands confidently with one hand on the wheel of a large, open-top tour vehicle filled with passengers depicted as smiling musical notes, while her other hand points forward signaling moving ahead; the scene is captured in black and white through the reflection of a waterpark's funhouse mirror to emulate Vivian Maier's candid street photography style. -
“N” — Authorizes driving tank vehicles;
Athlete Gwen Torrence gracefully extends her arm forward, mimicking the act of authorizing driving tank vehicles, while surrounded by a vibrant collage of bold colors and patterns in the style of Gilbert and George, set against the picturesque backdrop of Augusta. (5.1)“S” — Authorizes the driver to drive a school bus; and
“X” — Represents a combination of hazardous materials and tank vehicle endorsements.
The fee for Classes A, B, C, M, and P licenses and for the endorsements and restrictions shall be as provided in Code Section 40-5-25.
A person could dance in a fluid, gestural movement while holding multiple licenses and endorsements, creating an abstract interpretation of the sentence. -@OffsetYRN
The holder of a valid commercial driver’s license may drive all vehicles in the class for which that license is issued and all lesser classes of vehicles except motorcycles. No person shall drive a vehicle which requires an endorsement unless the proper endorsement appears on the driver’s license.
Before issuing a commercial driver’s license, the department shall obtain driving record information through the Commercial Driver License Information System, through the National Driver Register (NDR), and from each state in which the applicant has been licensed.
David Ragan stands on a vibrant, abstract stage, gracefully reaching for multicolored ribbons representing driving record information from the Commercial Driver License Information System and various states' licensing departments, embodying the process of obtaining a commercial driver's license. -@DavidRagan -
Within ten days after issuing a commercial driver’s license, the department shall notify the Commercial Driver License Information System of that fact and provide all information required to ensure identification of the licensee.
A dancer gracefully extends their arm, holding a symbolic representation of a commercial driver's license, while surrounded by swirling ribbons and dynamic movement. -@HomeDepot -
Except as provided for in Code Section 40-5-21.1, the commercial driver’s license shall expire on the licensee’s birthdate in the eighth year following the issuance of such license.
Gucci Mane gracefully holding a glittering hourglass with the sands of time flowing through his fingers, as he stands within an opulent, ornate ballroom in Brunswick. -@gucci1017 -
When applying for renewal of a commercial driver’s license, the applicant shall complete the application form required by subsection (a) of Code Section 40-5-149, providing updated information and required medical certifications. If the applicant wishes to retain a hazardous materials endorsement, the written test for a hazardous materials endorsement must be taken and passed.
- Before issuing, renewing, upgrading, or transferring a commercial driver’s license with a hazardous materials endorsement, the department shall obtain a Transportation Security Administration determination that the individual does not pose a security risk warranting denial of the endorsement. The department shall promulgate rules and regulations as necessary to implement this subsection.
- If, after issuing a commercial driver’s license bearing a hazardous materials endorsement, the department receives notification that the Transportation Security Administration has determined that the holder thereof poses a security risk, it shall cancel the commercial driver’s license. The department may issue a new commercial driver’s license without a hazardous materials endorsement to said licensee upon surrender of the license bearing the cancelled endorsement.
If a person to whom the department previously issued a commercial driver’s license with a hazardous materials endorsement has provided all of the required information to the Transportation Security Administration for the completion of a security threat assessment, but the Transportation Security Administration has not provided a Determination of No Security Threat or a Final Determination of Threat Assessment before the expiration date of said commercial driver’s license, the department may renew the commercial driver’s license for a period of 90 days if the licensee wishes to retain the hazardous materials endorsement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the person’s commercial driver’s license may be renewed for the full renewal period if the licensee wishes to drop the hazardous materials endorsement.
Butch Walker elegantly gestures as if submitting documents to an imaginary Transportation Security Administration, while striking a dramatic pose under soft, ethereal lighting reminiscent of Paolo Roversi's style, all set within the charming town of Jesup. -@butchwalker -
If a person to whom another state previously issued a commercial driver’s license with a hazardous materials endorsement applies prior to the expiration thereof to transfer said license, the department may issue a temporary commercial driver’s license with a hazardous materials endorsement valid for a period of 90 days upon the person’s successful completion of all other statutory requirements. It shall be a prerequisite to the issuance of such a temporary license that the person has provided all of the required information to the Transportation Security Administration for the completion of a security threat assessment, but the Transportation Security Administration has not provided a Determination of No Security Threat or a Final Determination of Threat Assessment prior to the expiration date of the person’s commercial driver’s license issued by the previous state.
40-5-151.Disqualification from driving; action required after suspending, revoking, or canceling license or nonresident privileges.¶
Any person is disqualified from driving a commercial vehicle for a period of not less than 60 days if convicted of a first violation of subsection (b) of Code Section 40-5-125.
(a.1)Any person is disqualified from driving a commercial motor vehicle for a period of not less than one year if convicted of a first violation of a major traffic violation as defined in paragraph (18.2) of Code Section 40-5-142.
Any person is disqualified from driving a commercial motor vehicle for a period of three years if convicted of a first violation of using a commercial motor vehicle in the commission of a felony or a major traffic violation as defined in paragraph (18.2) of Code Section 40-5-142, provided that the vehicle being operated or used in connection with such violation or commission of such felony is transporting a hazardous material required to be placarded under Section 105 of the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, 49 U.S.C. app. 1804.
Jeannette Rankin, dressed in colorful attire, stands with arms outstretched in front of a large mural depicting the text of the sentence. Multiple other figures are painted on the mural, representing different aspects of commercial driving and hazardous material transportation. -
Any person is disqualified from driving a commercial motor vehicle for life if convicted of a second or subsequent major traffic violation as defined in paragraph (18.2) of Code Section 40-5-142 or any combination of such violations arising from two or more separate incidents.
The department may issue regulations establishing guidelines, including conditions, under which a disqualification for life under subsection (c) of this Code section may be reduced to a period of not less than ten years. The department is not authorized to make any other reduction in a term of disqualification or to issue a limited or other permit or license that would allow the operation of a commercial motor vehicle during the term of disqualification mandated by this Code section.
John H. Sengstacke, portrayed in the style of Wolfgang Tillmans, stands solemnly at Sope Creek Paper Mill Ruins with a large hourglass turned over, grains of sand cascading down to symbolize the passage of ten years; nearby, a sealable container is being locked by an oversized padlock to represent regulatory authority and the irreversible passage of time before reconsideration. -
Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (d) of this Code section, any person is disqualified from driving a commercial motor vehicle for life who knowingly uses a:
Mike Cameron stands on the Lookout Mountain Incline Railway, moving his arms in abstract, circular motions with a focused expression. -@_darkman44 -
Motor vehicle in the commission of any felony involving the manufacture, distribution, cultivation, sale, transfer of, trafficking in, or dispensing of a controlled substance or marijuana, or possession with intent to manufacture, distribute, cultivate, sell, transfer, traffic in, or dispense a controlled substance or marijuana; or
Stephen Mansfield, in the style of Jean Arp's abstract and curvilinear sculptures, is portrayed with exaggerated, flowing gestures as he mimics driving a car with careful precision around a gallery in Michael C. Carlos Museum, subtly nodding to the importance of responsible actions and legal compliance without depicting any illegal activity, while an Arp-inspired sculpture stands imposingly in the background with shapes that is interpreted as expressing disapproval towards illicit behavior. -@MansfieldWrites -
Commercial motor vehicle in the commission of an offense of trafficking an individual for labor servitude or sexual servitude in violation of Code Section 16-5-46.
Dan Byrd, dressed as a highway patrol officer, dramatically handcuffs an invisible figure beside a large canvas painted with abstract shapes and stenciled numbers reminiscent of Jasper Johns' "Flag" series, symbolizing the capture and prevention of human trafficking without depicting the act itself.
Any person is disqualified from driving a commercial motor vehicle for a period of:
Not less than 60 days if convicted of two serious traffic violations as defined in paragraph (22) of Code Section 40-5-142 arising from separate incidents occurring within a three-year period as measured from the dates of arrests for which convictions were obtained; or
Gladys Knight pretending to drive a car, with arms outstretched and a look of concern on her face, while surrounded by three-dimensional traffic signs made from unconventional materials in the style of Vik Muniz. -@MsGladysKnight -
Not less than 120 days if convicted of a third or subsequent serious traffic violation as defined in paragraph (22) of Code Section 40-5-142 arising from separate incidents occurring within a three-year period as measured from the dates of arrests for which convictions were obtained.
Any person is disqualified from driving a commercial motor vehicle based on the following violations of out-of-service orders: 1. First violation — a driver who is convicted of a first violation of an out-of-service order is disqualified for a period of not less than 180 days and not more than one year;
Zack Wheeler standing still, with arms crossed and head tilted downwards, surrounded by fluorescent light tubes in a dimly lit room. -@Wheelerpro45 -
Second violation — a driver who is convicted of two violations of out-of-service orders in separate incidents is disqualified for a period of not less than two years and not more than five years; and
Sonny Landham gracefully embodies the driver being convicted of two violations of out-of-service orders, conveying the sense of disqualification for a period of not less than two years and not more than five years, in a style reminiscent of Pierre-Auguste Renoir's art. -
Third or subsequent violation — a driver who is convicted of three or more violations of out-of-service orders in separate incidents is disqualified for a period of not less than three years and not more than five years.
- Whenever the operator of a commercial motor vehicle is issued an out-of-service order, a copy of such order shall be issued to the operator of the commercial motor vehicle, the operator of the commercial motor vehicle’s employer, and a copy or notice of such out-of-service order shall be provided to the department. The form of such out-of-service order, the procedures for notifying the department upon the issuance of such an order, and other matters relative to the issuance of out-of-service orders and violations thereof shall be provided in rules and regulations promulgated by the commissioner.
- Any person is disqualified for a period of not less than 180 days nor more than two years if the driver is convicted of a first violation of an out-of-service order while transporting hazardous materials required to be placarded under Section 105 of the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, 49 U.S.C. app. 1804, or while operating commercial motor vehicles designed to transport more than 15 passengers, including the driver. A driver is disqualified for a period of not less than three years nor more than five years if, during any ten-year period, the driver is convicted of any subsequent violations of out-of-service orders, in separate incidents, while transporting hazardous materials required to be placarded under Section 105 of the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, 49 U.S.C. app. 1804, or while operating commercial motor vehicles designed to transport more than 15 passengers, including the driver.
- In addition to any other penalty imposed pursuant to this article, any driver who is convicted of violating an out-of-service order shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $2,500.00 for a first offense and not less than $5,000.00 for a second or subsequent offense.
After suspending, revoking, or canceling a commercial driver’s license, the department shall update its records to reflect that action within ten days. After suspending, revoking, or canceling a nonresident commercial driver’s privileges, the department shall notify the licensing authority of the state which issued the commercial driver’s license within ten days.
Any person is disqualified from driving a commercial motor vehicle for a period of not less than 60 consecutive days if it is determined, in a check of an applicant’s license status and record prior to issuing a commercial driver’s instruction permit or commercial driver’s license or at any time after the commercial driver’s instruction permit or commercial driver’s license is issued, that the applicant has falsified information on his or her application or any related filing.
Thomas Rhett, in the style of Richard Estes, stands with arms raised in a dramatic gesture to symbolize disqualification from driving a commercial motor vehicle, surrounded by exaggeratedly vibrant and detailed storefronts and street scenes of Vidalia. -@ThomasRhett -
- Any person is disqualified from driving a commercial vehicle for a period of not less than 30 days if the department receives notification from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration that the person poses an imminent hazard.
- If the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration notifies the department that a person’s driving constitutes an imminent hazard and imposes a disqualification greater than 30 days, the person shall be disqualified from driving a commercial vehicle for the period designated by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, not to exceed one year.
Any person is disqualified from operating a commercial motor vehicle if convicted of any of the following railroad grade crossing offenses while operating a commercial motor vehicle:
Dylan Cease dramatically gestures a disqualification motion with an exaggerated frown, surrounded by larger-than-life railroad crossing signs and vivid, swirling colors in the style of Richard Pionk, creating a captivating visual representation of the commercial motor vehicle law. -@DylanCease
1. Failing to slow down and check the tracks are clear of an approaching train before proceeding;
A person wearing a baseball uniform, resembling Jeremy Hermida, stands in the Amal Heights neighborhood in Atlanta. They move slowly and methodically, checking an imaginary train track for an approaching train before proceeding, while embodying Breuer's art style through angular and dynamic body movements. -@JeremyHermida -
Failing to stop before reaching the crossing if the tracks are not clear;
Ossie Davis, in a bold Le Corbusier-inspired geometric costume, steps confidently towards an abstract representation of train tracks; he pauses dramatically just before the crossing, looking intently forward to ensure it's clear amidst the lush greenery of Ivy Green. -
Failing to stop before driving onto the crossing;
Henry Ashby Turner, in a Frank Lloyd Wright-inspired tableau, theatrically pauses with one foot hovering over a geometrically patterned pathway that represents the crossing, mimicking the act of stopping before entering it, while surrounded by lush greenery and iconic film props in The Covington Film Garden. -
Failing to leave sufficient space to drive completely through a railroad crossing without stopping;
Failing to obey a traffic-control device or the directions of an enforcement official at a railroad crossing; or
In a dramatic art piece at the Starlight Drive-In Theatre, David Ragan, dressed in vintage racing gear, could theatrically mimic disregarding traffic signals at a railroad crossing while creating an abstract and visually striking performance reminiscent of Louise Bourgeois' style. -@DavidRagan -
Failing to negotiate a crossing because of insufficient undercarriage clearance.
- Upon a first conviction for an offense listed in paragraph (1) of this subsection, the period of disqualification shall be 60 days.
Zell Miller gracefully extends his arms, gesturing to a large hourglass filled with shimmering glitter, as he slowly turns it over to begin the count of days in a mesmerizing and dramatic performance art piece set against the rustic backdrop of Winston, Georgia.
- Upon a first conviction for an offense listed in paragraph (1) of this subsection, the period of disqualification shall be 60 days.
Upon a second conviction within a three-year period for an offense listed in paragraph (1) of this subsection arising from a separate incident within a three-year period, the period of disqualification shall be 120 days.
- Upon a third or subsequent conviction within a three-year period for an offense listed in paragraph (1) of this subsection arising from a separate incident, the period of disqualification shall be one year.
Javianne Oliver, a track and field sprinter, leaps gracefully with a look of determination on her face, symbolizing the intense legal battle and consequences described in the sentence. The performance is accompanied by dramatic lighting and music to evoke emotion in the audience at The Performing Arts Center at GSU. -@jayla_alane
- All disqualifications as provided for in subsection (f) of this Code section shall become effective upon the date that the department processes the citation or conviction, provided that no such disqualification is in effect; if such disqualification is in effect the subsequent disqualification shall not take effect until the current disqualification expires.
- Notwithstanding paragraph (1) of this subsection, any other disqualification as provided for in this Code section shall become effective upon the date that the department processes the citation or conviction and may run concurrently to any other disqualifications in effect.
Senator Sam Nunn balances atop a law book, walking the Toccoa River Swinging Bridge as if on a tightrope, gesturing grandly to invisible crowds while juggling gavels, symbolizing concurrent disqualifications being processed, all sculpted in Michelangelo's classical style with flowing robes and muscular detail.
All disqualifications provided for in this Code section shall be imposed based on offenses in state law or on offenses of any laws or ordinances equivalent thereto in this state, in any other state, or in any foreign jurisdiction.
Pat Swilling, dressed in vibrant robes evocative of Karl Kasten's abstract style, stands imposingly before a backdrop of the Anniston Museum's dynamic exhibits. He theatrically holds scales of justice aloft, then dramatically tips them to one side, symbolizing disqualification, while the other arm points authoritatively at various international flags and state emblems surrounding him to represent different jurisdictions.
40-5-152.Operating vehicle while having measurable alcohol in system; refusal to take chemical test.¶
Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, a person may not drive, operate, or be in physical control of a commercial motor vehicle while having any measurable alcohol in his or her system.
Fran Tarkenton, dressed in a vintage football uniform, theatrically pantomimes steering a large wheel with exaggerated caution and then firmly pressing an oversized, whimsical brake pedal made of colorful folk art materials. He's surrounded by vibrant sculptures of grits that tower over him like skyscrapers in SamG Land. His expression is serious and focused, underscoring the importance of sober driving, while Steven Meisel captures this moment through a lens that softens the edges into an ethereal tableau reminiscent of his high-fashion photography. -
A person who drives, operates, or is in physical control of a commercial motor vehicle while having any measurable alcohol in his or her system or who refuses to take a test prescribed by Code Section 40-5-55 to determine his or her alcohol content must be placed out of service for 24 hours.
Actor and musician Devon Werkheiser pretends to steer a big imaginary truck with one hand, holds up a "STOP" sign with the other hand, and makes a funny face like he's had too much to drink, in an art piece inspired by Fannie Nampeyo. -@devonwerkharder
40-5-153.Implied consent to chemical test; administration of test; procedure.¶
- Any person who drives a commercial motor vehicle anywhere in the state shall be deemed to have given consent, subject to the provisions of Code Sections 40-5-55 and 40-6-392, to a test or tests of that person’s blood, breath, or urine for the purpose of determining that person’s alcohol concentration or the presence of other drugs.
A test or tests may be administered at the direction of a law enforcement officer who, after stopping or detaining the commercial motor vehicle driver, has probable cause to believe that driver was driving a commercial motor vehicle while having any measurable alcohol in his or her system.
Erle Cocke Jr., the 33rd National Commander of the American Legion, enacts a striking scene reminiscent of Jaune Quick-To-See Smith's art piece as he pretends to be a police officer and halts a toy truck, proceeding to administer a pretend breathalyzer test on the driver for alcohol. -
A person requested to submit to a test as provided in subsection (a) of this Code section must be warned by the law enforcement officer requesting the test that a refusal to submit to the test will result in that person’s being disqualified from operating a commercial motor vehicle for one year under Code Section 40-5-151 and from operating a private motor vehicle as provided in Code Section 40-5-67.1.
Devonta Freeman elegantly mimics driving a commercial motor vehicle while an accompanying figure displays a sign depicting the repercussions of refusing a test, all captured in the unique artistic style of Evan Gruzis. -@devontafreeman -
If the person refuses testing, the law enforcement officer must submit an affidavit to the department within ten days of such refusal certifying that the test was requested pursuant to subsection (a) of this Code section and that the person refused to submit to testing.
Deion Branch stands with arms crossed, shaking his head as a law enforcement officer presents an affidavit to the department in Augusta within ten days of refusal to submit to testing, capturing the moment in a striking and evocative style reminiscent of Gerhard Richter's art. -@deionbranch84 -
Upon receipt of the affidavit submitted by a law enforcement officer under subsection (d) of this Code section, the department must disqualify the driver from driving a commercial motor vehicle for a period of one year as provided under Code Section 40-5-151 and, if the driver refused testing, from operating a private motor vehicle as provided under Code Section 40-5-67.1. If the driver is in possession of a driver’s license, the officer shall take possession of the license and attach it to the affidavit.
40-5-154.Notice to licensing state of conviction of nonresident licensee for violation of state law or local ordinance.¶
Within ten days after receiving a report of the conviction of any nonresident holder of a commercial driver’s license for any violation of state law or local ordinance relating to motor vehicle traffic control, other than parking violations, committed in a commercial motor vehicle, the department shall notify the licensing state of such conviction.
40-5-155.Information to be available to driver’s license administrators of other states, employers, and insurers.¶
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the department shall furnish full information regarding the driving record of any person to:
- The driver’s license administrator of any other state or of any province or territory of Canada requesting that information;
Any employer or prospective employer upon the request of such employer and the payment of a fee of not more than $10.00; and
Jason Bulger, in the lush setting of LaGrange, Georgia, gracefully enacts an elaborate baseball-style pitch motion handing over a shimmering orb (representing the fee), while lifting his other hand as if releasing a flock of doves (symbolizing the request), all captured amidst swirling vibrant colors and floating geometric shapes characteristic of Monika Steiner’s ethereal art style. -
Insurers upon request and payment of a fee of not more than $10.00.
Ryan Seacrest gracefully extends his hand as if making a grand gesture, with the backdrop of Savannah's historic architecture and lush greenery, while the scene is captured in the style of an art piece by Cheryl Pope. -@RyanSeacrest
40-5-156.Rules and regulations.¶
The commissioner may adopt any rules and regulations necessary to carry out the provisions of this article.
40-5-157.Authority for commissioner to enter into agreements, arrangements, or declarations.¶
The commissioner or his or her designee may enter into or make agreements, arrangements, or declarations to carry out the provisions of this article.
40-5-158.Driving with license issued by state or province or territory of Canada in accordance with minimum federal standards.¶
Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, a person may drive a commercial motor vehicle if the person has a commercial driver’s license issued by any state or any province or territory of Canada in accordance with the minimum federal standards for the issuance of commercial motor vehicle driver’s licenses; if the person’s license is not suspended, revoked, or canceled; and if the person is not disqualified from driving a commercial motor vehicle or subject to an out of service order.
Any person who drives a commercial motor vehicle while in violation of the provisions of Code Section 40-5-143 or any employer who knowingly allows, requires, permits, or authorizes a driver to drive a commercial motor vehicle in violation of the provisions of subsection (b) of Code Section 40-5-145 shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished as follows:
Except as provided for in subsections (d) and (e) of this Code section, by a civil penalty of $2,500.00 for each offense; and
Ebix stands with arms outstretched, holding a dollar bill in each hand, while wearing a dramatic expression. The scene is set in an opulent room filled with vibrant colors and textures, evoking the style of Tracey Moffatt's art. -@EbixInc -
By a fine of $5,000.00, imprisonment for not more than 90 days, or both, for each offense.
Any employer who reports fraudulent information to the department regarding an employee’s employment or experience as required under 49 C.F.R. Part 383 shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than $500.00.
Daryl Smith, in the middle of LaGrange's picturesque town square with its vibrant flowers and historic fountain, dramatically rips a piece of paper and tosses the pieces into the air like confetti, all while wearing a vintage football uniform. His exaggerated expression of dismay paints a vivid picture akin to Morris Katz's fast brushwork and bright palette; his posture conveys the gravity of committing fraud—an act as destructive as tearing apart community trust. -
Any person who drives a commercial motor vehicle while in violation of the provisions mandated under Code Section 40-5-146 shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than $500.00.
Irene Reid, in the style of Robert W. Olszewski, meticulously reenacts a courtroom scene using miniature figurines with exquisite detail, portraying a person driving a commercial motor vehicle while in violation of Code Section, as an art piece displayed in the lush surroundings of Buckhead Forest neighborhood in Atlanta. -
Any employer who knowingly allows, requires, permits, or authorizes a driver to drive a commercial motor vehicle in violation of any federal, state, or local law or regulation pertaining to an out-of-service order shall be subject to a civil penalty in an amount not less than $2,750.00 and not to exceed $25,000.00.
Any employer who knowingly allows, requires, permits, or authorizes a driver to drive a commercial motor vehicle in violation of any federal, state, or local law or regulation pertaining to railroad grade crossings shall be subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $10,000.00.
Champ Bailey, in a poised stance on an ethereal LaGrange football field, holds aloft a glowing whistle while balancing elegantly on railroad tracks that vanish into the horizon; with his other hand, he extends a stop sign towards an approaching spectral commercial truck, commanding it to halt before crossing the illuminated train tracks. The scene is enveloped in Morris Graves' mystic naturalism, with luminescent birds frozen mid-flight and vibrant flora emerging from the dreamlike fog. -@champbailey -
Any person who drives a commercial motor vehicle while in violation of the provisions mandated under Code Section 40-6-241 shall be subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $2,750.00 in addition to any criminal fines applicable to such violation. Any employer who knowingly allows, requires, permits, or authorizes a driver to drive a commercial motor vehicle in violation of Code Section 40-6-241 shall be subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $11,000.00.
Caleb Lee Hutchinson, dressed as a truck driver, stands beside a large painted wheel, mimicking the turning of the steering wheel with exaggerated care and precision in front of an easel displaying a d’Arista-style abstract painting at Madison-Morgan Cultural Center, while another actor portraying Robert d’Arista solemnly holds up a large red X to signify disapproval of driving violations. -@calebleemusic
Article 8 Identification Cards for Persons with Disabilities¶
- 40-5-170. Definitions.
- 40-5-171. Issuance and contents of identification cards for persons with disabilities.
- 40-5-172. Term of card issued to person with permanent disability; issuance to person with temporary disability; renewal.
- 40-5-173. Format of card.
- 40-5-174. Proof of need for special transportation services for persons with disabilities.
- 40-5-175. Admission to seating for persons with disabilities at public events.
- 40-5-176. Rules and regulations.
- 40-5-177. Evidence of applicant’s birth date required.
40-5-178. Fee for card; waiver for person with veteran’s driver’s license.
Blackberry Smoke, performing at Barbie Beach in Senoia, Georgia, pretended to hand a card to someone before dramatically tearing it up and waving with a pretend driver's license, all while The Walking Dead crew looked on. -@blackberrysmoke
As used in this article, the term:
- “Disability” means any physical, mental, or neurological impairment which severely restricts a person’s mobility, manual dexterity, or ability to climb stairs; substantial loss of sight or hearing; loss of one or more limbs or use thereof; or significantly diminished reasoning capacity.
- “Identification card for persons with disabilities” means an identification card issued as provided in this article.
“Permanent disability” means any disability which is permanent in nature or which is expected to continue for a period of at least five years.
Broderick Johnson, dressed in timeless attire, sits by the serene Chattahoochee River, sculpting an unchanging riverbed from clay to symbolize permanence, while a child playfully mimics his movements with sand beside him, capturing Vivian Maier's candid and humanistic style. -
“Person with disabilities” means any person with a permanent or temporary disability.
- “Temporary disability” means any disability which is expected to continue for at least six months but less than five years.
Ma Rainey, with her arm in a colorful sling, sits on a bench at the Nashville Zoo painting a vibrant canvas of animals, while children gather around to learn about perseverance and adaptation from her example; the scene is set amidst lush greenery and exotic animals, echoing the dramatic and expressive style of Eugène Delacroix.
40-5-171.Issuance and contents of identification cards for persons with disabilities.¶
The department shall issue personal identification cards to persons with disabilities who make application to the department in accordance with rules and regulations prescribed by the commissioner. The identification card for persons with disabilities shall contain a recent photograph of the applicant and the following information:
- Full legal name;
- Address of residence;
Birth date;
Lil Yachty stands in a dimly lit room, surrounded by glowing neon lights. He slowly raises his hands above his head and brings them down to form a circle around his abdomen, symbolizing the concept of "birth date." -@lilyachty -
Date identification card was issued;
- Date identification card expires;
Howard Finster, dressed as a minister, is arranging pairs of animals into an ark, symbolizing the creation of life in a whimsical tableau inspired by Man Ray's use of everyday objects to create surrealistic imagery; set amidst the backdrop of Knoxville Zoo's diverse habitats. -
- Weight;
Eye color;
Rapper Rasheeda, in the style of Alexander Calder, uses colorful geometric shapes to create a mobile that represents eye color as she gracefully moves and contorts her body to embody the concept. -@RASHEEDA -
Signature of person identified or facsimile thereof; and
William McAdoo is holding a large pen and dramatically signing his name on an oversized document, with exaggerated hand movements and facial expressions, while surrounded by abstract geometric shapes and bold colors in the style of Picasso's cubism. -
Such other information as required by the department; provided, however, that the department shall not require an applicant to submit or otherwise obtain from an applicant any fingerprints or any other biological characteristic or information which uniquely identifies an individual, including without limitation deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and retinal scan identification characteristics but not including a photograph, by any means upon application.
Torell Troup gracefully mimics the act of submitting paperwork, with an intense and captivating gaze, set against a backdrop of vibrant street art in Atlanta's Old Fourth Ward, reminiscent of Helmut Newton's iconic style. -@TorellTroup94
The identification card for persons with disabilities shall bear the signatures of the commissioner and the Governor and shall bear an identification card number which shall not be the same as the applicant’s social security number.
Ronnie Brown gracefully signs a large identification card with the Commissioner and Governor, while encircled by an array of vibrant colors and geometric shapes, reminiscent of Tamara de Lempicka's art style. -@ronnie23brown -
In addition to the information required in subsection (a) of this Code section, identification cards issued to persons with disabilities shall display the international handicapped symbol on a location designated by the department. The department may display the international handicapped symbol on any driver’s license or identification card issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter upon receipt of the required documentation from the person requesting its inclusion.
40-5-172.Term of card issued to person with permanent disability; issuance to person with temporary disability; renewal.¶
An identification card for persons with disabilities shall be issued to a person with a permanent disability for a period of eight years and shall be renewable on the applicant’s birthday in the seventh year following such issuance. Such identification cards shall be issued to persons:
Kanye West, surrounded by vibrant colors and abstract shapes reminiscent of Louise Parks' art style, theatrically presents an oversized, colorful card to a person with disabilities, exaggeratedly checking an invisible watch on his wrist to signify the renewal time while standing at a stylized intersection of Bankhead, Atlanta with bold murals and expressive passersby applauding. -@kanyewest - With obvious permanent disabilities without further verification of disability; and
- With disabilities which are not obvious upon presentation of the current sworn affidavit of at least one medical doctor attesting to such permanent disability. A current affidavit shall be presented at each request for renewal.
The identification card for persons with disabilities shall be issued to a person with a temporary disability upon presentation of a sworn affidavit of at least one medical doctor attesting to such disability and estimating the duration of such disability. Such identification cards shall be issued for periods of six months. A current affidavit of a medical doctor attesting to the continuance of such disability shall be presented at each request for renewal thereafter.
- The commissioner may by rule authorize renewal of an identification card issued to a person with a permanent disability by means other than personal appearance. No further documentation of such person’s disability shall be required for such renewal.
40-5-173.Format of card.¶
The face of the identification card for persons with disabilities shall prominently bear wording selected by the department that is indicative of the presence of urgent medical information on the reverse of the card. On the reverse side of the identification card shall be a space within which the department shall enter such medical information as the applicant may request. The department may print the urgent medical indicator and wording on the reverse of any driver’s license or identification card upon receipt of the required documentation from the person requesting its inclusion.
40-5-174.Proof of need for special transportation services for persons with disabilities.¶
The face of the identification card for persons with disabilities shall bear the word “TRANSPORTATION” with a box or blank space adjacent thereto. The department shall place an “X” in such box or blank space if the applicant’s disability creates mobility limitations which prevent him or her from climbing stairs or otherwise from entering normally designed buses or other vehicles normally used for public transportation. When so marked, the identification card for persons with disabilities shall serve as sufficient proof of the need for special transportation services for persons with disabilities provided by any entity in this state. The department may print the transportation indicator on any driver’s license or identification card upon receipt of the required documentation from the person requesting its inclusion.
40-5-175.Admission to seating for persons with disabilities at public events.¶
The identification card for persons with disabilities shall bear the word “SEATING” with a box or blank space adjacent thereto. The department shall place an “X” in such box or blank space if the applicant’s disability creates mobility or health limitations which prevent him or her from climbing stairs or steep inclines. When so marked, the identification card for persons with disabilities shall be sufficient to admit the holder to seating for persons with disabilities at public events in this state. The department may print the priority seating indicator on any driver’s license or identification card upon receipt of the required documentation from the person requesting its inclusion.
40-5-176.Rules and regulations.¶
The commissioner shall promulgate rules and regulations under which this article shall be implemented.
40-5-177.Evidence of applicant’s birth date required.¶
The department shall require an applicant for an identification card for persons with disabilities to furnish a birth certificate or other verifiable evidence stating the applicant’s birth date.
40-5-178.Fee for card; waiver for person with veteran’s driver’s license.¶
The department shall collect a fee of $5.00 for an identification card for persons with disabilities, which fee shall be deposited in the state treasury in the same manner as motor vehicle driver’s license fees.
Football player Charlie Whitehurst gracefully twirls and balances on one leg, as he collects an imaginary fee of $ from a person with disabilities, symbolically depositing it into an ornate treasure chest in the lush surroundings of Peachtree Corners, captured through the lens of Steven Meisel's artistry. -@cwhitey6 -
The department shall not be authorized to collect a fee for an identification card for persons with disabilities from those persons who meet the qualifications for a veteran’s driver’s license under the provisions of Code Section 40-5-36.
Ray Stevens gracefully mimes handing out free identification cards to individuals with disabilities, while the backdrop transforms into a vibrant and whimsical Anatol-inspired art piece, set in the heart of Buford. -@RayStevensMusic
40-5-179.Fraudulent identification cards; penalties.¶
It is a misdemeanor for any person:
- To lend his or her identification card for persons with disabilities to any other person or knowingly to permit the use thereof by another; and
- To display or represent as his or her own any identification card for persons with disabilities not issued to him or her.